Meet Alissa. Amazing photographer, mother of four beautiful babies, and blogger extraordinaire.
Now meet her genius idea (seriously, go check hers out).
And now see my literal rip-off of her genius idea:

I honestly didn't care, so enamored was I with this idea.
I uploaded the pics, added the words in Photoshop, and then sent them online to my local Sam's Club. Within an hour, I had the photos in-hand. I made small slits at their fists with an xacto knife, inserted the lollies, and BAM. Best. valentines. ever. Total effort on my part? Maybe 20 minutes.
And that counts the break I took in the middle to get a snack.
Because sitting in a chair using an xacto knife? Totally nutrient draining.
So thanks, Alissa, and hats off to you, sister. Were it not for you, I would have been resigned to the tacky crap I hate at Target with pictures of Sponge Bob and Sleeping Beauty. These pictures are so much better.
See? All the pretty soldiers, lined up and ready to go:

And yeah, you're welcome.
This is genius.
Thanks for sharing!
So very cool! Since the kids get home schooled will have to pass out in primary. oops I forgot I now have one in ymyw.
LOVE this and so mad we are done with valentines....UGH!
Fabulous!! Too bad ours are heart bear cards, already written and ready to go. Impressed at your ability to share the goodness of it. Really, I would have been tempted to keep it to myself.
Totally totally totally the best valentines ever. But my tacky-Camp-Rock valentines are already done and I'll NEVER remember next year. Please repost?? On February 5, 2010?
YOU ARE AWESOME. I am totally doing this. At least trying to do this... we'll see how it turns out.
I am totally going to do this when my kiddos are in school! I love it! Curse that the joy school party was on Wednesday, and I toiled for hours over those "homemade" ones that I was going to have Kate do all by herself. Forgetting the fact that 2 year olds have the attention span to do about 1/2 of one on their own. There were 7 kids. Me and my OCD self are so over valentines that are homemade. And no there won't be a blog posting about this event. It was so nuts, and I had valentine hangover the next day with all of the mess still around my small home. Sorry to vent. I just think this idea is amazing!
Thanks for next year's card. Already went the easy route of character cards. They turned out fantastic.
This is perfect!! I love it. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Those turned out so cute! Your kids definitely have the best valentines!
Yay! They turned out SO great!
Everytime I look at ours they send me into giggle fits with the proportions of everything.
I'm for sure going to remember that idea when Maya is in school... so darling!
Wow! Best idea ever! Seriously.
Best idea ever. but too late. We are just finishing all names on the tacky ones right now. No spongebob, Just Tinkerbell, Indiana Jones, Sparkles, Yo gabba gabba
So sweet.
Are you an over achiever?
Ah, that I had seen this yesterday...
Not that I would have had any time. What with my crazy life, but it sure is a fab idea.
This is very cool. Good work getting them all done!
That is a really cool idea! How did you come up with that? I'm going to have to remember this one.
These are great. I agree with Jessica. I need a re-post next year, please.
Fantastic idea, and yours turned out so well! I'll definitely do this next year!
OMG- best ever. I absolutely love this. SO saving it for next year.
How much do I love this? A bunch!! I'll have to file it away in the recesses of my brain until next year though since I've already done something not nearly as cool.
oh yeah, you can bet your sweet lollipop we are making these!!
thank you!!!
OH MY GOODNESS! How absolutely adorable are those??? Unfortunately I just finished (less than an hour ago) filling out all the silly "lego" valentine's that my sons Bummer...but I'll file this away for next year!! Thanks for sharing!
So very cute. You win the prize for best cards for sure.
next year... next year...
Those Valentine's are true things of beauty!!!!!!! Fabulous!
I laughed heartily at your saying that using the xacto knife is totally nutrient draining. I can only imagine *phew*.
Would it be weird to photo myself and pass them on the neighbor kids? (I could stage the pic like a "keep away" from my 3 year old.)
SOOO cuute Stie. Love the idea.
And your kids look adorable- dirty or not.
I did 45 treat bags & 8 teacher gifts and I was dying. Wish I had seen this before.
Miss you.....sorry I've fallen off the map. Promise to be better. ;)
There's always next year right?
Those are very cool. But since they lack NASCAR, Transformers, and Speedracer, my boys would pass. Probably even if they hadn't already finished them.
I will somehow, someday use this for seminary since my kids are all (sob!) grown up and don't give out Valentines anymore! Wowza! Love this.
Ok, I know someone who is sort of allergic to technology. Expect a call in say, 5-ish years, with said allergic person asking you to walk her specifically through each step of the sweet-valentine-making process. Now I just have to work on getting some children to make the valentines for. On that note, I'll see you when I come back from my trip to Texas to visit the husband! :)
dammit. read it too late. our vday stuff was yesterday. no school today. totally doing this next year though. including the snack break.
Oh, I wonder if this card will be "the thing" next year.
That Alissa is brilliant. I will have to copy next year when my boy is in school.
Darn wish I had seen these sooner. But I'm filling this for next year, so thanks for the idea. They are great!!
PLEASE help me remember this idea next year!
Supe cute. Love the pictures of your children. What a great idea! (We bought the boxed crap - I had to punch them all out, assemble, write names, and then stuff envelopes. Never again!)
I LOVE it!
I will have to do that next year!
That really is awesome. THis year I was so mad I had to fork over the $3 per box for the cheesy paper princess ones! I'm doing this next year!
Such an awesome idea! I love it!
Those are so adorable!
It's too late! It's too late! Oh, what misery. *Grumbling* there's always next year.
I totally ripped off your stolen idea. Saving it for next year for my students! Great idea!
Absolutely beautiful!!!
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