Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Picking the collective brain of the internet

After a weekend spent ignoring my family reading, I finished a few days ago. [And I will only say that I liked it, was mildly disappointed in the anticlimactic ending, and would rather have had a little more written detail about the you-know-what that was going on ALL OF THE TIME, apparently. Stupid young adult audience. Spoils it for the rest of us.]

Anyway, I am left with just one question.

Now what do I read?

I have been on a reading frenzy ever since our catastrophic vacation. I have sped my way through all of Philipa Gregory's Henry VIII books (and loved each and every one of them. I may even be a little in love with crazy Henry now. I know. Don't tell my boyfriend Edward. And certainly don't tell the Husband).

I have devoured this, this, this, and this in the last few weeks alone, among others.

But I find myself at a loss. Browsing my favorite online bookstores is not netting me any inspiration. What should I read next? Where can I focus my near-obsessive personality?

Certainly not my husband and children. Oh, no. Not them. They wouldn't know what to do with themselves.

So, I look to you, dear interpeeps, to help me in my time of need.

What are your favorite reads? What have you read lately that you loved and could not put down?

Please tell me another book or series that I can become addicted to. Give me some more reason to ignore my laundry, dirty bathrooms, and children [as if blogging weren't enough, right?]

Right. You know what I'm talking about.


  1. I am reading The Time Traveler's Wife. Also another good book I read was called Housekeeping.

  2. I'm reading Gone with the Wind for the first time in my life, and I'm wondering why it took me so long. It's about 900 of non-stop obsession. I'm sure it will get me back on my Civil War kick (after spending my summer with Henry and his wives too).

  3. The Woods by Harlan Coben. Loved it. Couldn't put it down.

  4. are you a member of Goodreads? I just became invovled and love getting so many recomendations from friends.
    These are some fairly popular, but excellent books I've just finished:
    The Brothers K, David James Duncan
    The Glass Castle, Jeannette Walls
    Not Without My Daughter, Betty Mahmoody
    The Middle of Everywhere, Mary Pipher

  5. Not too long ago, I read Providence by Chris Coppernoll. It was an amazing book. Amazing.

    A new series I'm just getting into is (I've read two so far) the Political Thriller Series by Joel C. Rosenberg. The first one is The Last Jihad and the second one is The Last Days, but there are quite a few more. They were very fast paced and I had a hard time putting them down! (You have to read them in that! It appeals to my OCD!)

  6. I love "Love Walked In" and it has a sequel.. or an next book or a continuation of the story. Whatever you want to call it! ;)

  7. If you join add me as one of your friends. It's my latest addiction. I love reading reviews.

    The Host is an obvious choice. If you haven't read it already.

    One of my favorite books of all times is Katherine by Anya Seton.

    I'm reading the Glass Castle right now, then plan to read Pillars of the Earth.

  8. Oh, I recently started the Fablehaven series too.

  9. is an awesome website! Have you read, The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson, love his books, Flu by Gina Kolata, Follow the River is a good book, my favorite all time classic is To Kill a Mockingbird. Two good books I read this summer are The Peacegiver and The Holy Secret.

  10. The Lightening Thief (whole series) by Rick Riordan
    The Thief (whole series) by Meghan Whalen Turner
    Something Borrowed (whole series) by Emily Giffin

    Have fun, I can't wait to read some of the suggestions already.

  11. My major vice is romance novels. I don't know what your standards are for that sort of thing, but I'm currently obsessed with the Meredith Gentry series by Laurell K. Hamilton. The love scenes (oh, so euphemisitcally titled)are very graphic, but they aren't gratuitous, which I found refreshing. Every encounter advances the storyline significantly and the political maneuvering is fascinating.

  12. I've been reading a lot too. Some good ones:
    "Memory Keeper's Daughter"
    "A Girl Named Zippy" and the follow up "She got up off the Couch"
    "The Book Thief"
    "Girl in Hyacinth Blue"
    "Innocent Traitor" by Allison Weir is like the Philippa Gregory books.

