Thursday, November 8, 2012

A winner...

Um, yeah.  Sorry about that.

Didn't mean to completely ignore my own contest or anything.

Been a little bit busy around here feeling overwhelmed, stressed, excited, and manic.

Life has thrown a curve ball our way and it's completely tossed everything we know upside down.

I'm not ready to talk about it yet, as things are still unsettled, but I can promise you this:

We are not getting divorced.
No one is sick.
I am definitely not pregnant.  (But I'm pretty excited about someone I know who is.)

Once things are figured out around here, a post will be forthcoming, I promise.

In the meantime, the winner of my new favorite book is:

Blogger Sara said...
My favorite is Unbreakable...excellent read.
You had me at It's a Wonderful Life! That's my favorite movie.
October 22, 2012 4:43:00 PM CDT

Shoot me your address and the book will be on its way to your hot little hands.


  1. Hope everything's okay. I bought the book myself... loved it. Passed it along as well. :)

  2. Yahoo! Thanks, I can't wait to read it! s

  3. That's BS, I totally should have won your stupid book giveaway. This contest was even more rigged than the presidential election. I'm never reading your dumb blog again.

  4. Hubby get a new job? Moving? Can't keep us hanging forever...

  5. I'm really sorry to see Dan go. He's funny. :)

    Can't wait to hear your big news!

  6. Booooo. Isn't that the book they wrote AFTER the M Night Shyamalan movie by the same name. Borrrring.

  7. I want to know your news! Fill us in!
