Monday, March 11, 2013

Moving Day

Friends, strangers, and anonymous, hateful trolls:

My time here at Blogger has come to an end. I tried very unsuccessfully to give this blog a facelift. After hours of copying and pasting a lot of crappy HTML, pulling my hair out, and lamenting over and over, "WHAT HAVE I DONE?" I decided it was time for a clean break.

I will no longer be writing on this website.

You can now find me at my very brand new, sparkly, custom domain named website:

Be sure to add it into your Google Reader. I won't be double posting here for you lazy peeps. Blogger is dead to me. Buried in a shallow grave in the woods, covered with piles of HTML and my tears.

Squarespace is where it's at. It's worth the money you pay for your pretty new site.  And you can customize the crap out of it yourself.

It's kind of like the difference between having free plastic surgery in the alley behind Walmart done by that homeless guy with no teeth versus board-certified, sterile, safe plastic surgery in a shiny, new hospital.

Why would I trust my blog face to anything less?

Come stop by and have a peek. The old girl is looking mucho improved, if I do say so myself.

1 comment:

  1. This beloved troll can help you do some forwarding so your faithful hateful trolls and beloved readers alike can get forwarded to your new home. Call me and I can remote in.