  13. Okay, I'm looking through all the suggestions. Trying to find something that would come close to the Twilight series. (just a little close) Can't decide which looks the best. Whatever I decide on, it definitely won't have the word "housekeeping" in it. Let us know if you find something close to Twilight. If you find a book as good as Twilight please send out a SOS. ;-)

  14. I'm new to your blog, but I just want to say that you are hours of entertainment for me! I discovered your blog, and went back from the very beginning to ready each and every post...I was thoroughly entertained!

    Anyway, I wanted to throw my two cents in about books to read, as I have recently been in a reading craze, myself. Some books that I have enjoyed are the Shopaholic Books - seriously HYSTERICAL and my favorite as of late (which have some language in them, but if that doesn't bother you...) I also love the Traveling Pants series. Have you ever read the Little House Books, or the Anne of Green Gables books, those are all time classics and favorites of mine. The Narnia books are also becoming a favorite.

    Goodreads is an awesome site to see what your friends are reading and recommend, I've found quite a few of my favorite books from that site!

    Hope you find what you are looking for!!

  15. I just read the entire Twilight series in the past two weeks. No, I normally don't have that much spare time on my hands but vacation prompted it and then I was hooked. I too was mildly disappointed in the ending.

    I'm hoping to get good ideas for what to read now from comments too:)

  16. I'll send you an invite to goodreads. It's the best place to find new books to read. Seriously! I'm more than likely to read something that has been recommended to me, and I've found some great reads.

  17. i've really been enjoying the Elm Creek Quilts series by Jennifer Chiaverini

  18. Okay, for quick reads that are laugh out loud funny (even if they are a little trashy), read the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. That way you will only be away from the laundry/dirty bathrooms/children for a little while.

    Now, if you want to check out for longer, start the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. Warning, there is plenty of written detail about the you-know-what that goes on A LOT, but the Husband might appreciate that. :) I was seriously tempted to dress mine up in a kilt. And I was so lost in this series that I kept saying things to my husband like "If I went back in time I wouldn't be immune to smallpox because I never got the immunization. I wonder if they still give it?"

    And just so you know, I've recently read everything you listed, so I'm thinking we have similar tastes in books. Good luck.

  19. Man, Laurie beat me to my recommendation...oh well, I second the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon (there are 6 total). They are a cross between historical fiction/romance/fantasy (time travel)--but you really care about the characters and their adventures. It's true though, there are blush inducing scenes.

    Have you read These Is My Words by Nancy E. Turner?

    I agree with Wendi's suggestion of Katherine by Anya Seton too--very, very good. I liked her style much better than Philippa Gregory (sorry).

    Libba Bray's young adult trilogy--A Great and Terrible Beauty, etc. was fairly fun to read.

  20. I'm in the same boat. And feel EXACTLY the same way about Breaking Dawn. I'm going to go ahead and steal some ideas from your commenters.

  21. I read, "Cage of Stars" last year or so and liked it. Too bad I've read a ton of books this year and can't remember any of them. Sorry. But really Cage of Stars was good- have you heard of it? I can't wait to read breaking dawn- thanks for not spoiling anything.

  22. Right now I'm toward the end of Pharmacology and the Nursing Process and at the beginning of Breaking Dawn. I'll get back to you when I'm done with both. I have so missed reading for fun since I have started this online class. All my reading time is textbook material lately.

  23. I'll jump in and recommend Outlander. Holly's spot-on, though: You'll be maneuvering to get the Husband into a kilt. You'll be up all night reading it.

  24. The Emily Giffin books are top notch. A little racy, but fun.

  25. Definitely jump on the Good Reads boat if you haven't yet! Also, try for some great books!

    Let's see...have you read any of Jan Karon's The Mitford Series? I love her books!

    Good luck!

  26. "A Great and Terrible Beauty" by Libby Bray is REALLY good!

  27. Many Lives and Secret Sorrows of Josephine B. (Bonaparte). Series of 3 books, best ever!!

  28. Angela's Ashes & Kite Runner. Love them both!!!

  29. I just have to say that I always laugh at your labels, "reading soothes the savage beast" made me chuckle.

  30. My new fave is Water for Elephants. Also into Bill Bryson. So funny!

    I cannot control my reading habit either!

