Monday, May 16, 2011

Five years running

It is that time of year, my friends.

The time of year where we pull out the shorts, wash the swim towels, and prepare to spend a fortune in keeping the pantry stocked.

It is also the time of year when we celebrate the impending summer with a little trip to the barber's chair.

As you can see, this handsome shag dog was beyond ready for a trim:


As was his brother, Justin Bieber McKay, whose hair was getting so big that his father threatened to trim it for him daily.


It is time to once again embrace the mohawks. Five years running now.

Yeah, baby.





I love it.

And, apparently, so does half the girls in the eighth grade. It has put our boy smack dab in the middle of a whole lot of female attention, and he has proclaimed the mohawk to be his new haircut of choice.

Here's to summer and her long absence from our lives.

[If only the weather would look at the calendar and catch up already. Sheesh.]


  1. I love it, too. You are one of those cool moms. I have been blogging with you for long enough now, that I look forward to the mohawk pics of your boys each year...a rite of passage...I am now ready for summer, too.

    Didn't McKay hesitate to get a hawk several years ago? Those days are gone since the look is loved by the ladies...☺

  2. They look great. I always love my boys' summer buzz cuts.

    And I agree, it's time for some better weather.

  3. LOve it!

    Just keep the scissors away from the husband this year. K?


  4. Cute boys. Jenica had a teacher ask her if this was something all the boys at church have to do.

    We laughed.

  5. So cute - I think less hair emphasizes their way cute faces.

  6. Wow - your boys have such striking eyes! Even with the mohawk, it's the EYES.
