Thursday, November 12, 2009

Philly photo phun, here I come!

Well, internets, it is adios from me for a few days. Headed out of town for a spontaneous little weekend in Philly. I get to see her and her, and FINALLY meet her and her. I am giddy with excitement.[ I am also practically paralyzed with fear as I have 11 photo shoots lined up for the weekend.]

Nothing like a little pressure, eh?

But I am looking forward to the trip. Especially the part where I sit on a plane all by myself and read a book for several hours. Bliss.

But before I go, I wanted to leave you with some of my favorite shots of the Great Family B. One of my favorite families anyway, but I am even more in love with them after getting to see them through the lens of my camera. They are some beautiful people, no? And nice? When you look up nice in in the dictionary - you would see this whole family there. Not an exaggeration either. Ask anyone who knows them.

This pic just might be my favorite of the whole batch - love the moment between a daddy and his sweet girl. Love the colors. It was a somewhat accidental picture - we had wrapped up the shoot and were getting ready to leave the park when I turned and saw this. And how, HOW, could I let one like this get away?

Wish every shot was this easy to take.

Have a good weekend, peeps. Don't have too much fun without me!


  1. Can't wait! I have butterflies in my stomach for you. How exciting and adventurous!

    Seriously, you are going to be welcomed as royalty by your Philadelphia phans.

    Plus Emmie cleaned your bathroom. Hurry! I'm going to wait up...

  2. The best photos are those unexpected ones. You can feel the love. Have fun in Philly!

  3. Can't tell you how JEALOUS I am....
    A. you get to see Zoey
    B. they'll have a beautiful family picture
    C. you'll get to see Zoey.

    Have fun & travel safe!

  4. um, 11 photos shoots in one weekend? Careful hon, you're stepping onto the crazy train.

    Seriously, tell people 'no' or you'll hate yourself in December.

  5. I looked in my crystal ball this morning and saw a trip to my neck of the woods in your future. I know the perfect place for you to stay too. You see it too, I know you do.

  6. Wow! 11 photo shoots? That's amazing. Good luck!

    When are you coming to the Portland area for some photo shoots?

  7. You'll knock their socks off. Then come home and stay in bed for a couple of days; you'll deserve some serious down time after all of that.

    Happy trails!

  8. I am sure that was a typo.
    I mean it isn't possible to have 11 photo shoots in one weekend...right?
    A girls gotta sleep.
    And eat.
    And read.

    But if you are up for adventure, I think a nice trip to the coast of NC should be in order. I haven't had a family photo in well, it's been a long time. The shot of the kids by the feet of the parents is fab.u.lous. and it is exactly the shot of myself I would want on my Christmas cards.
    Have a great weekend!!!

  9. Love the pictures! You are truly amazing! Philly is close to my childhood home! I love PA! Have fun!

  10. Oh, how I love that cute little family. Great pictures of them. I want to go back home to PA with you! Is there any room for me and my prego belly in your suitcase? Oh wait, that would probably make your luggage too heavy...just by a little. :)

  11. You are going to do such a great job!!

    Those pictures are so lovely. I love the one that you accidentally captured. It shows how good you are because that picture is fantastic.

    Don't worry...I never have too much fun without you. It is impossible.

  12. So jealous of who you get o hang with!! Have so so much fun!!

  13. That sounds SO fun! And the pictures are fabulous! Have a great time :)

  14. Let me know when you are going to come down and visit the Mouse. My family is anxiously awaiting! Have fun in Philly and good luck with all the photo shoots!

  15. Have a blast on your trip! Can't wait to see all the pictures.

  16. Awww man, if I knew you were coming to my neck of the woods I would have made it 12 photo shoots. I'm jealous you are meeting some of my favorite gals, Melissa and JoLynne. You're gonna have a blast!! Can't wait to see the pix.

  17. Have fun busy lady! The first and last shots on this post are my fav! They must be so happy with them.

  18. Hello, I just found your blog via The Crafty Crow about some teepee cupcakes you made last year. I might make some. Small world, I'm in St.Louis area too. Nice photograph's by the way. I went to school for photography @ UMSL and I can only dream of taking shots as good as yours (through no fault of UMSL). I'm enjoying looking at your blog. I'll be back lurking....

  19. Yay!! So excited for our shoot on Sunday!!
