Here is a small sample of some of the things I 'effed up on this week:
- Threw out important work papers left on the table by the Husband. They had notes all over them that he needed for an important client meeting. Notes with language and words that were CRITICAL to his work for the client. Oops.
- Totally blanked on helping in a classroom at school, thereby stressing out one of my children.
- Threw something in the oven and completely forgot about it until the smoke alarms went off.
- Forgot to prep my child on a cub scout assignment which left him stammering and embarrassed in front of a room full of people.
- Yelled at my child for being out of bed, then discovered his reason for being out of bed was the throwing up he was doing in the bathroom.
- Spaced on being the tooth fairy and got caught in the act of leaving the money.
- Foolishly assumed that buying bite-sized sugar cookies would enable me to have just a nibble and feel satisfied. Not true, for you see, COOKIES ARE LIKE HEROIN. And I cannot stay away from them, no matter how hard I try. Is there rehab for cookie addicts?
- Ignored one child's seemingly vague request that he needed drumsticks for music at school, then got mad at him for not being more specific. Although, it's hard to be much more specific than, "I need drumsticks for music at school."

I'm pretty sure I deserve it.
Dearest are way too hard on yourself. Remember that on Monday you made your divine cookies. That counts for something, right? And, hey, it's Friday! YAY!!
ReplyDeleteOh girl, I feel your pain. I'm so glad I'm not the only one that screwed up my kids lives this past week.
ReplyDeleteWe had the SAME scout experience. Dad is the Cub Master...think he could've asked easier questions??? Crap.
Your baby girl is darling and will love the cuddles and movies with just mom!
I wish I looked as cute as Hannah when I'm sick with a fever. Messy hair and her go together much better. I look like a monster. And yes, don't be too hard on yourself. Your husband knows you like your counters to be clean, right? As my mom says, if it's on her counter, it's fair game. Hopefully he survived!
ReplyDeleteAw, I hear ya! Boy don't all of us mothers have those weeks?! Take good care of Hannah today! :)
ReplyDeleteSo glad I'm not alone! We desreve a week like this every so often. I think it helps our kids realize that we are human and not super heros (our husbands, too).
ReplyDeleteAs for the tooth fairy... if she forgets or didn't have time cause we were on the end of her route that night, she usually comes when the kids are at school or other wise distracted! That's usually the ONLY time she comes!
As I was told when we had our son, there will be those days.Some days I listen to that advice, some days Iforget!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry you are having a rotten week. I have those kind of weeks way more that I ought to! Here's to the weekend. Time to play.
ReplyDeleteAm I crazy in that i LOVE barbie movies? Princess and the Pauper is my fave! :-)
First off the tooth fairy is soooo bad at our house my older children have actually stepped in for her because they just know she has forgotten.
ReplyDeleteOh don't get me started on cubscouts and how unbelievable excited I am to have my boys DONE as of last night's pack meeting.
As long as you break the cookies before you eat them you are all good. All the calories fall out if you do that.
And speaking of cookies I just made the ones from your post a few days ago. You suck and yes my butt is bigger!
Maybe I can talk my girl into Barbie movies for the rest of the day, that sounds pretty good to me!
Those "college" funds we set up for our kids are actually to cover their therepy bills
I think you were totally reasonable asking for more details about the drumsticks. I would not have been able to determine whether they were suppose to be ice cream or chicken by merely saying "drumsticks"! I'm would also defend the fact that papers on the counter mean they were left there for me to discard. (My personal pet peeve.) Just go and enjoy your Barbie movie deserve a break!
ReplyDelete{finally checking in after two weeks}
ReplyDelete1. Chase is hysterical. Love him.
2. I hate winter, I love spring, we have no blossoms yet .
3. I sometimes call my bad mothering moments my "Shining Moments" because sometimes I feel a little bit like Jack Nicholson and I should be announcing "Heeerrree's Mommy!"
Sending love to you and yours . . .
That's good, but what about forgetting a kid or three at school, and then sleeping through the ringing of both phones because you didn't want to be awakened from your nap? And then not being able to tell your husband, because forbid he knows about the nap.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I forgot to turn in a permission slip for a field trip. They kept calling me but again, said nap. Luckily a mom forged it for me. I've now given the teacher power of attorney.
Sorry about your littel girl! Super pathetic. tell me you'll be reading during the barbie hell
Don't you worry...I am out of the running for, "Mother of the Year", too.
ReplyDeleteDon't be too hard on yourself, friend...At least you didn't SCREAM your ever lovin' head off at your kid and then the realize that the Bishop heard you. Not that I know anything about that...*cough*
I've had two of those weeks, back to back... At least you can remember what you did to eff up, I don't even remember all my blunders. but I think I like it that way! LOL
ReplyDeleteGood luck to you, and remember "This too shall pass." And thank God it didn't come to stay!
Yeah, I can pretty much say I have done all those too! Hope next week is better.
ReplyDeleteThey will be well rounded and hilarious! They will remember that their mother isn't perfect and therefore that won't need therapy when they make a mistake. Have fun with your little Skipper!
ReplyDeleteoh hon-- there's always next week. I've done the "be more specific" rant too...
ReplyDeleteMy favorite one is yelling at a kid for being out of bed only to find out he is throwing up. This list made me laugh becuase I've done almost all of the above (just not all in the same week--that takes talent!)
