Yep, you guessed it. I'm stealing them again. And the entire time I am making them, I cannot help but wonder at the genius that is Alyssa.
Seriously. These are the bomb.
For the creatively challenged (like me), I thought I would include step-by-step instructions should you decide to steal the idea yourself.
(But if you do and decide to blog about it - please link back to Alyssa. She is the creator of these babies and it's only fair that we fully credit her for them.)
Step One: Take a photo of your child holding their hand out in a fist. Do not worry excessively what the child is wearing or looks like. After all, these photos are going to be handed to a bunch of sticky-fingered kids on Valentine's Day. Add your valentine's day message in photoshop or other similar program.
I ordered mine as press printed cards from the printhouse that I use because I wanted them to be a little better quality than just a 4x6 print. Then I rounded the corners with a punch. (Yes, Marta. I am totally stealing the rounded corner idea from you, my friend.)

Once you have the pictures back, these are the only supplies you will need:

Step Two: Take the x-acto knife and cut a rounded slit above and below your child's hand in the picture.

Step Three: Insert lolly-pop of your choice carefully into the slits. Swear under your breath if you accidentally rip a couple. Be glad you ordered a few extras.

Step Four: Secure lolly on the back with a small piece of tape.

Step Five: Admire your handiwork and, for the billionth time, thank god for Alyssa and her creative genius.

