I think I love the half-hour after dinner, showers, and PJ's the best. The dishes are usually done. The kids all smell nice and clean. The house is silent, but for the sweet little voice of this girl, reading out loud to her mama. Our favorite lately is anything Junie B. Jones. But we laughed ourselves silly at
this old classic the other day.

The quiet is briefly interrupted by one of these wily fellows, wanting to share something funny from their books, or stumbling upon a word they're not quite sure of.

The day's cares have melted away. There is a look of contentment on each of their faces, as they are immersed in one of my favorite worlds - the wonderful world of books.

I have raised three readers, and I might just think myself a success for fact that alone.
That is my favorite time of the day too. I love that my daughter is now reading to her little brother and that my oldest has discovered Harry Potter. It's one of the best things we can do as parents.
Books, PJs, quiet time--that warms my heart too. Nurturing the love of reading, job very well done, Mom.
Love the engrossed looks on their faces.
I left the hospital after birthing my babies and drove straight to the library. We immersed our kids with the wonderful world of children's literature. We LOVED to read together when they were preschoolers. But now? Only 1 of our 4 love to read, and a second child is willing, and two don't care to read at all. How does that happen? So YAY for you. I hope they keep it up.
Did I mention I love your blog? I ran across it randomly a while back. You've got a nice little family.
Really, nothing beats reading in the winter!!!! Nothing! Nice post!
Definitely a good thing to have readers. I have one so far and two that love to be read too, so I'm hoping that I will have evenings like yours in the not-so-distant future!
Way to go MOm...live long lovers of reading!
I can't wait to see those days!
Yeah, I kindof hope that the love of reading I've instilled in my kids will cancel out some of the other unfortunates in my mothering...maybe someday when they are on their therapists' couches, they will forget that there was some yelling and screeching and freaking on my part, and they will focus on the reading that we loved to do together...
how about a post of all of your favorite novels you've read aloud with your kids?? I'd love to compare notes!
Definitely a success.
Ah, I have much to learn from you because it is usually me hiding away from my kids with a good book. I need to work on having story time with the kids more often...
That is something to be proud of! :)
this is lovely and peaceful and exactly what an evening at home should be like!
I hope that my children will share that same love of reading!
Another beautiful post! I love the way you can that deep feeling of love for your children with your words and pictures. You bring out the best (and the funniest) of motherhood.
And that's great mothering!
A success and a HUGE one. I hope mine are as lucky. I love this time of day too but for me it is still one reader snuggled on the bed and three listeners crowded around.
p.s. love Hannah's blue nail polish!
Yep, just what I was thinking while I was reading your blog- that you did a great job if all 3 love to read! I am proud of you! If a child enjoys reading, pretty much they are guaranteed to be successful in anything they do. So much depends on it! So far, so good with us too. 2 readers, 2 to hope for.
Oh, and your routine sounds so...in order. We are still running around after baths and dinner- the house is loud, kids screaming, ...some nights are better than others.
love the blue nailpolish. great pictures too. i'm too tired today to be witty. sorry my comment is as lame as saying "cute kids! LOL!"
still heart ya though.
That's cute to have them all with their nose in a book! My SIL has to make her son go to sleep, or he'll read himself silly past midnight.
Pat yourself on the back!
Doesn't it feel like all's right with the world in those moments? Here's to readers--they'll thank you for the rest of their lives!
Well, i'nt that special.
Love it! There are few better sights than my boys reading.
Bravo mom! Dr Suess says it best...“The more that you read, the more things you'll know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” In our house it's either reading or drawing and sometimes a little of both. My favorite too!
I love it. It's so good to see kids loving books. Way to go!
Good for you!! I love how you have your reading time after dinner and bath. My boys do theirs right after homework and before dinner; but I think I like your time best. Starting tomorrow I'm incorperating it into our schedule.
We love Junie B at our house too. I read them aloud to my kindergartner and preschooler. They laugh their gust out. You are a success in many ways. I hope my kids love to read too.
