Friday, April 29, 2011

On princesses and fairy tale endings

I must interrupt the highbrow, intelligent, and sage wisdom that you usually find here to bring you my thoughts on the royal wedding.

I know. Somewhere in the world my brother Daniel just poked his eyeballs out.

But to understand my feelings on the subject, you must first know something:

I thought I was Princess Diana herself. Evidenced here:


As a little girl, I was forever ruined when I saw Diana march up that exceptionally long aisle with a bridal train that was four miles long. I knew I had to have one just like it.

And, minus a few poofy ruffles, her short hair, and the ugly, cheating husband: I did.

As I watched the nuptials this morning, the little girl inside me who dreams of fairy tale endings, rejoiced. Tears fell down my cheeks, and I was powerless to stop them.

Today, a simple girl walked into a church as a commoner, and walked out as a princess.

It is the very thing little girls dreams of. It is the happy ending in every story we read to our daughters. It is the epitome of love and romance -- to marry your prince (whether he be an actual prince or simply prince-like). There is not a shriveled heart alive in the world today that doesn't find that captivating, romantic, and hopeful.

And, oh sweet fancy moses, the dress.

One look at it, and I made a frantic, early morning phone call to the Husband demanding that we get married again. Just so I could wear THAT dress.

He offered to let me pick a different groom, too. [I've got a few calls in to Hugh and Colin's people. I'll let you know how it goes.]

But it was stunning, simple, modest, classic, and elegant. I will love it forever.

Here's hoping the fairy tale ends the way they're supposed to -- a long life together, babies, lots of love, and no one named Camilla.


  1. My thoughts exactly! About everything--from Princess Diana to Kate's wedding dress--I agree wholeheartedly with everything you wrote in this post.

  2. I still need to watch it. I recorded it on the DVR. So come nap time I'm watching the wedding rather than cleaning my house :)

  3. Mmmkay...

    I am totally captivated myself, partly because of the designer in me, and partly because of my own wedding. :)

    The dress is amazing. So glad she did not go the Princess Di fru-fru ball gown. That has never been Kate's stlye, so why should she wear it on her day?

    Two more things... if you lived here in MA you could put on that dress and drag, um I mean, bring Hubs down to the Brittish Beer Company and enjoy the same dinner, flowers, entertainment etc, of the Royals, and get married again. Yip. They have a JP on site to re-marry people at 6pm. :)

    AND... I know a woman who has a daughter obcessed with being a princess. Today at 4am she woke her up to watch, made tea and scones and had a Royal brunch of her own.

    I don't care how old you are or where you live... every girl still dreams of being a princess. And, I am now fancy-ing a new pair of diamond earings. :)

  4. I have to admit to being a bit of a cynic with all the hype that led up to today. What a lot of hoopla. But, as I turned on the t.v. this morning to catch them on the balcony and saw their first public kiss- my inner princess smiled and shed a tear. I am a believer and I too hope they have a long and happy life together.

  5. this post made me laugh! and i completely agree with your last sentence! i loved watching it this morning. a lot of my friends (and people in general) just don't care about it. how sad. i do care and i enjoyed watching it. her gown was delicious and she was just breathtaking.
    won't their children be stunning?!

    p.s. i love your wedding photo!

  6. love the Seinfeld reference.

    (yes, this is how much I care - But I do love your wedding dress!

  7. Ahhhhh...this day has been full of watching and dreaming. It is so fun! I agree w/you on all points. I also had a long train with a cathedral length veil that was several inches longer than the train. Apparently I thought I was a princess, too.

  8. I was powerless to resist it. It was amazing. The whole thing. And perfect, and amazing. And. . . perfect.

  9. I couldn't help myself either...THAT DRESS!!!!! I'm totally making one of my girl's that dress some day...with a mormon twist of course ;)

  10. You're right. I am poking my eyeballs out. You never cease to exceed my expectations of your lameness.

    You know, they used to call British citizens, Subjects. Subject to the throne. Good luck with that.

    I won't bother filling you in on the chilling details of what is happening around the world that actually might have real consequence to you. Who knows, you may get your wish of becoming a subject to someone... something...???

    But enjoy the show.

    With love, Daniel Downer

  11. Well, Dan may be blinded from gouging his eyeballs out...but at least he knows how to make toast and wipe his butt.

    I am with you. I loved all of it. It really was a fairy tale come true. As a little girl I watched Diana with wonder. I told my boys, that their wives all watched the wedding today and will remember it forever. I went on to tell them that they need to make sure their brides get what they want to feel special on their wedding day. Brian (age 7) said in terror, "Who is my wife?!" It made me laugh. I meant it, though...every little girl wants to live her dream when it comes to her wedding.

  12. I had to watch it all recorded last night and I loved, loved, loved it. They seemed to be so in love and it didn't look like an older man marrying a child--they were equals.

    And her dress was stunning and absolutely perfect. She looked fantastic and I think the whole world fell in love with her.

    I hope for the same things for them that you do.

  13. I couldn't agree more. It was fabulous and I cried too.

    Let me know what Hugh and Colin's people say.

  14. Ditto. I loved it, loved the dress & enjoyed some happy, romantic, joy instead of the usual drivel on tv. So fun.

  15. I blogged about the Royal Wedding... I couldnt help myself (or keep my opinions to myself). She was beautiful, he was classy and long may they be happy.

  16. I loved the RW. The dress was, indeed, fab. And how bashful William seemed, and I loved the hats! After that wedding, I want to get married again, too. I don't want a new marriage, just another wedding. In London so that everyone can wear hats.