**And for you St. Louis peeps, I've got an offer for you.
Or a shameless marketing ploy.
Whatever you want to call it.
Call me this week and I will come take pictures of your kids for free, add the lettering of your choice, and order the press printed cards for you at MY COST (which, let me tell you, is about what you'll pay for the crappy princess/transformer cards at Target). The only thing I ask is that you let me put my logo and website on the back of the cards in small print.
You know. Getting my business out there and all that?
Plus you can brag to your friends how you had your kids' valentines done by a professional photographer. And be sure to pretend that you have a chef and a live-in masseuse, too, while you're at it. Just so they'll be impressed.
We have to act fast, though. We need to have this done before Friday to give the printer enough time to get the cards shipped and back in our hot little hands.
For the rest of you - happy crafting!
So cute. I might have to do this even though my kids picked out the crappy fun dip valentines already. I think b/c they want to have the extras. PS: Wish I lived closer to take advantage of your great offer.
It's too bad that this post wasn't about Twilight too.
I have totally been planning on this since last year and am only sad I didn't have you do it while you were here in Nov. thanks again!
Hypothetically speaking.....if someone lived in say, Ohio, and was able to send you the pictures, and for a fee of your choice (because my kids typically like to make their cards, which ends up costing quite a bit of $$, which I would rather pay to you!), plus you could play around with the pics, add your website, etc...
(Total run on sentence, I know...sorry!)
Hypothtically speaking....is that a possibility? Because I work from home full time, and have just been slammed. I remember you posting these last year, and I LOVE them. I would try to re-create myself, but seriously...you do awesome work!!!
My kids are "too mature" to want to hand out valentine's cards, but I'm hoping I can convince (read: force) them to do this, at least for a few friends. I mean how CUTE are those!? thanks for sharing
Mwah! I love this idea and I think I have worn out our candy airplanes tradition after 10 straight years of making them.
Wait. Do middle schoolers still take valentines? Must interrogate Sam.
I don't remember these from last year -- super, duper idea. So wish we were local.
Jess - I would love to help you! Shoot me an email clhalverson@gmail.com.
These are super cute, but can you explain to me when kids grow out of the $3/box of 12 crappy cartoon valentines? Because this seems like a lot of effort judging by the way my kids treat their valentines. What am I missing? Maybe I should make these for my friends because I know they will be appreciated! Except then the candy quality needs to be upped as well.
I stole this idea from you last year and am TOTALLY doing it again! Hopefully this year I won't be doing them on Feb. 13th...
I love the way this looks. I might be stealing it too! Thanks for sharing, and for stealing it from Alyssa.
Great marketing ploy, Stie.
Just so you know, I happened to stop by Amy's house when she was making hers and told her to make mine right then too. It's the best idea and I've been waiting all year to use it! I hope Lucy's kindergarten class and Chelsea's 10 Joy School friends appreciate it as much as I think they will! (Their moms will, don't you think.)
Wow that really is genius. And an awesome marketing idea!!! Thanks for sharing. I'm going to copy. I need to advertise!!
they are so super cute. your kids are lucky to have a profesh rock their valentine's!
p.s. way to rock the rounded corners, my friend.
I'm so ticked right now that I don't live in St. Louis. I'm too lazy to make these myself and I do understand that they are not that difficult--you lost me on the photoshop part :-)
The idea is brilliant and I love your kids pictures on them. Way too cute.
that is a way cute idea!! too bad I have no children to make it for.
I LOVE your idea. I saw your post last year and have been waiting for Valentine's Day to roll around. Two of my three kids are giving them out this year and think they are sooooo cool. Thanks for the idea!!!
FINALLY! Jackson actually is in school and so he will be exchanging V-day cards. I have been anxiously watching these posts and biding my time.
You can totally advertise on my cards. Boise isn't too far to drive for a photo shoot, no?
Could you pinky swear to repost this in about 5-6 years for me to copy for Carter? I am old, old, old and will totally have forgotten by then. What a wonderful new idea it will be then! And I'll think you are so clever and talented all over again! (Keep me around, I'm good for your ego)
Look at you, workin' it girl! Too bad I am not local.
I saw this on Shally's blog last year...now I know where she got the darling idea from. If I lived near you I would TOTALLY take you up on your offer!
The cards are such a brilliant idea but really...awesome job with the marketing! You need to give yourself some creative credit on that one!
I'm doing it. Will my nails look that nice when I'm done? Or do these instructions only include the cards?
Do your kids have any idea how cool their mom is?
An impressive idea, marketing ploy, and mani.
Thanks for sharing.
I love it, Stie. Alyssa is such a genius and so are you. I love the marketing. I wish I lived in St. Louis. Oy, and the fact that you are giving customers your cost (about the same for the paper cartoon ones) is so utterly fabulous.
Holy nuts, these are GREAT! I am totally going to use this idea! You ROCK! BRILLANT marketing idea as well ;)
Do you think these are too juvenile for Emma seeing as she's a freshman this year? Just askin'
Adorable! Thanks for the idea - and the offer. You don't want to come play in the sun in Tucson this weekend, do you??
Loved these the first time you posted them and still love them now. Very generous of you to offer free shoots - lucky St Louis peeps!
Genius, Stie! I remember these last year and we are making them. (Crappy version, of course!)
Smart advertising. I don't think I could have thought of that one. perfect...who WOULDn't take you up on that?!!?!?! Fly to Utah?
I so want to do this! I hope that I will have the time. I just moved ya know ;)
Thank you so much for sharing!!
I am thinking I need to get to know this Alyssa person. I am going straight to her blog for a little stalking time.
(FYI, you are awesome. I am WAY too lazy to hand-exacto my kids' valentines.)
I'm totally going to try it. This is brilliant. LOVE IT!
Thanks for sharing.
steal away!
Thanks again for the idea! I made them today, and so did my neighbor!
I thought my kids were too old for this WAY WAY CUTE idea. I showed it to my 15 year old. She took a camera to school and took pictures of each person in her entire seminary class to make valentines for the class next door. They turned out great. Thanks!
"mom can we do that with gummy worms and have them coming out of my nose?"
Ok - I never leave comments here, but now I'm going to link you back to my blog twice in one day. I wanted to show you my version. Thanks so much for posting so early - I thought they were genius when you posted last year and I had forgotten!
Been doing the Lolly pic for years on valentines, but LOVE the marketing add to go with it! Totally copying you my dear friend.
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