Thursday, November 4, 2010

A word of advice (the re-run)

[Originally posted April 3, 2008. And still hugely embarrassing]

Let's just say you are in your mudroom, putting in a new load of laundry. You have just finished working out, and are still wearing your exercise clothes. You notice they would fit nicely in the load you are putting in the washer. You then realize that you have nothing else to put on at the moment, but figure you can make a mad dash upstairs. After all, your daughter is in the basement happily singing along to Disney's latest brainwashing tool High School Musical, and your boys are at school. Plus, you were just about to jump in the shower anyway.

DO NOT, under any circumstances, listen to the voice in your head that tells you this is a good thing to do.

It's not.

For as your jiggly, white, naked body is sprinting up the stairs, the doorbell will ring. And you will notice the goofy smile of the UPS man, peeking through the glass on the side of your front door.

And he has just seen you in all your naked glory.

I mean this advice generally, of course. It's not as though anything like this has ever happened to me in real life.

Definitely not today.

And definitely not, say, about an hour ago.


  1. Honestly, I thought about this post just yesterday when I donned a robe to run down for the clean laundry. It was an empty house but you never know what can happen...

  2. This was my favorite post. Every time I have to dash across my house in the nude, I think of you and the UPS man and I smile.

  3. I love this post so much. I have thought of you often...because the laundry room is on the other side of the house...and sometimes I just have to make a mad dash.

  4. This was the FIRST entry I EVER commented on, on a blog. I died laughing! The entertaining factor of naked giggly parts can hardly be beat.

  5. I have to agree:




  6. I have told this story at parties. Withholding the names of the innocent, of course.

  7. This was my first introduction to Stie - and I was forever in love. The movie? Steel Magnolias? Or was it Fried Green Tomatoes?

  8. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!? Seriously you have the most hilarious moments ever! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Such a classic. Thanks for the re-post. Hope things in your corner of the universe are tolerable, at least. Actually, I hope they are better than tolerable, but I didn't want to overdo it, you know, in case they aren't.

  10. My naked has never been glorious - and never will be.