Ooooohhh....I am a reading teacher to middle schoolers. You have done something wonderful because you have TWO boys reading. Thank you for all the encouragement at home. Your children will always be successful because they enjoy reading.
I'm reading this just as I finish with baths, cleaning, laundry, etc. Unfortunately, there's no school tomorrow so we're having sleepovers and I'm insanely jealous of the quiet reading time! Maybe tomorrow night...
I love the pics of all the kids. They are so cute and boy to the all look cozy in their jammies. That's awesome they are all readers. Woohoo for that!
It is wonderful that all of your children are readers. So far my little girl (just turned 5) is following in my footsteps and I *think* my little boy (almost 3) is too. I certainly do my best to share my love of reading with them.
~ Sarah
I guess I want my kids to have testimonies...but I really really REALLY want them to be readers.
I certainly do everything I can to lead by example!!
(and everyone knows the testimony thing's a joke, right?)
I know I am beating a dead horse here, but seriously, I could paste and copy this post, replace the photos and the bit about the girlie reading to me, and claim it as my own. Right down to laughing out loud at those seven silly children who try to bake a cake for their over worked mama. My favorite part about that book are the illustrations where she is trying to play her cello. Priceless.
Yes, huge success!! I love that time of day too. THE best.
Well done.
Freshly showered boys are delicious!
Bookworms unite!! Love it.
This post made me feel so peaceful. I love how peaceful it looks at your house. We have a really hard time winding down and everyone goes cuckoo around bed time. I am going to encourage reading. I love that you have raised them to read. You are indeed a success. ☺
Seriously, that was so sweet to read. I can practically smell the freshly bathed kiddos and feel the peace and tranquility. You describe things so well.
I'm going to say a great big ditto to Lauren. My thoughts EXACTLY!
And I'll add a congrats, cause having kids who love to read is definitely a success!!!
We just started reading June B. Jones and I laugh hysterically every time the kids burst out laughing...I love watching their faces as they read something enjoyable and fun. Can't wait even more when they can all read to themselves....ahhhh, must be nice!
I love this time of day because I CAN READ TOO! I've often felt the same way...that I must be a good mother if all my kids are readers.
Junie B is the best! She's sure naughty, but VERY funny.
Give yourself a pat on the back! We are "Readers" too. For a punishment I have been known to take away a book! I am mean like that.
That looks so peaceful. It is SO NOT that way around here. I need to find a schedule that works fro us. I really want my days to end like that too.
Seems like from the time dinner gets in the table until everyone is asleep it's chaotic and go,go,go! Finish the dishes! Finish your home work! Get your things ready for tomorrow! Turn off the TV! No more computer! You're all late for bed!
Feel free to post about your daily routines so I can attempt copy them :)
The best book anyone ever gave me was the "Read-Aloud Handbook" before having babies. SO MANY problems in the world can be cured by kids who love books! Way to go!
Robyn always was our family "bookworm." Reading is growing on me...I just wish there were time for more leisure reading.
Awesome pictures! What good books have you read lately?
Let me get this straight....you have raised them to be readers because it's good for THEM?? I raised mine to be readers because they actually sit still and give me a minute of calm. Seriously, Junie B. Jones is a laugh riot and I love these pictures.
BTW, I've awarded you an award today so stop by to accept.
Great pictures. As a teacher and book lover myself I love seeing kids enjoy reading. Both of my kids like books and I hope it is something that they continue to enjoy for the rest of their lives.
Call me crazy, but jammie time and fresh smelling kids is my favorite time of the day. Especially if they brushed their teeth. That helps A TON.
When my children will little, bathtime waws my favrite time. Things slowed down. I played in the water with them and sometimes sat there and read a book or magazne while they played. We talked etc... it was calm and quiet and such a peaceful time.
Rebekah LOVES Junie B. Jones! I'm excited that we are ordering 3 in the series of Ramona by Beverly Cleary thru the school's Scholastic order. Remember those books? They were some of my favorites!! Micah is really excited to be having "homework"...he has to read his readers. He feels big being able to read Suess' Hop on Pop!! I like the down time too...
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