While walking past their bedroom the other night, I overheard Chase tell McKay the following:
"Old fashioned things are so much better. They're not made of cheap junk, and they last a lot longer. I just can't waste my time on plastic anymore."
Amen, brother. Amen.
I always want to say something kinda witty in my comments, but as it turns out, I got nothin' today. YOU, however, are not only blogger extraordinaire, you also take amazing pictures and have beautiful children. Where, oh where, do your talents end?
I love this thinking! I bet he got that from his momma! NO doubt!
I really like this kid.
Ok, I predict you will pull out this blog posting sometime in the years to come when he switches sides and finds something new he really, really, really wants. Say a shiny red sports car when he's 16 years old.
How funny! He sounds like a smart kid.
speechless... wise beyond his years.
that boy is precious
Wise words. His mother must be very, very smart.
Oh, Chase. He's one of those old souls in a young little body, isn't he?!
Awesome photo.
That boy is where its at!
That photo looks like something from a magazine. Seriously. And I loved your son's comment. Does he ever play video games? Or am I the only slacker mom?
I finally came up with my own "Letter to Me" and posted it on my blog. A couple of my readers came up with really good ones. Thanks for the inspiration!
Chase is mature beyond his years.
i'm so glad we're real life friends now so that i can tell you how fascinated and intrigued i am with your son, and you won't have to go private on me.
I can't deny that I love the plunking sound of a typewriter! What a cutie Chase is!
I don't think I even knew the difference when I was his age...between old fashioned and cheap modern plastic. Way to go, Chase!
Can he teach that to my boys?
Amen is right. They make things out of total crap these days.
I am so impressed with him! Such wisdom...TRULY!
From your descriptions, he reminds me so much of my 10 year old. Although he hasn't rejected plastic yet, but he does write books with paper and a pencil.
Amen. Amen.
I try and buy Jaimen the old classic stuff. I found a cool website around Christmas last year that had all the old wooden toys that I used to have when I was little. They are so much better, and more durable too.
He's so cute and a very Old Soul!
It is the young and the wise that will lead.....food for thought.
I love it...."I just can't waste my time..." heeheee
"I just can't waste my time on plastic anymore". That is priceless. When he does great things with himself in the future this can be a quote they use for him. It's great! I love this kid (and I've never met him).
He's amazing! I love his young wisdom.
I'm sure more people need to say that last line..."I just can't waste my time on plastic anymore." (meaning credit cards...haha!)
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