Friends, strangers, and anonymous, hateful trolls:
My time here at Blogger has come to an end. I tried very unsuccessfully to give this blog a facelift. After hours of copying and pasting a lot of crappy HTML, pulling my hair out, and lamenting over and over, "WHAT HAVE I DONE?" I decided it was time for a clean break.
I will no longer be writing on this website.
You can now find me at my very brand new, sparkly, custom domain named website:
Be sure to add it into your Google Reader. I won't be double posting here for you lazy peeps. Blogger is dead to me. Buried in a shallow grave in the woods, covered with piles of HTML and my tears.
Squarespace is where it's at. It's worth the money you pay for your pretty new site. And you can customize the crap out of it yourself.
It's kind of like the difference between having free plastic surgery in the alley behind Walmart done by that homeless guy with no teeth versus board-certified, sterile, safe plastic surgery in a shiny, new hospital.
Why would I trust my blog face to anything less?
Come stop by and have a peek. The old girl is looking mucho improved, if I do say so myself.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Thursday, March 7, 2013
For my number one fan
They say the surest way to a mama's heart is through her kids.
Never has this been more true in my life. I am painfully aware of the wondrously lush group of friends that we have been blessed to know here in St. Louis. It didn't take our impending move for us to appreciate them either. I could write posts for days about the fabulous people I'm blessed to have in my life. Friends that really are family. Kids that are like cousins. Girlfriends that are the sisters I never had. We got lucky when we moved here. Lucky because a fabulous group of women opened their hearts to me, and naturally, my kids.
One friend in particular I'd like to talk about today. And it's not because he has dubbed himself my "number one blog fan."
Though, I have to say, I am flattered to have such a distinction. Honestly, I'm just thrilled to even HAVE a fan. (And possibly wondering who paid him off.)
But, no, the reason I want to talk about this kid is because he's amazing and deserves a blog post all his own.
Meet Nick.
Nick is a boy whom we met our first week here in 2007. Their family had just moved from Connecticut about seven months prior to our move to St. Louis. They matched up perfectly to our family in every way. I could write post after post about the things his mom has done for me. Oh wait, I did. And here, too. Aaannnd here.
See? Told you they were amazing.
Anyway. Back to Nick.
Nick is the same age as Chase. While they differ considerably in height, they are a perfect match in every other way.
Nick, much like Chase, roots for the underdog and has no tolerance for hate. He is one of the kindest souls I've ever met. He is funny without being obnoxious. (Yes, Mindy. It's true. We all find Nick hilarious. Make peace with that.)
He cheers my boy on at every race, while brushing off any praise for his own (far superior) time. When Nick took first place in the district junior high track meet? He was more happy for Chase, who took third. Because he knew just how far Chase had come. His smile matched my boy's that day, and my heart melted at the love shown by Nick.
And last year, when he was the last in his class to graduate from primary, his attitude was as cheerful as the eager, new Sunbeams. He didn't sulk or pout his lot in life, as many before him have done. He raised his hand with questions, listened when I was teaching, and taught me more than he'll ever know.
Nick is not jealous or petty. He is not concerned with appearances or the pervasive middle school curse of trying to look "cool." He is confident, yet humble. He is eager to have fun and wants to make sure no one gets left out.
He is my son's best friend.
Lord help him, but he loves my goofy boy, even when Chase does his Gollum impression. He helps my boy to push himself harder with the running, and is always there to cheer him on. He listens for hours to talk of airsoft guns and World War II. He gives of himself freely, and asks nothing in return.
His mom quite often jokes and apologizes for his goofiness. What she does not know is this: There is a special place in this mama's heart for goofy boys.
After all, I'm raising two and married to one.
Goofy boys are pretty much the bomb.
So thanks, Nick, for making Chase's time here the best of his young life. Thanks for being a true friend, and for loving us in spite of ourselves. We fully expect to see your family often. Texas is not that far away.
Friends like you are worth their weight in gold.
Never has this been more true in my life. I am painfully aware of the wondrously lush group of friends that we have been blessed to know here in St. Louis. It didn't take our impending move for us to appreciate them either. I could write posts for days about the fabulous people I'm blessed to have in my life. Friends that really are family. Kids that are like cousins. Girlfriends that are the sisters I never had. We got lucky when we moved here. Lucky because a fabulous group of women opened their hearts to me, and naturally, my kids.
One friend in particular I'd like to talk about today. And it's not because he has dubbed himself my "number one blog fan."
Though, I have to say, I am flattered to have such a distinction. Honestly, I'm just thrilled to even HAVE a fan. (And possibly wondering who paid him off.)
But, no, the reason I want to talk about this kid is because he's amazing and deserves a blog post all his own.
Meet Nick.
Nick is a boy whom we met our first week here in 2007. Their family had just moved from Connecticut about seven months prior to our move to St. Louis. They matched up perfectly to our family in every way. I could write post after post about the things his mom has done for me. Oh wait, I did. And here, too. Aaannnd here.
See? Told you they were amazing.
Anyway. Back to Nick.
Nick is the same age as Chase. While they differ considerably in height, they are a perfect match in every other way.
Nick, much like Chase, roots for the underdog and has no tolerance for hate. He is one of the kindest souls I've ever met. He is funny without being obnoxious. (Yes, Mindy. It's true. We all find Nick hilarious. Make peace with that.)
He cheers my boy on at every race, while brushing off any praise for his own (far superior) time. When Nick took first place in the district junior high track meet? He was more happy for Chase, who took third. Because he knew just how far Chase had come. His smile matched my boy's that day, and my heart melted at the love shown by Nick.
And last year, when he was the last in his class to graduate from primary, his attitude was as cheerful as the eager, new Sunbeams. He didn't sulk or pout his lot in life, as many before him have done. He raised his hand with questions, listened when I was teaching, and taught me more than he'll ever know.
Nick is not jealous or petty. He is not concerned with appearances or the pervasive middle school curse of trying to look "cool." He is confident, yet humble. He is eager to have fun and wants to make sure no one gets left out.
He is my son's best friend.
Lord help him, but he loves my goofy boy, even when Chase does his Gollum impression. He helps my boy to push himself harder with the running, and is always there to cheer him on. He listens for hours to talk of airsoft guns and World War II. He gives of himself freely, and asks nothing in return.
His mom quite often jokes and apologizes for his goofiness. What she does not know is this: There is a special place in this mama's heart for goofy boys.
After all, I'm raising two and married to one.
Goofy boys are pretty much the bomb.
So thanks, Nick, for making Chase's time here the best of his young life. Thanks for being a true friend, and for loving us in spite of ourselves. We fully expect to see your family often. Texas is not that far away.
Friends like you are worth their weight in gold.