Monday, March 30, 2009

Smile for sale

As I have mentioned before, the little people in this house are greedy, capitalist mongrels. They have figured out the system and know just how to make a buck.

Take for instance, this afternoon, when my new reflectors arrived in the mail (thanks for the recommendation, Nicole!) and I wanted to try them out.

Are these little people willing to help me, simply out of the goodness of their hearts, given that I carried them for nine long months and birthed them into this world?

Oh, hell no. Their cheeky mugs do not come for free.

And even when they're on a paying gig, I sometimes get faces like this:

Determined NOT to have a good time, this stubborn, yet adorable, clone of his father refuses to flash me his winning smile.

Instead, he makes faces like this, hoping I will give up and go away:

I do not go away. I am determined to get my money's worth, so I hold out and wait. Lucky for me, I know his weak spots, and start working on them right away.

I tell a few jokes. I make fun of myself. I laugh out loud at him. And still he tries his darndest to hold out.

He is getting weaker. You can see that his strategy is failing him.

He wants so desperately to win this battle of wills.

But, eventually, he gives up, and I get what I came for.

There. Was that so painful, you little stinker?

It's a good thing he's so darn cute. Otherwise, we might have given him away long, long ago.


  1. Those pictures make me smile just looking at them! You caught some great pictures, even before the last one. What a cute kid!

  2. Do you have a place in particular that you give them back to? Just asking because I need those services also.

  3. What a handsome little devil! Freckles and blue eyes-what a combo!

  4. you are master. i feel your pain, and you are, indeed, a master.

    going to check out the website now.

  5. Wow, he has grown up so fast! He's not the little tyke I remember. If only my Emma was younger.....

  6. My kids are JUST like that. I do love his smile though.

  7. I love that you can see his little personality in all of those pictures! What a cute boy! I'll claim him as a relative.

  8. They can act all cool, but there's a great smile underneath it all. I'm glad you were determined to get it out of him! Great pictures -- definitely made me smile!

  9. Did you threaten to take away his pay? I cannot wait to do that, but then, maybe it's not effective as I think.

  10. I have decided my 3 year old is much harder to photograph then his younger brothers. And all this time I thought it got easier. What was I thinking?

  11. I had to click on the link to figure out what a reflector was? I was thinking it was for running, which made the reasoning behind the pictures very confusing. I mean, he wasn't even wearing the reflectors.

  12. He has a twinkle in his eye. How much did you have to pay for this photo session?

  13. Score!!!! Your tenacity paid off handsomely...hey...that was a play on words...he is handsome and it payed off handsomely...I am so proud of myself ;)

    The paid photo session was worth it...maybe next time tell him you don't pay by the hour...heh, heh, heh...

    Seriously, what a great looking young man!

  14. McKay is one cute little dude. Although not so little any more.

  15. I did that exact same dance with my son last weekend! It was his 8th birthday, so there were many pictures to be taken. I had to resort to extreme trickery to get a relaxed smile for any of them. Stinkers indeed.

  16. He IS so darn cute. Worth the wait, I'd say! Cute, cute, cute freckles!!

  17. One of the things I love about Chase is his shy and quiet demeanor - these pictures really show those traits. Whether he was really being shy and quiet or downright stubborn, you will always love those pictures! Congrats on the new reflectors - its always fun to get new stuff!

  18. You've trained them, made them famous, and now they realize they should be paid models. Pay them well, because there are photographers out there with funny looking kids who are looking for cute ones to illustrate their family photos. These faces have even shown up in a few of my creations!

    (That whole nine month thing has never worked for anyone looking for appreciation. It's a myth they tell you to get you through pregnancy.)

  19. That made me laugh too. And I don't even know what you were saying! Good job photographer.

  20. Beautiful photos (and I like the almost-smiling, mischievous ones, too). Is he practicing the fine art of making the ladies work for his affection/attention/smiles?

    I like the almost-smile shots as well as the smile one.

  21. Oh, that is hilarious! What a stink. Good thing he redeemed himself in the end.

  22. My family reputation is the child who didn't smile for pictures. I'm getting serious pay back for my reluctance to smile for the camera in my four-year-old.

    At least your son will eventually smile with jokes. I would typically scowl and get pissed off.

    What is it they say about karma? I'm scared for my children to grow up.

  23. He is handsome. Way to keep at it, Stie!

  24. Those freckles are all you. The rest looks like Josh...but cuter.

    I am coming to your house this summer! If only to have you take delightful photos of my munchkins before they grow up. You are getting SERIOUSLY good, Stiesta!

  25. What a character! I wonder who he takes after????

  26. I love the photos leading up to the big reveal! He is so handsome.

  27. Okay, that kid is so good looking. And I love me some reflector action!

  28. We just love your Big Mack! He is one handsome dude!

  29. How funny. It made me want to bust watching him trying not to bust. FUN TIMES!
