Look what I got to play with for a few hours last week:

Gorgeous, isn't she? Her name is Zoey and I have been unofficially adopted as her aunt, and grafted illegally into her extended family, without most of their knowledge or consent.
I hope they don't mind.

Zoey and her cute mama were here visiting their real aunt and popped by to say hello. I immediately pulled out the camera and we had a little impromptu photo shoot. She was charming and adorable throughout the entire process, even when I made her strip down to her skivvies.

Plus, she let me hold her and smell her yummy neck, which is something house guests under the age of one will always be subjected to around here.

Please feel free to come visit me any time. (Just don't forget to bring your babies with you. They will guarantee admission to the House of Stie).
And I promise you will not have to strip down to your skivvies. [Unless you are or remotely resemble Daniel Craig or Mr. Darcy. Then all bets
(and shirts) are definitely off.]
Hee hee, Mr. Darcy can visit me any time...shirtless ;).
She is cute! Who couldn't help but take her picture?
Christie she is just precious. You should send those photos to talent agencies. That baby should be in print! TOo cute.
GORGEOUS. As my kids know, there can never be too many aunties or cameras.
What a beautiful girl! You captured her smiles so well too! The picture in the middle is one of the cutest pictures of a baby I have ever seen.
Those are absolutley beautiful pictures. The black & whites look very nostalgic.
Sweet baby, too!
she is adorable! love these photos stie!!!
Beautiful photos- she is just delicious.
Christie you wouldn't have to borrow other's babies if you would have another one of your own. I remember when your were expecting Hannah.... you were beautiful and deliriously happy. Why not try again?
Sorry I missed the sledding yesterday. I was prepped to go and then it all fell apart at the last minute...babies, husbands, other children...you know what I am talking about. Next time!
She is so yummy!!! The pictures you took are gorgeous. I love her little hands and wrists, too. Delicious!!!
What a precious little one! Congratulations on some sweet playtime!
Babies sure are cute...especially when you just have them for a few hours! I'm sending mine your way...
I love being "auntie" for a day. All of the fun and none of the fuss.
sorry I don't get Mr.Darcy but Daniel Craig is THE man. Oh, and cute baby too.
So do you think the cost of a plane trip could be explained by equating it to the cost of a sitting fee???
Would love to smell Mr. Darcy's yummy neck. Oh yeah the baby pictures are adorable too.....
I'll get on that baby business just in case I need a place to stay in MO.
She is adorable! Lucky she has you to visit. Cute pictures!
I just read your post about the snow. I've wondered if you guys are covered in ice. Looks like a real snow storm. I should show folks around her what real snow looks like. We get a skiff of snow and the schools are closed. They actually closed a few weeks ago because it was too cold. How in the world can kids go outside to wait for a bus in 20 degree weather. Looks like we're a bit wimpy compared to those midwesterners.
she is SO cute...and you are a talented photographer!
if only I looked that cute in MY skivvies!
Yes Zoey is one of the cutest babies on earth by far... and I get to snuggle her next week!! I love these photos you took of her... they are so amazing. And YES... we have officially adopted you into the family. Brace yourself... it can be a bumpy ride.
Okay, this seriously is one of the cutest babies I have ever seen. Way to capture her personality. She is beautiful with a capital B. I love her "muscular" arms. What a lucky mama to this little one! :-)
Yes, you have been grafted in - watch out! We know how that grafting in stuff can work out! :-)
That is one cute, cute baby! Dang, too bad I don't have a baby...it would be a great excuse to come visit!
She is absolutely adorable! What a perfect face. There is nothing quite like the smell of a baby.
Cute baby. I love the skivvie shot the best!
Sooo cute. I love black and white pics. And the fewer clothes the better for baby shots! I rue that I never got a bare butt shot of my little guy and I guess three is really pushing it for one of those. :(
Glad to know I have a "get in for free ticket" if I'm ever out there!
Hi! I have stumbled onto your blog thru a friend of a friend of a friend of an acquaintance. Sorry about the cyber-stalking.
Your pics of this darling baby are precious! Do you mind me asking how you get the stunning black background? Do yo have a studio at your house? What type of camera do you shoot with? Your pics are always fantastic. I love how you don't use a flash often (you must have awesome natural light in your house!).
Keep up all your good works! :)
I think knowledge and consent has been given by all.
As her real life Auntie I will concur that she is indeed way too adorable and her neck is just as yummy smelling.
You did a great job on the photos. :)
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