Thursday, October 4, 2007

Ask and ye shall receive

Because of the roaring demand from the likes of Celia Fae (and because she makes me laugh so hard every morning), I have added a portrait of myself to the sidebar. It may not remain there for long as I rather hate staring at myself unless I'm looking in the mirror having the eternal debate of "Bangs?" or "No Bangs?" But because you internets were so nice (and some of you nice without seeing me), I decided to oblige. There I be.

Anyway, probably won't post much in the next few days. I'm off to New York City with some of my long lost best girlfriends. And to my BFFs who couldn't come: Bridget, Cindy, and Jackie - we won't be having any fun without you. I promise. No broadway shows, chocolate souffles, fake purses in Chinatown, or frozen hot chocolates at Serendipity. No, siree. No fun at all. We will just be jogging, eating tofu, and cleaning graffiti off buildings in the Bronx. Just think of us doing that and maybe you'll be glad you couldn't make it. Anyway you slice it, you girls will be sorely missed.

So have a great weekend, all. I'll be back on Monday with loads of pictures (of me jogging, eating tofu, and scrubbing graffiti, ahem!) and can't wait to catch up with all of you. I'm outta here!


  1. Now we have proof of how beautiful you are so you'd better not make any more "I'm ugly" comments. Thanks for sharing the picture. It's nice to put a face to you.

    Can I come to New York to help scrub graffiti? Woohooo for you for getting away for a weekend. That sounds fabulous. Enjoy :)

  2. What a great picture! NYC? I am so jealous! Have a great trip!

  3. Have fun in NYC!!

    Please, PLEASE tell me you are kidding about the tofu.

  4. Have fun on your trip. Your picture is gorgeous!

  5. new york, my favorite city and place to escape with my hubby - have fun! i love the picture - after the last few posts, not at all what i pictured. You are beautiful.

  6. U-Nork City! Don't follow any strange women in Chinatown. I don't want to have to scrape you off any buildings. But what a way to go!

  7. You look beautiful Stie as always. I say keep it there.

    You crack me up about the jogging, tofu and graffiti cleaning. I will go ahead and imagine that so I am not feeling too sad and jealous.

    Does Cindy Stevens have a blog?

  8. No, B, Cindy doesn't have a blog YET. I keep working on her. One of these days...

  9. Love the photo and can't wait to see the real you soon! Have a safe flight...

  10. I found you on Celia's blog and too was wanting a face to go with the great humor! You are a great read! Thanks for the entertainment. I think the mentally challenged guy was right and your sweet little son is just nine. Ignore him. You are beautiful.

    BTW, I really like your kinda long sweeping bangs.

  11. You better not have any fun without me. I am so jealous!! Think of me when you are buying cute purses. I hope you have the best time ever!!

  12. I thought you were running the marathon this weekend?

  13. It's so nice to put a face with all the wonderful and amusing posts! And you look beautiful, so don't feel self-conscious!!

  14. Now I see the REAL reason you decided not to run the St. George Marathon....torture yourself for 5 hours or broadway shows and chocolate souffles? (Or even eating tofu and cleaning graffiti). Tough choice! I think you made the right one...we'll miss you, though. We're taking your spot in the family!

  15. Did you go to NY to clean the graffiti, or did you really just need a weekend off from the blog? Your entries will be sorely missed...for three days!

  16. your picture is beautiful silly goose! you just put it up to see how many compliments you would get! have fun in nyc... i'm totally jealous. yum! serendipity... have a frozen hot chocolate for me.

  17. hooray for stie and the annual girls trip!! i think this tradition is FABULOUS and will be sure to instill it in my life when i am a mom of a few adorable kids like you. ooh and how i hope to be tall, gorgeous, huge smile and with thick hair like you too. you make motherhood look so good!

    have a fun trip. you deserve it. can't wait to hear all the darling details. i heart nyc!!!

  18. the trip sounds great...hard to beat nyc...yup, serendipity is the greatest fun...have one of everything...see some great shows...and shop! your picture is could it not be?

  19. Well that proves it, you are one hot mom! You go girl!

    Have a great time in New York. So jealous ;).

  20. I noticed the pic when I came by for a quick blog visit and then your post about why you posted it and then your post about why EVERYONE told you to post it. Well, just too funny! I think you are gorgeous. I'm sure you know that. You are also too danged FUNNY. That post about the grocery store had me laughing out loud.

    Have fun in NYC. What a great place!

  21. Love the picture. You look great with bangs. I say keep em!

  22. Hi! You surprised me! I had to double click on the photo just so I could see if it was you, and then I got a mention in your post. I feel so honored. Thanks for making my day. Doesn't take much, huh?
