Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Inquiring minds want to know

I have two quick questions for you today:

1. Do you think there is enough protein in a piece of cake to justify it as a snack after a session with the trainer? I'm going to say yes. But only because I already ate it.

2. Is anyone else as obsessed with Les Miserables as I am right now? After Annie's post, a frantic text from my brother about the 25th Anniversary concert on PBS, and a phone call from a sister-in-law in Idaho who gets better broadway right now than I do, I just can't get enough of it. I have it on constantly in the car, I am losing hours watching videos on You Tube, and I finally just gave up and ordered my own copy of the concert from Amazon. I love it. It still makes me cry, even after all these years.

It also makes me feel old. I remember when it first came out. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Yikes.

And someday if when I get to heaven, I am going to demand that my voice sound JUST. LIKE. THIS.

That is all. Happy Wednesday.


  1. YES! I am with you... we saw it on PBS and had to send them money - you know to help with public broadcasting.

    OK - you found me out... it was just to get the DVD. IT was SO great. I LOVE it.

    I am so pleased to be the first.

    And yes, the cake is just fine... I know how hard you work out. :)

  2. I love that girl. Isn't she most awesome! I used to knock lovers of Les Mis... they were cheesy & lame. But, then I met Jac who is the ultimate fan. Our courtship was based on Les Mis. I realized how lame I was - especially to judge something I had never seen! Now I completely get it & I am one of the cheesiest fans ever. I've seen it London, New York, Salt Lake. And I could see it every year. It's pure lovely & wonderful! Thanks for the reminder!
    PS - I'm a believer of a good after workout snack. It's all about motivation for me.

  3. I love broadway anything. I'm trying to get Almost Hubs to take me to Fantom when we're in Vegas... Oh, but by then he'll be "Hubs" and he'll be obligated to take me as all husbands should... right?

  4. I got teary just watching the intro to that video. Sheesh.

  5. i'm a HUGE fan!!

    i already have tickets to the musical when it comes here to phoenix in june! i've actually had them for 6 months!

  6. Okay, I love Les Miz. It's my #1 favorite musical with Wicked a very very close second (maybe even 1A.) I've seen it twice live and both concerts countless times on PBS. (Countless is not an exaggeration.)

    I very much enjoy the 25th anniversary special but it's not nearly even close to being as good as the 10th anniversary special. Please tell me you've seen that one. Please. The 25th, while very good, has poor, underqualified Nick Jonas as Marius and I cannot believe he even made it onto this cast. While a darling boy, he cannot sing well enough to be Marius. But the encore with the original cast is the BEST part of the 25th and it's the one part that is causing me to contemplate buying the DVD. The performances of Bring Him Home with the four Jean Valjean's and the full cast singing One More Day are breathtaking. Colm Wilkinson & Michael Ball can do no wrong.

    And about the cake? Eh. Some days you just need cake.

  7. When I was a pre-teen I may or may not have called our voicemail to record myself singing Castle on A Cloud and play it back for myself several hundred times. And yes, I did sound a million times better than Cosette.

  8. Cake has eggs in it.


    I'm not sure you could even FIND a snack higher in protein.

    That's what I'm going with.

  9. Who cares about Nick Jonas? Did you see Michael Ball's reaction when Alfie Boe started to sing during the four Valjean's number on the 25th anniversary special? I CAN'T BELIEVE I AM GOING TO AN ALFIE BOE CONCERT TONIGHT!!! Finally, I'm elated to live in freezing cold Rexburg, Idaho. I don't even care that I haven't seen the sun in 9 months. I wish you and Hannah were here. Maybe we can talk Craig into seeing Alfie Boe again in London!! It make me think of a little tune I recently heard... I dreamed a dream...

  10. Finally you post something that people actually care about...

  11. I'm so glad you posted this. I'm with you. We recorded it off PBS and I cannot get enough. I LOVE IT and I may have a little bit of a crush on the bearded "Drink With Me" soloist in the green, and my sister and I may have become just obsessed enough with him that we stayed up past 2:30 a.m. hunting him down on Youtube and listening to anything we could find of him.

    I'm not saying we did. I'm just saying we may have.

  12. Yes, I love it. I love it. I love it. There is so much talent on that stage...but Nick Jonas? Really?!

  13. Just bought tickets for the SLC tour in June. I have never seen it, but I am doing somethin' ABOUT that!

  14. I know I left this comment to celiafae yesterday but I watched it with Lea Salonga (why is Miss Saigon Fauntine, huh?) for a while on Sunday with the Hot Boyfriend and we both sang along but he wasn't THAT good so obviously he's not gay, but what part was Joe Jonas in? I saw the regular Marius with Miss Saigon as Fauntine on PBS on Sunday. And watching it on PBS but buying it on Amazon is cheating.

  15. We watched it and have we have been fans for MANY YEARS too!!!! Part of the joy living abroad was seeing the things Victor Hugo wrote about. I had to YouTube the 10th Anniversary to show it to Ali. It is SOO fab too. It has always felt like a spiritual experience watching Les Mis. Just another thing we have in common to bind our friendship...... ;-)

  16. I am one of the biggest Les Miserables fans ever, and I just ordered the 1260 page version by Victor Hugo. I like Lea better as Eponine, because her character is so emotional. Ruthie Henshall is my Fantine. Either way, Do You Hear the People NEVER fails to make me BAWL. do it. you won't regret it.

  17. I love Le Mis, too!

    I remember Lea Salonga from the 10 year anniversary as Eponine.

    I cry, too. It's so powerful.

  18. Oh, and I know I am supposed to be pretending that I despise Dan...but I am so impressed that he loves Le Mis. So cultured, Dan!

  19. We have sat and watched it THREE times this past week and I've bawled like a baby every time! Sad that i cant' remember to pick up milk at the store but i know EVERY. SINGLE. WORD. of the entire score of this musical! (even the bad words, lol)

    And cake... I would almost trade in my first born for some cake right now... :) So i say go for it, girl you deserve it!

  20. YES & YES, my friend. Though I do feel rather ahead of my time, what with my recent sing a longs and all.
