A Monday morning to-do list.
Written, unbeknownst to me, by my eight-year-old, Chase.
He had carefully laid out his plans and must-do tasks for the day. They are:
- Wake up (already done and crossed off)
- Eat breakfast
- Do jobs
- Do mathsheets
- Read Chet Gecko #3
- Play with McKay and Hannah?
- Eat lunch
- Specile [special] family outing
- Come home
- Eat dinner
- Read the Little House in the Big Woods?
- Go to sleep
What I love more than just the fact that he's actually written this list himself (which, I'll be honest, does make my heart go all a flutter), is that he put a question mark on playing with his brother and sister, and reading a book before bed.
Because one certainly cannot count on later wanting to do these items.
One must always leave room for changing one's mind.
I think we definitely got the right baby at the hospital. No doubt in my mind.
What I DON'T understand is how ONE child can get Both you AND your husbands most UNSAVORY qualities.. i.e. Slob (throwing trash behind the bed, rather than the garbage can...not me) and Never wanting to go to bed because you are worried you will miss the party.. oh yes.. that would be me.
So cute! I am a total list person... I make several lists for everything. So far, my kids don't show any signs of being list people though. I am slowly converting hubby...
That is awesome! I did love the question mark next to playing with his siblings. :0) Sometimes we JUST DON'T WANNA.
Oh...he is my kind of kid.
A list maker at eight?
Sounds divine!
Yea and soon the chicks will be hitting on him at Costco. Hahaha! He can't go wrong with you two as his parents. Be proud!
Priceless. I like to throw a few easy ones in my list too (like wake up, eat dinner). It helps to have a couple automatic check-offs, I find.
That was too funny! Thanks for the chuckle :)
What a cute kid. Sounds like he has big plans for his summer at home! Can't wait to hear about the specile family outing!
ooh... annie is a strategist. i like that.
i feel so much pride right now, that i'm considering asking if i can adopt your son. don't worry about there being a void, because i'll give you all three of my kids for chase.
I love it. I need to put "waking up" on my list too 'cause sometimes that's the hardest thing! I should take a tip and give myself credit.
This is just so fantastic. All of us list-loving moms are coveting your son at the moment. This helped me to resolve to teach list-writing at our house.
I totally did that when I was little too. I didn't want the day to pass me by and then not have done all that I wanted to do. Playing with Hannah and McKay ...something he just couldn't decide on, I guess. Cute.
Maren does the same kinds of lists! They are SO getting married.
I love the fact that he's reading Little House in Big Woods.
I'm adding that one to my list, too.
What a cute little list maker!
OK girl, I managed to resist your caramel bars, but in an act of true blogging bliss my darling neighbor Ashli made them and delivered a plate to my kitchen counter where they lasted exactly 3.5 seconds.
Oh my! Heaven! And at the grocery store later that day, a bottle of caramel sauce mysteriously made it's way into my cart.
I thank you, my dear, but I also blame you that I can't zip up my skirt this morning!
What a cute post! I am so a list maker and so far only one of my 6 kids makes a list everyday! And they are all GROWN!
At 8, I would count my many blessings!
And the easy things on the list, is a good way to pat yourself on the back! I might try that too!
Wake up! Cute!
This is the boy with the spiderman jammies and the mohawk, the frog fetish and the WWII hobby...what a great combination of traits!
They say the apple does not fall to far from the tree!
this kid cracks me up! can you send him my way to teach my boys?
He could be my kid. I love lists. The waking up one is genius, I have to try that one.
I like that he is not forgetting to plan eating and reading into his schedule!
Kids have a wonderfully simple perspective sometimes, and it's charming to get a peek into it.
That Chase is a keeper! Good penmanship too...
All I can see is how neatly he writes and how well he spells. What I wouldn't give to have one of those in my house!! :)
I always have get dressed, eat and check email on my list so that I for sure get 3 things checked off with my red sharpie. Or at least 2out of the three!
I'm going to try the whole question mark thing...laundry? And since it had a maybe-maybe not question mark after it, I won't feel bad when it doesn't get done.
Wish I could take after him...
He is so cute! You'll have to let us know if he accomplishes everything on his list.
Soooooo cute!
That is so fantastic that he makes a list and carries out his plans.
I love how you ended with explaining that you got the right baby at the hospital ;)
I think I got the right babies, too- because so far this summer all they want to do is whine and eat all day.
Love the list!! I always made lots of lists and then never followed them. Not much has changed.
Why is it your son gets your list making skills while mine gets my unbelievably whiny skills?
Count your blessings indeed.
I want to know if you obliged his list making by enabling every activity. I know I would. At least you know what to expect during the day, right?
NICE! Chase is an accountant in the making. I'm glad he decided to come home in #9-wouldn't want him to make a mistake and go to someone else's house...like Andrea's. Chet Ghecko-very cool!
Priceless! At least he knows where he's going & what he's doing, while still leaving room for changing his mind. LOL
Very cute indeed.
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