Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Somebody's singing in our shower

Yesterday, Hannah walked in the door, paused, and looked up with horror on her face. Instantly, I knew just what her problem was.

"WHAT. IS. THAT?" she asked.

"Oh, that. It's the man upstairs."

"WHY is he doing that?" she inquired, hands held tight over her ears in a vain attempt at protecting herself from the onslaught raining down from above.

Having endured the sound for the past several hours, I had been asking myself the same thing all day long.

What was this audible horror story come to life, you ask?

It's our drywall guy.

Apparently, he really likes the singing. And music from the 60s.

Both at high volume. (And very out of tune.)

This morning, I walked by the boys' room, hoping my presence would serve as a shameful reminder that he was not, in fact, alone in the house. Sadly, I am afraid it had quite the opposite effect.

He looked up at me through dusty glasses, grinned like a bobcat, and said, "Don't you just love Pandora radio?"

I smiled, nodded, and went back down to the basement --the only place in the house where the new soundtrack of my life is slightly muffled.

Frankly, I'd like to stuff that Pandora back into the box where she came from.

And possibly him, too.


  1. Maybe my blog would be better if hilarious stuff like that happened to me.

  2. Music from the 60s? Are you kidding me? Even out of tune, it's the best music ever!

  3. Hilarious. Maybe you can sneak and change it to a musical theatre Pandora station? See what he can do with a good Wicked or Les Mis tune.

  4. The comment about stuffing that Pandora back into her box...along with the drywall guy was so clever and hilarious...

    ...too bad the reality of having to listen to it all day is not so funny...the least he could do is pick a different decade to caterwaul to.

  5. Well, maybe you should just finish the drywall yourself...

  6. Sheesh. Singing off key in your own house is bad enough, but someone else's? Who's paying you? That's pretty bad, but kinda funny.

  7. I agree with Annie above! Switch the station to show tunes and join him. Or go see a movie, I love a matinee all by myself.

  8. This is HILARIOUS!! You should totally secretly video tape him and post it to YouTube! You will get thousands of hits!

  9. That happened to me at a doctor's office once. This old guy had on headphone and was oblivious to anyone around him. He sang country rock and even attempted rap. I kept looking around thinking surely I as being punked! No one else was in the waiting room so I had no one to chuckle with.That was the real bad part!
