It took me a while to get our New Year's Eve pictures off my camera.
Probably because I've spent several weeks thinking of all the bad food that got eaten over the holidays, and how it was now permanently residing on my thighs.
Oh, the nerve of that holiday food.
But when I finally stopped staring at my thighs and hooked the camera up to the computer, I discovered a few gems that needed posting, if only for posterity's sake.

She was deliriously tired - it was midnight, after all - and she tore herself away from the company of her little girlfriends to come find her daddy for a toast. Wearing a paper princess crown, and sporting slightly crooked pigtails, she made sure to ring in the new year with the man in her life.
As much as she likes to make him work for it, he knows what he means to her. She has already mastered that thing they call coy, and he is powerless to resist her.
She, his little tomboy princess.

A happy new year, indeed.
Men soon find out that girls worth knowing will always require some work on their part.
Here's a New Year's toast that my little princess will make the men in her life work a bit harder too.
Ah yes, we girls are clever aren't we? Especially sweet little girls in a tiara.
Hmmm...maybe I need to start wearing a tiara. Or be sweet.
My kind of girl! I can't imagine the day when I let my kids stay up until the real midnight on New Year's, though...right now it wouldn't be pretty!
For sure, tomboy princesses are the best kind.
She is darling and what a cute relationship between her and her daddy. I also love your kitchen in the background. especially the floor.
What a cute picture. YOu can really see here how much Hannah looks like Josh too. I guess she isn't the milkman's daughter after all. ;-)
What a lovely post! I love that she found him to share a toast. I also love that he is powerless to resist her.
I would sure love to have a, "tomboy princess". May I steal that title? My boys don't want this baby to be a, "Girly Girl"...providing the baby is even female.
Oh, and I agree...the nerve of the holiday food, indeed!
Great pictures. She's gonna break some hearts when she grows up and goes to BYU, despite how much her grandpa protests.
That is so great. I'm guessing the offer to adopt her is off the table? Darn. I'd really like a tomboy princess. Or a girly princess. Double darn.
Your daughter looks so precious. I'm not surprised she has Daddy wrapped around her little finger. Love your posts. Always look forward to them.
So cute!
Look at that little chica. Learning how to wrap dads around little fingers is crucial daughter knowledge. Looks like she's mastered it.
Here's to a fantastic new year!
Hi christie,
I just have to say, ...she is so cute. I love that little face, and I don't wonder why she has her dad wrapped around her little tiny finger. The tiara is awesome.
Congrats to both those beautiful people--a daddy and a daughter never made a better pair!
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