Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Flirting over the canned peas and macaroni

Today I was strolling up and down the aisles of my local grocery store. I kept meeting the same person in the middle of each aisle. Every time I passed this man, he smiled up and me and said, "Hello, pretty lady."

Which, thanks to my most thoughtful son telling me all that is wrong with my fine self, I was needing today.

With each passing aisle, and each passing compliment, my self-esteem soared. See, McKay, SEE? Strangers tell me I'm pretty. I can't be ALL THAT bad.

But our little game ended when I heard him say the exact same thing to another store patron. Sadly, it was not a trim, cute soccer mom that drew his attentions away from me. It was a balding, elderly man wearing a pink shirt.

Next time our carts passed, I eyed him more carefully.

He is mentally challenged.

And I, unfortunately, am still ugly.


  1. Oh, that is so sad. For you and for the balding man who got called a lady.

    And you ROCKED with "Sex-and-the-City Ham."

  2. That is so funny! And come on now, why can't he recognize real beauty? Just becaue he mistook an elderly man for a young hot mama doesn't mean he didn't REALLY recognize you for what you are.

  3. i loved this. you make me laugh. stie, we know you'll always have a 'sweet spirit' even if you are catching all the wrong men.

  4. I love ya! Thanks for the laugh pretty lady :)

    I've got beer to drink now; thanks for the advice.

    You are good enough, smart enough and gosh darn it, people like you.

  5. The son is compliment challenged. And you're not ugly. Maybe you just need a pink shirt. Ask Hannah.

  6. oh, puh-LEEZE!! I've seen pics of you and your family and you are ALL totally gorgeous!!! Go get thyself a pedicure and feel pretty.

  7. I laughed out loud. That is too funny. And don't worry. I will take the spot of the ugly duckling this weekend and make you all shine seeing as my determination to loose those last 10 pounds of baby weight got soaked up in one of Sue's peanut butter rice krispy bars. Oh well.

  8. oh, i'm sure he was telling you the truth ('cuz we all know it's true), he was just trying to make that other person's day.

  9. Don't you love it when someone does something blogworthy and you can write about it?

    Maybe you could post a picture of yourself and we could all comment on your hotness. Please?

  10. Oh, too funny! Can't stop laughing. What are the chances of those two events happening so closely together? Your writing is killing me... wonderful!

    I had to peruse the archives a bit to find a photo, but from the one that I saw, you have nothing to worry about... not that you need me to tell you that!

  11. You are gorgeous inside and callbacks, period.

  12. How do you think the man felt..."Pretty lady?"

  13. You're a gorgeous girl, love the pic of you in the side bar, you should keep it up...hope you're having fun in NYC!!
