And in honor of my awesome self, here are 34 things you may or may not know about me, on this, the eve of the anniversary of my birth:
1. I was born absolutely, solidly perfect.
2. That state lasted a solid two-and-a-half years, then Daniel was born and ruined everything.
3. I was going to be a world-famous ice skater.
4. Until I broke my arm skating, had six surgeries, and realized I had no grace.
5. I was a tomboy and had only one Barbie.
6. Whose head I filled with sand.
7. I have four brothers; one older, three younger.
8. I learned how to fight well at an early age.
9. I had a huge crush on Johnny Depp when I was 13. Still do, in fact. Can't wait to see this.

11. I secretly wished I was Jo on the Facts of Life.
12. My first kiss was a short, skinny, blond boy named Rocky.
13. I think we 'broke up' a week later.
14. He was heartbroken and never forgave me.
15. I always wanted to be a Broadway singer.
16. I realized that dream would not come true (seeing as I can't sing at all) and resigned myself to a life in the audience instead.
17. I am, however, a theater snob and will not watch any show from the balcony or in the back.
18. I spent 75 percent of my senior year cutting class. I probably only graduated because I was taking five Home Economics classes.

20. I have a secret dream to be a professional photographer.
21. When I met my husband for the first time, I knew we would get married.
22. He knew a short few weeks later.
23. I have lived in six different states.
24. My first job was at Subway sandwiches when I was 16.
25. I had bad eczema on my hands and used to tell people I saved my baby brother from a fire, and that the red marks on my hands were burns.
26. I will probably go to hell for that lie alone.
27. I had my first baby without the blessed miracle of science that is an epidural (not by choice).
28. I gratefully had the other two babies while fully numb from the waist down, as god intended.
29. I am extremely afraid of heights and speed. Which explains why roller coasters and I don't work well together.
30. I love hosting parties.
31. I am neurotic and worry about really dumb things.
32. Like the fact that the Husband still has not registered his car in Missouri and has no problem getting speeding tickets.
33. I could never have imagined how much I would love my life today.
34. I am very happy to be me.
So happy birthday wishes to myself. May the next 34 be just as good as the first have been.
P.S. Feel free to send gifts. I'm not bashful that way at all.
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to you my dear sweet bloggy friend. You are so much wiser than someone at your tender age...and yet, you look SOO much younger than 30!! May God Bless you in the year ahead.
ReplyDeleteHappy, happy birthday to you! Many returns of the day, as they say in England, because they have to be fancy.
ReplyDeleteYou are ADORABLE in those pictures.
Are we ever going to see this evil brother?
Happy birthday to a great blogging friend. I loved reading all those things about. First baby without an epideral! WOW and you still had more! You are the woman.
ReplyDeleteYou are so freakin' hilarious, woman. And too cute. Happy Birthday!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday! May you enjoy 34 more perfect years making everyone around you laugh!
ReplyDeleteHappy happy birthday! I have a little somethin' for you...but will give it to you in person. You have accomplished a whole lot in just 34 years!!!
ReplyDeletetsk, tsk, tsk, 5 home ec classes and you can't cook? ;) too funny! i am so glad i found your blog so many weeks ago, i look forward to every post. have a Happy Birthday stie!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday dear friend!!! I just want to let you know that your bishop and I spent our date night reading your blog... I think he wants to have a little talk.
ReplyDeleteYou truly get even better looking as you get older! How is that? I thought only men were that way?
ReplyDeleteYou are so funny. I love the lie of saving the brother from fire.
And no joke, I wanted to be Jo on The Facts of Life. Her long feathered brown hair was like SO rad. I loved it.
Happy Birthday, Stiesta! I'm so glad you are part of our fam.
ReplyDeleteI love your last two...the world tells us to hate getting older, but when I turned 30 I thought, "If I could have picked out a life for 30 year old self, this is the one I would have picked." What in the world is depressing about that? Plus I'll take the wisdom of the last 10 years over an unlined face any day.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday (your gift was all those recipes! have you tried them?)
Happy Birthday! I can relate to the cutting of class Senior year. I was never there and I have nightmares too. Also, I worked at Subway. LOVED the free foot long I got every 4 hours. Hope you have a great birthday!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!!!!! I loved your list...and all the cute pictures. You were an adorable little girl and have the CUTEST family now! I'm impressed that you had your first baby without an epidural...I wanted to have Parker naturally. My sister told me OVER and OVER how stupid I was and that I didn't know what I was talking about. That made me want to do it even more, UNTIL I was actually in labor. She was right. And YOU are amazing!
ReplyDeleteOh, Robyn. I have to tell you that having McKay without an epidural was NOT my choice. I delivered him in a state that does not do epidurals unless you have a C-section. It was less than comfy, let me say that. I am by no means a natural-childbirth promoter. I'd do it unconscious, if they'd let me.
ReplyDeleteHave we known you for 14 years? You do get prettier every year. Happy B-day!
ReplyDeleteI had both my boys without drugs. Not intentionally, either, but what can you do when they decide to come out so darn fast.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! The pix are lovely. You have a lot to be happy for :)
Happy happy birthday, my bloggity friend!!
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way about turning 30. Half of me says "You've got your whole life ahead of you" and half says "Its all downhill from here!" Hilarious!!
