Tuesday, October 25, 2011

You old Son of a Gun

Whenever I hear people complain about their in-laws, I thank my lucky stars once again for mine. Though I was madly in love with the Husband and could not wait to marry him, I also was madly in love with his family and could not wait to be a part of them. He is one of seven and often jokes that his parents like me better than they like him.

I do not dispute that. I am all kinds of awesome.

But this past year, my mother-in-law was given every writer's dream. She was contacted by her uncle with an idea he had for a western novel. He hired her to write it and breathe life and depth into his characters and story. She worked tirelessly for months to finish the manuscript. On a whim, she submitted it to a publisher, got accepted, and it's been a whirlwind of excitement around here ever since.

In fact, the top of Chase's birthday wish list this year was a copy of Oma's book.

The book is out this month and it's fantastic. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and could not put it down. Though Oma kept it pretty clean in the event that any grandkids would one day want to pick it up, there is plenty of adventure for the rest of us: saloons, shoot outs, runaways, ladies of the night, and heroes that save the day. Without giving anything anyway, the ending will leave your jaw gaping.

So, to celebrate her big accomplishment, I am going to give one lucky reader a copy of her book. Leave a comment telling me your favorite author and come Thursday morning, I will randomly pick a winner. If you blog about the book and leave me the link, I will put in two entries for you, doubling your chance to win.

This is a great story - fun for people of all ages. Got a dad or grandpa who likes westerns? Enter and you've got a Christmas present all ready to go.

Hurry quick. Contest ends Thursday morning at 8 a.m. central time. And, yes, I will happily ship internationally.

P.S. Should you not win and want to get the book for yourself anyway, here is where you can find it.


  1. That is so awesome! What an accomplishment!

    And let's see...my favorite author...oh goodness. Let's just say Orson Scott Card or C.S. Lewis.

    Congratulations to your mother-in-law!

  2. How exciting for your family! My favorite author is probably Betsy Brannon Green, but I have many, many, many favorite books. :)

  3. Needing a new book to read and this one sounds very interesting! I don't think I could pick a favorite author, but I do love C.S. Lewis.

  4. Not saying he's my favorite but I love reading Stephen King. The scarier the better. I was reading one of his books on the treadmill one night and came to a part so scary that I threw the book on the floor and almost fell off. No kidding.

  5. That is very cool!! Congrats to your awesome mother-in-law on her book!

  6. How exciting! Can't choose a favorite author, so I'll go with Harper Lee since she authored my FAVORITE BOOK OF ALL TIME: To Kill A Mockingbird.

  7. That's all kinds of crazy good!

    Hmmm.... probably Dean Koontz or James Patterson. So outside my reality, it's just a great way to escape the here and now. And a really great way to appreciate that my real life isn't like those books. :)

  8. I sure do love Sharon Kay Penman's historical fiction...long but completely engrossing!

  9. I love Dan Brown, author of The Da Vinci code, etc. I am thrilled Marty wrote a book...I would love to read it!

  10. Thanks, Stie! Actually, I pictured you when I conjured up Ruby. The prettiest girl in town!

  11. How Wonderful, Stie!!!!!!! Oma is amazing. ☺

    My favorite book is The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom.

    And, oh, my yes, I totally agree. You are all kinds of awesome!! (I'm not just saying that in hopes that you will rig the contest and choose me.)

  12. That is very cool! And I love that you fit in your husband's family so well. It is hard for me to pick a favorite author too but I think I'd say John Steinbeck.

  13. So, so cool! I can't wait to read it! What an exciting thing to happen!
    All time favorite, that I never get tired of... Jane Austen. She cracks me up.

  14. Awesome! I wish I read more....when I read I do NOTHING ELSE...nothing else...makes Casey crazy. I really like Nicholas Sparks. And the amazing Hilary Weeks has some fun simple reads.

  15. Glad I checked out your blog in time to enter. I just finished another excellent John Steinbeck, so while it's hard for me to pick a favorite, I'll go with him.

    And can I just say, lucky you! about your in-laws.

  16. Favorite author??? That is a great question. I don't have one. ...but I recently finished a book about teaching my children to work. The author of that book is Debbie Bowen.
    Congrats, Oma, on the book. I am thrilled for you!
