Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving Teepee Cupcakes

Since I still have traffic flocking to my little blog looking for photos of Martha nekkid, I thought I'd offer a little Stie-invented / Martha-esque craft so as not to disappoint the pervs when they get here. Plus, this little ditty might be useful to some of you non-porn seekers.

So without further use of the word porn, I present to you: My Thanksgiving teepee cupcakes. I made them for the cub scouts, but they are equally functional as a centerpiece or place card holder for your thanksgiving table.

You will need a package of sugar cones, a cake mix, and an aluminum disposable baking pan.

Mix the cake mix according to package directions. (Or if you're one of those annoying people who only make things from scratch, then mix up your hoity-toity cake batter.)

Take a disposable baking pan, turn it upside down, and cut a few holes in it with scissors. You'll need this to stabilize the cones while they bake. It's funny, but you just can't put the pointy end of a triangle in a pan and expect the triangle to stand up. I don't know why that is, but it just is. So the powers that be require us to find a creative way to bake these little teepees. Stupid laws of physics.

Now pour a few tablespoons of batter in each sugar cone. You don't need very much. You'll want some room at the top for the cake to rise. If you fill it all the way up, it will explode on you and make a big mess on the bottom of your oven that will stink every time you turn on the oven. Not that I'd know anything about that, ahem. So just a little bit, okay?

Then bake at 350 degrees for about ten minutes. You'll have to keep an eye on these in the oven. They like to tip over. I reached my hand into the oven a few times to right the ones that toppled over. I have super powers which allow me to do that. You should probably use an oven mitt.

The cones get a little brown around the edges, but they still taste delicious. Eat a few when the kids aren't looking if you don't believe me. Especially while the cake is still warm. Mmmmmmm.

Once the teepees have cooled for a few minutes flip them upside down. Then snip off a little bit of the cone with kitchen shears. I would not advise doing this before baking as all your batter will fall out the bottom. Again, the physics, you know.

Then stick in a few toothpicks (although I actually used BBQ skewers. For some reason, I buy toothpicks and they're never seen again. I blame the children and fully expect to find boxes and boxes of toothpicks someday. But the skewers worked equally well):

And voila! Beautiful, delicious, homemade teepee cupcakes for your thanksgiving table. If you are more crafty and creative than me [read: not as lazy] then you can decorate your teepees with frosting and candy and whatnot. I made mine for the cub scouts, so they got them as-is (and ate them in all of three seconds).

Happy Turkey Day! God bless gluttony.


  1. This is adorable! I am not going to attempt since the spider web cookies were a fiasco.

    Will you bring some to "the lake" (as my kids are calling it)?

  2. Please feel free to send any and all Christmas treats to Michael at BYU. Seeing as how the snow will be coming soon, he needs something to keep him from going crazy and getting depressed. I think a Martha-esque snack will do the trick.

  3. Those are very awesome Stie. I might just get up the gumption to try them, although last time I tried baking things upside down my kitchen flooded but that's a different story. Anyway, they look great and happy happy birthday to you last Saturday!

  4. So cute. I was going to make turkeys with malt balls and oreos and candy corn and cocunut grass, but those teepees are so darn cute I just may change my plans. Plus the turkeys are a bit pricey. I'm all about a deal! Thanks for the idea!

  5. Good gracious, I didn't think your blog could possibly get any lamer, but you go and pull it off again. By the way, I keep looking for those photos of Martha on your site, but I have thus far been unsuccessful...

  6. Those are the cutest. I want to try them and since I'm having Thanksgiving day here I think I will. Now please tell us why people are looking for naked Martha on your blog?!?!

  7. Once fun and cute! I doubt mine will turn out as cute...I made your spider web cookies and they were kind of a disaster! Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. I am so all over this. It will be the first crafty thing I've made for my kids all year. They'll wonder where their mommy went. Thanks for the tip. And thanks for not garnishing them all up... otherwise I would not have given them another thought.

  9. I wish I would have known about these when I was in charge of the pack meeting for Sam earlier this month!

    Great idea. Move over Martha!

  10. These are great--defying the laws of physics and everything. I like the concept of easy too, it's one of my requirements otherwise my brain blocks it out.

  11. You are a woman of many talents.
    Will try those with the kids this weekend, they will love 'em!

  12. So adorable and so creative! I have never seen these before. I am a den mother for the 8 year olds and this idea is perfect for this month! Thanks for the idea!

  13. I'm glad I am last so I can make a teepee/porn joke. Except I can't think of any.

  14. Stie - I *love* them. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here, so I'm trying to come up with another reason for making them...but having a tough time. Teepees in Norway...mmmm...brown igloos??

    I'll think of something!


  15. Hey Stie, I am super in love with your little how to recipe blogs. However, can you please "label" these so I can search for them? i.e. Recipes, or How Tos. I would love to browse your blog for days, but, as you know with three kids, I don't always have the time! I would love it if you could do that for me... please??? Oh, and PS- Where did you put all the recipes you got? Did you blog them somewhere?

  16. hello stie, I used your idea for my 3 year olds bday party. We did an indian pow wow theme so these were perfect. I didn't like the idea of 3 year olds running around with bamboo skewers so I substituted with thin pretzel sticks dipped in melted chocolate. Enjoyed by all ages!!

    Thankyou, kate

  17. I don't know if someone already mentioned this because I didn't read all the posts sorry :/ but I was just thinking that Pringle sticks (the honey butter kind) would be a great substitue to use instead of tooth picks or BBQ Scewers. That way the whole treat would be edible! :) Just a thought, and VERY CUTE project! I just might use it! :)
