Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What happens when Spiderman has a major growth spurt

I tried to make him promise never to wear this EVER. AGAIN.

He simply couldn't imagine why.


Bridget said...

Go Chase! What superhero wears a baggy uniform? Come on. It fits.

Bridget said...

p.s. does the mohawk make him more or less aerodynamic when he's swinging down dark alleys?

Annie said...

It's Spidey meets the Incredible Hulk meets whatever-superhero-wears-a-mohawk.

I love to catch glimpses of your house. You've made it so gorgeous! (And I know your OCD is conflicted about the yellow thing on the floor in the second photo. Thanks for keeping it real {although your "real" is my impossibly perfect}.)

Lindsey said...

Actually, I am glad to see that boys his age still have fun dressing up... I think........

Travelin'Oma said...

Does he scale walls and zip around on his web? He looks the part!

Ashlee said...

That is awesome! That happened to my son too. Except his spidey outfit had the built in muscles. :0) We passed it along to his little cousin...who actually wears it appropriately. :0)

Anonymous said...

This one made me laugh at loud. That sweet gawky age when they are in between big kid and little kid. So funny. Love it.

Tina said...

That is awesome! Aren't all super hero's "costumes" skin tight? Why should his be any different?

Kimberly said...

What do you mean it doesn't fit? He would fit right in with the people strolling to Mission Beach! Did you ever go there? The one time we visited, there was a man on roller blades wearing a batman mask and a bright yellow thong with the batman emblem painted on each butt cheek. On second thought, maybe Chase should NEVER wear that again. The thought of him wearing that and strolling down Mission Beach when he's 40 is very haunting!

Linsey said...

I love that he has his hands in the web shooting pose in these pics. The mohawk totally makes the look!

Blazing Goddess said...

You may need to point out that tube socks are a known detractor from superhero mojo. (*snerk*)

♥Shally said...


My Jaxon still puts on his Superman costume from 3 years ago.

I swear it is going to impair his ability to have children...

the wrath of khandrea said...

oh yes, one day that picture will come back to haunt him. and then, you can expect to hear these four magic words: "name your price, mom."

way to go.

the wrath of khandrea said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
friend of a friend said...

Oh yes,
his wife will definitely love that pic.

Wendi said...

These may become great "Bribery" photos one day!

Is your husband sporting the same "do" these days? Just asking.

Holly said...

Oh. Oh my. The incredible shrinking costume WITH the mowhawk. What a sight.

Still a cute boy though!

Anna said...

wow, that's funny.

gab said...

Yes. I agree...that photo has blackmail written all over it!!

queenieweenie said...

Oh...future photo for his fiance.

Family Adventure said...

Even with the mohawk he looks SO MUCH like you. Except in tighter spidey clothes :)


Lorena said...

So, the mohawk is still there. Is that good or bad?

Chatter said...

Awesome!! I love these pictures. I must say, he makes a very good Spiderman. And I have to agree with the rest, it couldn't fit better :)

Emily said...

Love the outfit! And I so know what you mean about getting busy and being gone--just caught up on three of your posts. Those basement projects TOTALLY take over! I have no other life right now. (except to read your blog that is.) And as for the caramel bars--I make the same ones and am fatter, and happier, and applauded by all I know, for it!

Lisa-Marie said...

he is so going to regret that one day!!

diane said...

My hero! Does Spidey have growing pains?!

jess said...

laugh out loud.
someday he will wonder how he ever let you get a picture of that, let alone with spidey poses! awesome.

Liz said...

Aaww, they grow so fast, don't they?

Liz said...

Aaww, they grow so fast, don't they?

Hollyween said...

Those are great blackmail pictures that you can show to his future wife.


Unknown said...

Those are the greatest pictures I've ever seen! Can't wait to see his wedding video someday! I wish I could look that skinny when I "grow"!

melissa walker said...

I wish I felt as comfortable wearing clothes that I am growing out of--thanks to your caramel bars! I tried the recipe out on a relief society potluck lunch and it won me many friends (and possibly enemies) as they ate they entire pan!

Laurie said...

Laughing out loud! Love the pose and the skinniness. So looking forward to his response to these pics in 5 years!

Cecily R said...

We have a ninja that lives in our house who looks wildly similar!!

Lauren in GA said...

Oh, I can so see one of these pictures framed on a table at his wedding reception.

Awwwwwwwwww, why not?

I love that he didn't understand why you don't want him to wear it again. :)

Lynsie said...

That picture is so funny.
My brother is 6ft and wore a childrens halloween costume one year, and Chase this reminds me of that horrible tiny costume he squoze into.
Thanks for that!! :)

Kristy said...

LOVE IT! This has such potential for being used on prom night, senior slide show (if his school does that), and at his wedding. Sheer genius, Christie, sheer genius.

What a ham your boy is! Too cute!

CJ, The Purple Diva said...

OH this is so funny! I wish I could find the pictures of my youngest in his spiderman costume! He wore it for YEARS! I think it had holes in the knees before he quit wearing it! He cried when we threw it away!