We left the restaurant laughing, and decided to take a stroll together. He reached for my hand, and I smiled shyly. My black heels clicked on the cobblestones, mimicking my racing heart. I saw him watching me out of the corner of my eye, and I wondered yet again how I ever got this lucky.
The conversation was easy, natural. It surprised me how much we actually had in common. Though his career and lifestyle were much more demanding than mine, he seemed so interested in the little, insignificant details of my life.
We approached a narrow alley, and he quickly threw his arms around my waist, turning me around until my back was against the brick wall. He leaned in, one muscular arm on the wall, and kissed me gently. Whispering softly, he nuzzled my ear and kissed my neck.
"What about her?" the awful words came out involuntarily before I could stop them.
"She is nothing compared to you. How can I ever be the same, now that I know you? You have changed me. You have made me a better man."
He cupped my face in his hands, leaned in close, his lips brushing mine...
And then the bloody alarm clock went off.
Yes, last night I had one of those rare (for me) dreams in which I am the object of desire. Typically, even in my own subconscious, I am rejected and humiliated. It's been that way for as long as I can remember. I know! I reject myself! Who does that? Doesn't get any more crazy than that.
I am sure it is my insecurities revealing themselves as I sleep, but it stinks to not even be the star of your own dreams. What a field day Freud would have with me and my crazy head. Books could be written about the things that go on in there.
The better question though is who was the leading man last night?
I'll tell you. It was him:
YUM, right? He looked even better in my dream, I can assure you. And he wanted ME. ME! Thought I was absolutely irresistible and worth changing his life for.
Are you getting what I'm telling you? He was willing to give up this:
For this:
If such a man exists, I think one would seriously question his judgment and sanity.
Still, it was a lovely dream and I have no complaints.
What about you? Who is your dreamland leading man?
Do tell.
You had me laughing out loud. While I am pregnant, (and I have documented it on my blog) I dream about my best friend Justin Timberlake. We hang out, he thinks I am the coolest. And every time when I wake up, I wonder, WHY THE HECK AM I HAVING DREAMS THAT WE ARE JUST FRIENDS? Now, Justin doesn't look as hot as Ben, but yeah. I wish Justin and I would turn that corner in our relationship. HA!
ReplyDeleteUm I dremp about him last night too!! It could have been the fact that I watched the movie Town. But whatever, it was a good dream. :)
ReplyDeleteActually a couple nights ago it was Brad Pitt...he told me he would leave Angelina if I was convincing enough. RIGHT!
ReplyDeleteI have the same problem in my dreams with feeling humiliated. I guess my subconscious will always think I am fat and nerdy.
ReplyDeleteI had a dream that the doctor that saved Little John's life (and mine, too) because of the high blood pressure and preeclampsia fell in love with me. Freud would have a field day with that one, too, I'm betting.
Hugh Jackman. No doubt he is the most beautiful man, ever...as celebrities go, after the Husband. *cough, cough* On good nights he looks like Wolverine. Then I wake up and wonder what the heck I am doing out of bed.
ReplyDeleteAWESOME dream...I am totally jealous. I think I dreamed about the Assistant Principal at the Jr. High. Not.Hot.
ReplyDeleteDUDE!!!! Your totally stole my man! Did we not have that conversation just the other day, while watching previews of MY man on the big screen, as I told you how yummy he was?!?!? It must have stuck in your subconscious. Oh well, I really like Hugh Jackman better. Watch out Shilo.....!
ReplyDeleteIt is TOTALLY from the preview at the movie the other day, I am sure of it. Thanks for the lovely suggestion. It was a beautiful dream. Sigh...
Wow! I thought you were introducing your first novel...
ReplyDeleteI am a total HSM fanatic (I know...still)...love Zac Efron...haha!
I love those dreams! I've had one about Ben and soooo many others! It only got weird when an old boyfriend from high school showed up in my dream one night....and he is gay now!! HA!
ReplyDeletethis is freaking hilarious!
ReplyDeletemy dreams like these unfortunately don't include hollywood loves, but rather questionable high school boys who i'd probably be embarrassed to admit such a dream about.
Nice Harlequin, Hooker!
ReplyDeleteDo you know how I remove a blog from my google reader?
Christie - that was so funny! I thought is was book you were going to recommend us all read (& I was really looking forward to it). Sadly, I don't get sexy dreams like that, I am always to mortal danger of somesort with the Husband no where to be found & I have to save myself and all 4 boys alone. What would Frued say about that?
ReplyDeleteHa! At least you have good taste! And what a fine tasting Boston boy he is...
ReplyDeleteOff to bed, maybe I'll have "sweet" dreams too :)
You're way hotter than that Garner biotch.
ReplyDeleteThe other night I had a dream about John Hamm....from Madmen. Woooeeeee. Strangely enough I was resisting him.
My latest Celeb. Crush is Zachary Levi. No dreams about him yet though... maybe tonight. Yawn... I think I'm suddenly really tired.
ReplyDeleteOhhhh, you are SUCH a dream-hussy!
ReplyDeleteMy boyfriend is Hugh Jackman. And sometimes Josh Duhamel. Rawwwwrr!
That's hilarious Stie--I was laughing hard already and then read Dan's comment and about lost it. I let it be known (don't want to hurt the hubby's feelings and all that) but for me, for me it's Hugh Jackman. Hugh Jackman and that is all. (Unless of course it's Mr. Darcy)
ReplyDeleteOkay-- he is so much better than that *other* guy you think is hot. I agree with you on this one. :)
ReplyDeleteI never dream about movie stars in romantic dreams...just our bishop (who's one of our friends), so I have to blush and look away the next few times I see him.
ReplyDeleteLast night...Michael Buble. Best part: he's still single and in the dream, so was I. It.Was.Awesome.
ReplyDeleteThis is making me laugh out loud. Dan is just jealous no one wrote down his name. Baby! My sweet dreams man is Ewan McGregor-when he's not pretending to be a drug user or gay. He can act, sing, dance, ride a motorcycle and his accent is irresistable! Mmmm!
ReplyDeleteThis so SO funny. I have to admit that I had a very pleasant dream once involving Daniel Day Lewis in his Last of the Mohicans role. He was battling Magua and the bad guys for me and when we'd escaped, he smiled at me in that amazing way he smiled at Cora. It was awfully nice.
ReplyDeleteThe only problem is that sanitary and plumbing conditions at that time weren't good and I'm not sure even Hawkeye is worth that sacrifice. But it made for a great dream.
I don't really WANT Tom Cruise, I just want him to sit across the room and smile at me. Alas, he has never done so even in my dreams. (Yes, I know he's totally wacked, in my fantasy, he's normal.) But a veryclose second would be Hugh Jackman, who the very thought of makes me hyperventilate. Shoot! I think I need a cold shower.
ReplyDeleteYou are so way hotter than Jen. And funnier too. Ben would have laugh lines from you and a very happy life. xx