You're having a birthday shout hurray! We want to sing to you today. One year older and wiser too. Happy Birthday to you! (Can you tell I have Primary on the brain. I'm just about to head out the door to our Program practice.) Anyway...hope your day is wonderful. I loved the family portrait. And ignore all our recipes for one day and get takeout. Or better yet, get TAKEN out.
ReplyDeleteWhat state doesn't do epidurals? The state of Sadism? Never heard of such a thing.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to a fellow list makers extrordinaire. I loved the old pictures. Especially the graduation one with the hair.
Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteThanks for saving your baby brother. I appreciate it. You were born perfect. I'm proud of you.....Love Mom
happy birthday! i did these kind of birthday lists for my family, but it didn't even phase me to do one for myself when i turned this year! fun to read, as always!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!!!
ReplyDeleteI hope you had a good day!
I wanted to be JO from Facts of Life too. I loved that show.
Bonne Anniversaire (and yep, I always have to be different).
ReplyDeleteAmen to loving Jo on "Fact of Life" and being a tomboy? But not figuring out to have an epidural the first time around? My heart goes out to you....
ReplyDeleteI thought about sitting by my computer and at 8:20am this morning making a comment. But then realized-
a) you are in a different time zone & was confused on which time zone to make the comment in
b) don't have the time to sit by the computer and do that-
and if I did it'd be a little freaky and stalker-ish.
Oh well- Happy Happy Birthday.
And though 34 is young, 30 is younger! ha ha! (you have me by 4 years)
Hope you had a magnificent day. And you should've posted about your bday earlier so all us internets could have done something on time for you. I hate doing things late. But when it comes to gifts- better late then never huh? So that means you still have time to send me my gift. I'm waiting.......I'll give you one if you give me one...what do you say???
Happy Birthday! Hope all your wishes come true!
ReplyDeletei hope your birthday is a wonderful one! have a great day
ReplyDeletei love the family picture
That was very nice of you to save your baby brother. Now I just wonder which one it was. Also, I think I probably dug up that barbie head back when I played in the sand box. It was quite the find.
ReplyDeleteHappy Happy Birthday Stie!! Loved finding out 34 things about you--good stuff--and quite funny too.
ReplyDeleteHappy Belated Birthday! I never thought of you as a tomboy...I just thought you were the coolest older girl that I knew. You always made me feel so special because you played with me like I was your best friend. By the way, there is a state that doesn't allow epidurals unless you have a c-section...are they crazy? I am so glad you only had to experience that once! Also, I tagged you on mine, but that was before I read your blog...
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to my cute little niece! You have been a delight from the first day you were born! I have to agree with a previous do get prettier every year!
ReplyDeleteI love the family picture!
ReplyDeleteHappy be-lated Birthday...hope it was a good day!
I wanted to be comment 32. Really y ou need two more to make as many comments as years.
ReplyDeleteHow come nobody ever wanted to be Blaire or Natalie? Is it because they were chubby? Or what about Tootie? I had to sneak to watch that show. My mom thought it was about s-e-x.
ReplyDeleteOkay, this is thirty four. That should do it. You do realize that you are only in your early thirties for one more year, right? Next it is mid thirties, then it is pushing forty with a short stick. I'm 37, which I consider to be mid-thirties, but I am little delusional.
ReplyDelete34. Wow. It's just about time for a mid-life crisis. (unless you've had it already)
ReplyDeleteYour life began the day I was born. Happy Birthday loser.
ReplyDeleteawwww!! happy late one! (though, you're still 34...just 34 and 2 days!! :P)
ReplyDeleteHappy Belated Birthday! Hope it was fabulous!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun post! Love the story about saving your baby brother!
I wanted to be Blaire, although I didn't know much about her. We weren't allowed to watch. I liked her clothes, is that shallow?
I delivered all three of my children naturally, initially by choice but eventually because it was too late! Could be why I can't imagine having MORE! The memory of the pain after the last one is still fresh... three years later! So those epidurals really work, huh? My sister insists that they don't do anything...
Happy birthday! I am probably late, but happy birthday none the less. I hope it was great!
ReplyDeletehappy, happy, stie-sta! can't wait to see all the BEAUTIFUL photos you take with that brand new lens. you amaze us all. keep inspiring us and being a gorgeous hilarious woman!
ReplyDeleteHappy late birthday! I was reading about you and wishing you were 50 so you'd keep going. I agree with you on #17, when groups of friends go to the theater they all get tix and sit together and I have to buy my own ticket and be in the first 5 rows by myself. I don't care. I need to be nearly "on" the stage.
ReplyDeleteHappy Late Birthday! When you mentioned your b-day, I hurried and looked at my calendar....sure enough, there you were, written in. Do I look at my calendar? Sometimes. But, not lately. Then I looked at October and the first few weeks of November. Turns out I have missed several family members' birthdays too. Every one of my friends and my family members used to say, "you are so good to remember everyone's birthdays!" I haven't gotten that comment in a while. HOPE YOU HAD A FUN ONE. I'm almost a year ahead of ya, friend.
Ok, so I read this last week and thought I commented but apparently, I didn't. SO
ReplyDeleteHAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope it was a great one!!!
Have fun at Gab's this week!
Sorry I'm late but happy belated birthday!! Love the pics. You are so darn cute!
ReplyDeleteHappy B day to you (rather late sorry) Wishing you the best year of your life yet!!!