ReplyDeleteOh, it is so nice to know your not perfect either. We all have those weeks, your daughter is adorable even sick. and I think I am going to get a popsickle now.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to give you a big hug just reading this, so consider yourself hugged :)
ReplyDeleteWe must be living a parallel universe this week. Seriously, sometimes being the mom just stinks!
ReplyDeleteI would have thrown the papers away too. (But, I wouldn't have felt bad about it. Clean up your stuff and it doesn't get thrown away.)
I love imagining this photo shoot:
ReplyDelete"Just sit here looking pathetic for another couple of shots, honey. Oh, your eyes were closed...just one more...oh, hey, let's do one with your medicine. Come on honey, don't slump down. Just pretend you're eating your ice cream. Don't shiver so will just be another minute and you can get in bed. Oh! Oh! Do you need the throw up bowl? Just one more. Chase! Come and hold Hannah up from behind so she doesn't fall over. There...that was perfect."
Hey don't feel bad- those all happen to me in ONE day. No, really. My parents were visiting this week and it really threw me off schedule. I missed this and that and forgot this and that, only to have my mom ask me, "Don't you ever write these things down?!?!" Well, mother, yes, (it's all in the Franklin) but if I didn't have you two hanging around in my space, I may be able to think a little clearer. the nerve. You know, at least we have the blogging therapy, huh?
ReplyDeleteah I am normal after all. wait maybe we're both not normal together!
ReplyDeleteoh marty is hilarious. seriously. that is the best comment of all. all these other people trying to make you feel better... please. you screwed up. or technically, you effed up. you did. there's no sugar-coating that one sister. i'm just glad you're not ashamed to put it up for discussion. my self-esteem is based on having a better week than other people, so i'm on cloud nine right now. thanks for that.
ReplyDeleteWow, it has taken you this long to get "initiated" into the mothers-who-mess-up-sometimes club?
ReplyDeleteI say blame it on the sugar cookies! :-)
At least you'll leave them all with something to laugh about when you're gone. "Remember that week when mom effed everything up?"
ReplyDeleteHi, my name is Diane and I am a cookie addict. It's been 3 days since my last cookie.
ReplyDeleteDo you want me to be your sponser?
I'm feeling you. I have had weeks like that. I think you're even steven with the strep, and barbie movies though. I'm enduring listening to the Thumbelina one right now. Have you seen it? It's thisannoying. I hope your sweetie gets better soon. Poor girl.
ReplyDeleteWhat a relief. I mean, I'm sorry you had such a bad week, but it is a huge relief to know I'm not the only one.
ReplyDeleteAt Lowe's the other day, my 1yo daughter rolled away in the shopping cart, into the middle of the PARKING LOT, and neither my husband or I even noticed. Some woman pushed the cart over to us and asked "Is she yours?". Excellent parenting. Shortly after, I accidentally shoplifted Method Granite cleaner. It just keeps getting better.
I'm so glad you're just like the rest of us. I was trying to leave Voldemart the other day with my hands full of grocery bags. I turned to yell at my boys for not being right beside me, only to find my 10 year old doubled over in pain because his 8 year old brother had hit him in parts that shall remain nameless. In the middle of the crosswalk, with cars waiting, while I was oblivious and trying to get to the car.
ReplyDeleteOh boy! DO I understand what you are going through? In a way, it's comforting to get all my failings on the table at once...then we can just move on. And, at least things can only get better, right?
ReplyDeleteHang in there.
Oh, we've all been there! I forgot about the tooth fairy thing this week too. Luckily, I was able to convince the sad girl that because she lost her tooth so late in the day that the tooth fairy didn't get the message soon enough to deliver her money.
ReplyDeletePoor Hannah. I had strep last month and it is awful!! But, hey, at least the Barbie movies aren't that bad to sit through. I actually like a few of them!
I am so glad I am not the only one feeling this way...I just about cut Shaylee's finger off Friday throwing a fit trying to let her & Sawyer know I wasn't happy that they were fighting. Her finger did get cut-not off-but cut-as I ripped a plate out of her hands while she was trying to cut a cheese & tortilla (the reason for their fight!) and I didn't notice the knife-nice. Lovely when my fit is bigger than the ones the kids are throwing!
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to be the mom!
ReplyDeleteNo, your kids sound like they are living normal lives... do not shelter them from any disappointment, heartache or problem that life throws at them. The problem with people today in therapy is because they are sheltered... and this is coming from the guy on crazy pills!
As for the drumsticks, there are different kinds...
And cookies should never be avoided... there would be less problems in the world if everybody ate cookies more.
amazing our kids survive....we all have "those" weeks. i just wonder why "those" moments always turn into weeks? thank goodness for mondays.
ReplyDeletei'm off to make those cookies you posted about last week.
thanks for the recipe.
Sounds like a good week to me! That was TOTALLY me with Pregnancy Brain. Now that I am NOT pregnant I am suffering from Sleep Deprivation brain and unfortunatley for my kids, it has the same side effects. WAaa WaaAaa
ReplyDeleteWhen am I going to learn to observe and think before I scream?
ReplyDeleteThat is a precious picture of your girl. I am ready to cuddle up for some Barbie movies too.
I love this post, makes me feel good. Last Sunday I belittled and accused my 14 year old daughter of being too lazy to get up to go to church. On Monday I took her to the doctor and she had Mono. I suck.