Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What I've been up to


I write this post carefully with fingers that ache to the core.  Sitting on my rear end, I feel the tugs and pulls of muscles that hurt in all directions.  I hold my head up with a stiff neck that feels permanently kinked.

I also write it with paint covering every last inch of my skin.

I have spent the last two days holed up in what feels like a dungeon.  Painting, priming, and then priming some more.

I am anticipating finishing today's tasks in a mere eight hours, as opposed to the 12-13 hours I have been putting in every day this week.

I'm slightly giddy with excitement at the possibility of finishing soon.

And by soon, I do mean in three more back-breaking, brutal days.

I have cursed mentally (and out loudedly) at the foolish notion that I could do this.  That I, a single, solitary person, could paint and prime an entire brand-new 1,500 square-foot basement all by myself.

Yesterday morning, in a puddle of tears, I called in the cavalry and begged the help of my friends' teenage daughters with the promise of cash.

They came and I cried a puddle of grateful tears.

My friend Mindy joined me for several hours, as well.  For which I can never repay her enough.

What I have learned is this:

  • Don't be afraid to ask for help.  Most especially when you offer to pay said help.  The masses will come and your load will feel more manageable.
  • Painting all day definitely makes it easy to stay out of the kitchen, resulting in a 3 pound weight loss over a two-day period.  Painful, but I'll take it.
  • The Husband's sincere and heartfelt awe over your mad hard working skills will make it slightly less easy to hate him while he's traveling and dining at fine restaurants.
  • Clarifying shampoo does not still remove all the paint from your hair.
  • Primer is of the devil.
If I don't make it out alive, make sure my funeral is held in that blasted basement and that a good portion of the service is devoted to staring with gratitude and reverence at the ceiling.  I painted that bad boy all by myself.


  1. I love painting but your tasks seemed even a little much for me!!! I bow at your paint smeared clothes! I can't wait to see pictures of the lovilyness of your basement and I will be green with envy at the beautiful design and execution and as I have gained the three pounds you lost it will be my tears that fall next. The LBs are safe as they were hiding in a tub of butter but I went in after them and have stored in my butt checks for safe keeping!!

  2. A fine comb will get the paint out of your hair. Sadly, I know this from much experience.

    The painting of the bedroom starts this weekend... but I have to say that it is far less ambitious... your basement is bigger than my entire house. :)

  3. I can not imagine painting an ENTIRE basement! Way to go. I would have totally come to help, too. I used to love painting more than I do now (kids ruin a lot of things for you). Last week I painted our downstairs hallway (all by myself, too) I ran -literally - with Wyatt in the jog stroller to Home Depot to buy the paint and came home all jazzed to get this project done. About halfway through the prep work, I thought, "I really don't want to do this now." But I couldn't stop in the middle & now it look lovely!

  4. Lady, you are ALL KINDS OF AWESOME.

    I laughed at how you said that some of your curses were done, "out loudedly".

    Pat yourself on the back, girlie...well...that is, when your sore, tight muscles allow you to reach back there. ;)

  5. The timing of said project stinks!!!! I would have been their with bells, I mean, paint brushes on! Drat for the bad timing of company. It will look great my friend and you will enjoy it all the more when relaxing in the finished product.

  6. Painting sucks. Painting ceilings sucks even more.

    I'm impressed.

  7. I just paid good money to have someone come in and paint my house because I knew I would hate the job and it would look like crap if I did it. But I sure wish I had that money now. So you will be so glad!

    And if you die in the next three days, we will scatter your ashes at Sherwin Williams or wherever you bought your paint.

  8. You moved your bookshelf, dummy. That was a really good spot, or did you forget how to read, or did you just ban books in your house. Can I have that bookshelf?

  9. You did the ceiling even. Ugh!!

    1. I so miss regular blogging. It's the funnest to hear your "voice" and catch up on your life.
    2. Cute house in the background.

  10. Painting is one of my favorite things to do...I would have totally helped and I would have worked for diet cherry pepsi and chocolate. That is so much work you definitely deserve a reward!

  11. I love that bookshelf, too, Dan! In fact, Christie, I bought a bookshelf with glass doors because of that thing. Also, Robert recently said this to me in reference to his woodworking skills: "I feel like an idiot trying to paint this bed. In the woodworking arena I'm not Ryan (Sara's husband), Earl (his brother), Rhett (his brother in law), or Josh Halverson. Eek! I guess he remembered the picture I showed him of your beautiful handcrafted bedroom furniture. Didn't mean to make him feel like I was comparing . . . .

  12. First, let me thank you for reminding me that although my living room NEEDS a serious paint job, it would be a freaking nightmare and probably won't get done this year. Did I mention my walls are 19' high ceilings?

    Second, your funeral comment made me laugh. When I was in high school I wanted a burgundy velvet gown for my prom dress. It cost $6.95 a yard (1977). My mom bought it and sewed a beautiful Gunne Sax styled dress - all the while telling EVERYONE who would listen that I was going to be buried in that dress. My sister's have the dress and have made some sort of blood pact to honor mom's curse. It's going to be tucked in there somewhere!!!

  13. I must be delusional at the mere thought of walls and ceiling are 19' high. ick.

  14. Hey,
    Call me crazy, but isn't this picture backwards? Is that the bookshelf Dan is talking about on the other side? I hope we get to come see the finished result soon.

  15. Hi there! i sent you an email and was hoping you could read it. thanks so much!

  16. YOU HAVE TO CALL ME....FOR ME TO BE ABLE TO HELP... WHICH I WANT TO... BUT YOU HAVE TO CALL ME :) ... You have do so much for me ALL the time and I feel like I never get to do the same... PLEASE call me next time...ok? ;)