  31. I've recently been reading some classics with Rebekah like Strawberry Girl & Little House in the Big Woods.

    I will have to check out some of the recommendations. I've seen the Shopaholic series, & they do look like good reads!

  32. I've been reading the books on my sons' high school reading list. I recommend such fare for the sake of knowing what your children are being exposed to, but not for the enjoyment - too depressing. These books are meant to be digested one at a time, very slowly - not a whole bunch in one summer!

    My favorite so far, and one that I do recommend, is The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingslover.

  33. I have read all the Phillipa Gregory books also. I was almost in love with Henry, but that whole Anne thing....
    My summer enjoyment reading is over, sigh. All I will read is Seminary stuff.

  34. I miss my Edward, too. I can't imagine falling in love with another character like I did him. Not even Mr. Darcy... sorry.

    I, too, am looking for another delicious read to capture me until Midnight Sun is released.

    The Host was quite good if you didn't read it yet. Someone mentioned Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, that was quite good as well but I preferred her book Prodigal Summer. A bit *ahem* juicy in parts but tastefully done. Who can resist a schmexy man or two, especially on paper? (Don't tell my boyfriend Edward or The Husband)

  35. perhaps this has been suggested or maybe you have read them...
    but The Outlander Series is amazing.
    Lots of well written steamy love & great adventure. With good characters.
    I really think you'd like them!

  36. I'm reading Breaking Dawn right now (obsessed with Edward actually & not ashamed to admit it, LOL!) And, I loved The Other Boleyn Girl. Sounds like we have similar reading interests. One of my very favorite authors is Tracy Chevalier. She wrote Girl With a Pearl Earring. I love all her works, especially the Virgin Blue. Give her a try, I think you'll like her work.

  37. Super fun, really quick, laugh out loud fluff series: Shopaholic.

  38. I enjoyed the Shopaholic series as well (easy, very light reading), all Philippa Gregory novels, Gone with the Wind, the Red Tent, hmmm...

    A new series I've discovered (after reading that HBO is adapting it for their new vampire TV series!!!!) is this series about this chick named Sookie Stackhouse. I just read the first one, Dead Until Dark, and I'm HOOKED!! I ordered the rest of them on Amazon immediately. Soooooo good! I am not usually obsessed with vampire novels (until the Twighlight series did me in), but now I suppose I'm a little maniacal.

    I am new to your blog, I discovered you through a comment you left on Melain's (Nurturing Narcissism) and I am so impressed with your photography and your sense of humor. I'll be back to visit you again! :)

  39. I'm glad you like Philippa Gregory. Everyone on my good reads list objected to her stories because of the sex so I felt quite wicked for enjoying her take on history and her characters.

    I have lots of recommendations on my good reads. I will send you an invite.

  40. I have been reading a lot by Dr. Seuss lately.
    Good stuff.
    In a People House and Are you my Mother? are also at the top of my list.

    Seriously... I love anything by Nicholas Sparks...he is my fave.
    The Choice was wonderful!

  41. I love Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series. Easy reads that will make you laff out loud. I am new to your blog, so I am not sure if you are familiar with her or not. I am presently reading "Water for Elephants." I see you have read it too. I also read the 13th Tale this summer. It was pretty good. I really enjoyed reading, "The Pillar of the Earth," by Ken Follet. If you have not tried it yet, do.


  42. I love Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series. Easy reads that will make you laff out loud. I am new to your blog, so I am not sure if you are familiar with her or not. I am presently reading "Water for Elephants." I see you have read it too. I also read the 13th Tale this summer. It was pretty good. I really enjoyed reading, "The Pillar of the Earth," by Ken Follet. If you have not tried it yet, do.


  43. I suggest The Chosen. Please forgive that it is straight off the high school reading list.

    If you choose to read it, let's hold a book club.

  44. If you're still looking for something new to read, My favorite author is Diana Gabaldon. I love her series "Outlander." So far it consists of 6 books, And I've read them all 4-5 times in the last 6 yrs. Check them out!
