Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow day, baby


Sleeping late, cuddling under warm blankets.
Fire roaring, mugs of hot cocoa in hand.
Empty schedule.
Novels waiting to be read. Movies waiting to be watched.


  1. I'm jealous! We have a "snow" day today too, but there is no snow to play in... just a sheet of ice.

  2. That is some serious snow, I don't think I've ever lived where it snowed that much in a single swoop. Kids must love it, except for the shoveling part that is. We are newly moved to snow country from Arizona, and all I know is it's really COLD! Sounds like you had the perfect plans for a cozy snow day.

  3. That sounds nice :) But girl, I have like triple the snow you do and we never get snow days! Ha ha! Ya bunch of pansies! ;-)

  4. Fabulous! I'm hoping for a snow day tomorrow!

  5. Completely agree.

    Utah thinks it is March right now...that means in March it will think it is January. bleh.

  6. This is when you normally whine about your kids cutting into your personal time...

  7. That IS my heaven, no doubt... I think I am in trouble when I notice that each year I like to be home more and more. (hermit?) We need more snow here. If it's gonna be cold we should really have some more snow to go with that. LUCKY YOU!!!

  8. Soooooooooooooooo pretty. And beautiful writing.

  9. Wouldn't it be cool if we could teleport there for Saturday morning sledding and then you guys could come here for late night hot-tubbing?

    p.s. I had a dream you were pregnant. I was SOOO excited!

  10. My boys say "no fair!" -but it's 72 here and we're going for a hike. I can't really complain. =)

  11. Sounds wonderful! Too bad my book wasn't there yet. (They told me its on its way.)

    Stay warm and toasty.

  12. I'm giving you an award! I know you care so much ;-) Go to my blog for details.
