Monday, April 11, 2011


It started out as a simple, regular, ordinary day.

One boy, home from school, taking his mental health day. His mama gives him one per year, you see, and he chose a sunny, happy Friday for the occasion.

The boy and his mama started the morning off right with a four-mile run together. They talked easily as they ran, each with one headphone pulled out. Music still flowed, as did their effortless banter. He asked questions; she answered them. He made her laugh; she smiled at him. They set a goal to beat the washing machine busily spinning at home.

And beat it, they did.


They hydrated and showered, then headed over to the mall for a movie. It was definitely his pick, for she happily sacrificed one of her own. After all, she can see movies any day she wants. She never gets to see them with him.

He loved it. And that was what mattered to her.


She treated him to lunch, and he repaid her with lively conversation. She watched him across the table, listened to his chatter, and wondered when it was exactly that her little boy grew up. She relished all the secrets he divulged without realizing it - these thoughts he keeps locked up inside; the things that make him tick. They shared a piece of cheesecake, and she gladly gave him the lion's share.

Her dessert that day had nothing to do with food.


She offered to take him shopping at those stores he loves, the ones with the brand names splashed across every shirt. He tried on everything until he found just the right items. He did not even seem to mind when he was accosted by the mama paparazzi outside of the dressing room. In fact, he posed for her and made her laugh with his very serious GQ face.


Her laughter flowed freely, and it was all because of him. He, this sweet boy of hers with the blue eyes and splash of freckles across his nose. The one who pretends he's tough and acts too cool for silly things like pictures and hugs. He filled up her heart and soul in just the way that only 13-year-old boys can do for their mamas.


It started out as a simple, regular, ordinary day.

And ended as something so much more.


  1. What a great day! Sounds amazing and gives me hope that one day soon my oldest and I will be able to enjoy each other's company b/c presently we are like oil and water. Please tell me it's a phase.

  2. Awesome! Will you adopt me because I could really use a mental health day like that with you. :)

  3. The mental health day is a great idea.

    This was beautiful, Stie. Beautifully written and a beautiful day for the two of you.

    My 13 year old had a band audition for some kind of district band. We had to travel 2 hours away and ended up spending the whole day together. It really was bliss.

    I am loving the GQ face. I love the phrase you coined of, "mama paparazzi".

    ...oh, and you are HOT. Va va va voom, Lady! I love the last picture!

  4. So he ran 4 miles and you walked around the block until he was done, right?

  5. Are you kidding? I submit this post as exhibit "Q" that we were separated at birth. Each of my kids get to take one mental health day per year, and last week I took Stella to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch on hers.

    You are beautiful, he is amazing, my heart adores you both.

  6. best thing i've read all day. so sweet. glad you two had a happy day together. he is the cutest mix of you and josh.

  7. What a fabulous idea. A mental health day. I love it and hope I'll remember this when all my kiddos are in school. I guarantee your kids will always always remember these days as so special.

    And as always, beautiful writing.

  8. You are probably the cutest mom I know! (and I plan to steal all of your ideas). Sweetest post ever.

  9. Swallowing back the tears. You'll both have those sweet memories forever. My Mom used to let me take mental health days during high school. They were awesome, cherished times together. Thanks for sharing :) - Cares

  10. I love days like this. I had one very similar to it with my 13 year old son recently. It does make a mama's hear happy!

  11. K you look HOT in the last photo! Now that I've got that out of the way ;-)

    What a cool day for you and Mack! You are such a good Mom and he will always remember this day!

  12. I am totally stealing this idea woman! Mental Health Days rock, and you are making memories you'll both cherish forever. So cool.

  13. I call them "personal days" but I am a believer! I think your son looks so much like you! What a fun day and a great memory for both of you!

  14. Awwww.

    I love date days with my boys. Course, I'd never go run four mile with them... but hey, I'm totally down for cheesecake any day.

  15. You are easily THE BEST MOM IN THE WORLD! Your Mother of the Year award is in the mail!
    This sounds fabulous, your son will always remember and treasure these memories...oh, and you're a total hottie!...just thought I'd get that in there, you know, 'cause you deserve it.

  16. So I want to know how you manage to cut it down to just one mental health day per year? Any tips on how to get an almost 13 year old to talk? Mine is a vault. He's just like his mama . . . He keeps EVERYTHING inside.

  17. Loved this post. I completely believe in these days off and they can't be shared with another kid. Just mama and one child. Looks like a great day.

  18. Those days are the absolute BEST! What a cute, cute boy.

  19. lucky duck! I wish I had a mental health day like that...... I know what you are going to say when I am in middle school. :(

  20. I love this idea! I am so copying it....

  21. Cute post - love this idea. Gave me goosebumps when I read it!
