Tuesday, October 23, 2007

All we can do

I interrupt my regularly scheduled sarcasm and bad writing to ask for your prayers on behalf of the good people in San Diego.

Due to the massive and uncontrollable fires, the area where we used to live has been evacuated. Schools have been closed. Good friends and family have been ordered to leave their homes. I can't imagine looking around my house and trying to decide what was important enough to take, and what I felt I could live without should my house burn to the ground.

Please pray that these fires can be contained. And pray that nobody else gets hurt.


  1. Oh, I just saw a clip of a journalist reporting from his own house as it was engulfed in flames. I really can not imagine. How horrible!!!

  2. It's like watching a movie...I can't imagine LIVING in the movie! I agree...they DEFINITELY need our prayers!

  3. Amen. I admit I've been thinking of them all day (and also thankful you don't still live there!).

  4. Thank you Christie. My Aunt lives there and is safe so far. She is keeping us all posted and we are likewise keeping them in our prayers!

  5. Definitly praying for them.
    I know how you must be feeling as I felt exactly the same when when Katrina hit New Orleans and the Gulf Shores area.
    Hope your friends and family will make it thru this.

  6. It just makes me so sad for all those people. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

  7. Like Annie, I'm glad you guys moved. Can you imagine? Makes life at the DMV seem not so bad, huh?

  8. Yeah, I am so happy you guys have moved. It must be so horrible. The Strangs' neighborhood has been evacuated but they are refusing to leave. Yikes! Doesn't sound too smart to me. We will definitely be remembering all these people in our prayers.
