- The children are home from school today, which leaves me little time for blogging and stare-at-the-wall-alone-time. The nerve of those teachers thinking they need to go to conferences in order to teach better. I think you learn by doing. You want to teach well? Then teach my kids all year long. Saturdays and Sundays even. I PROMISE you'll learn a lot.
- It is cold and rainy outside. Which every mother knows is a yet-to-be-proven law of physics that means my children will have more energy than ten college students strung out on speed and mountain dew.
- The oldest of my children answered the door early this morning and let in the man from Geek Squad. Who was here for an appointment that I was supposed to cancel, but didn't because I forgot. The oldest child then led him through the maze of dirty socks and Legos to where I was on the treadmill in the basement. Imagine the feeling of looking up and seeing a strange man in your house at nine in the morning, when all you are expecting to see is naked children running around with light sabers.
- I then got the privilege of writing a check to the strange man from the Geek Squad for doing nothing but seeing me in my smelly, ugly exercise clothes. Because apparently they have a policy that you pay anyway unless you cancel your appointment. That policy sucks, by the way (but probably not as much as seeing me in my exercise outfit does).
- The toothless elderly man from next door has called no less than 13 times today. I am choosing not to answer because I am sure he and his wife are calling to either salvage my unrepentant soul and drag me off to another Bible Camp or invite me and my three children to a local tea house full of breakable porcelain kitties and dolls. Both of which are the EXACT opposite of where I want to spend any free time (and both of which are where I have been invited by them at least 13 times).
- The oldest of my children gave me another rare treat today when he knocked on the bathroom door (as I was showering) and informed me that Mr. Toothless Elderly Man From Next Door was on the phone. HELLO, CHILDREN! THIS IS WHY WE HAVE CALLER ID!
- I then got the privilege of calling Mr. Toothless Elderly Next Door Man back and making up yet another excuse for why we can't all go antiquing today in a town that is two hours away.
- My hair. I'm serious. We are in a hair crisis of epic proportions. I am so overdue for a haircut, it's ridiculous. I look like I have straw wands for hair. My ends are so split that some of them have split ends of their own. And I realize to some (DANIEL, for one) that this does not constitute a real problem. And some of you may say that this is an easily solved crisis, but it remains one that I can't fix today. When it's bugging me. Which only serves to make me more annoyed.
- The caramel apples I so foolishly bought at Sam's Club yesterday have been SCREAMING at me from the pantry to come and eat them. Why do I buy such tempting treats when I know that Halloween is right around the corner? WHY?
- And finally, I am so fed up with the fact that Meredith Grey does not jump into McDreamy's arms and beg him to marry her and have lots of babies. Because it's what I would do. Except that I already did. Like 13 years ago. And now I have those babies. And they're loud, annoying, and leading strangers through the house early in the morning. Okay. Maybe I"m not so annoyed with her after all. Maybe I really GET her.
I love your 'list posts'. I can only imagine that horror of seeing a strange man appear in your basement while you're exercising. Yikes! I can SO relate to that frustration of being overdue for a haircut. Only a woman can. Good luck getting through your day.
ReplyDeleteNext time send the Geek Squad over to the Toothless Old Person's house! Ha ha ha! This was hilarious!!!
ReplyDeleteYou have such entertaining annoyances! To carry on with Gab's comment, next send naked light saber bearing kids over to Toothless Old Person's house and it's 90% certain he will stop calling.
ReplyDeleteMiggs used to lead his friends into the bathroom, WHILE I was using it, to ask if they could have a cookie. I lived in fear that some toothless neighbor would arrive. (We've never had a bathroom door that both closed and locked at the same time.)
ReplyDeleteThat was so funny! Our kids are out today, too. Super annoying. Also have the hair issues. Good luck with that!
ReplyDeleteI don't, however, have toothless elderly man next door. I have brassy waitress girlfriend who doesn't have full custody of her kids, but DOES have a very large boob job.
Gotta love Texas!
It is totally annoying when you want your hair cut but can't do anything about it right now. Tell Daniel that I agree, this is a real problem.
ReplyDeleteYou are free to send extra carmel apples my way. That way they wont be tempting you. That sounds so good. But really, a carmel apple isn't bad for you. You know what they say about apples.
I am so frustrated with Meredith. And I don't want Derek to start dating. You worked out, you deserve the apple.
ReplyDeleteHere via Take 90 West. Totally loved this! My halloween candy is screaming my name...why o why did I buy it early?
ReplyDeleteMy list of annoyances includes:
ReplyDelete1. Why did I ever stop watching Grey's Anatomy? Would you please keep posting updates so I can feel connected to McDreamy? I miss him.
And PLEASE have a caramel apple. You deserve it.
LOL! You are just WAY too funny!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe your kid opened the door. Oh I would have died. But at least you weren't doing something really embarassing like going to the bathroom. I mean think about it.
I lvoe Grey's Anatomy but am getting rather tired of the whole Merideth and McDreamy story line. And Izzie and George bug too. Do they bug you??
What makes you think that the toothless elderly man doesn't read your blog? And I guarantee that the Geek from the Geek Squad had been reading your blog for the last year, and knew that you cancelled your appointment, but saw it as an opportunity to come see you in your workout clothes. Gotta love that internet...
ReplyDeleteYou mean, kids don't grow out of being annoying when they get older that 3 yrs. and 16 months. I keep telling myself it will get better, but this post is discouraging me! Funny list!
ReplyDeleteOkay. Taking a page from Gab's post, why don't you come on over with your kids. They can wreck the upstairs and we can watch Grey's downstairs. I have it recorded so we don't miss any snippy dialogue. We could talk about how much we hate Izzy the homewrecker and how it isn't the same for George since he came out and fired Preston.
ReplyDeleteI promise Toothless won't be able to find you here.
You certainly made annoyances fun to read! A. didn't have PK yesterday either. What is up with that?? Grrr. I'm having a hard time with Grey's too so far this season. Things seem off and Meredith just makes me furious and I actually miss Isaiah Washington. The dynamic of the whole show seems different. We'll see. Nothing wrong with McDreamy though!
ReplyDeleteoh, i get it now...youre a real person -
ReplyDeleteI had the same treadmill experience once, but it was the UPS man. I, later invested in a top door lock that I make sure is latched whenever I step foot on the treadmill. However, this does make me worry and realize that one day, my children WILL be able to reach the latch and unlock it...hmmm...I'll have to think about that one.
ReplyDeleteOh, Yeah, what is up with Meredith Grey?! Argh...I can't stand the fact that she is so non-committal. Who can turn down McDreamy? He is sooo dreamy!
I love that you're rants are all about your own life's frustrations and then the last one is about grey's!!! hahahaa! that was so funny! I find it as though I know those people on tv, same with the magazine's I read at times...thank god I don't see these people in real life, I don't think I'd be able to seperate them from their characters..."hey, McDreamy, wait for her and Meredith, get your head out of your ass!! He's hot and wants you and hello, he's a doctor!!"...hang in there girl, tomorrow is always a better day! xoxo
ReplyDeleteI've purposefully avoided the caramel apples for exactly that reason! :)
ReplyDeleteI'd be doomed.
You are HILARIOUS. I need to go back into your archive to figure out who the Geek Squad is. I don't think we have them in Norway, but I would also have been pretty terrified to see a stranger in my basement, where, incidentally, I also have a treadmill (maybe we all do - I don't often get to check out other people's basements. Like the Geek Squad.)
ReplyDeleteI so know about treats SCREAMING at you. But I usually don't let them scream that long. I'm just not that mean. :)
Thanks for the chuckle!
If you could give the toothless elderly next door neighbor a carmel apple would he stop calling?
ReplyDeleteHoorah for the Red Sox!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe don't allow toothless people in our neighborhood. I always have glasses by the phone to check the caller id. I had to kick my little kids (ages 29 and 25) out of my room last Friday cause they wouldn't quite bugging me while I was watching "All my Children" It one hard life. Let Meredith think about it for awhile.