Tuesday, November 16, 2010



Hannah came running in, her cheeks flushed and her face set. She sighed, an exasperated release of air coming from her tiny chest.

I waited, stifling a grin.

She sighed again, looked at me and rolled her eyes, just willing me to beg it out of her.

Practiced in the art that is Hannah, again, I waited.

Impatient, she burst out, "Mommmmm! The boys called me a tattle-tale!"

I am not sure which offended her more - the boys' description of her; or me, doubled over with laughter, rolling around on the floor, unable to punish them for their keen ability to hit the nail right on the head.


  1. Now there's a "caught with your hand in the cookie jar" moment, if ever there was one.

  2. i have three brothers and no sisters...i feel her pain!!!

  3. Perhaps the irony of the situation escaped her...

    I love that picture of her. Lovely.

  4. LOVE the photo of her - her freckles are so cute!

    Having two brothers myself, I can totally sympathize with her.

  5. Being the tattle-tale is an important role in the family!

  6. She is such a beautiful girl! I think it is the little sister's job to be the tattle tale right? ;-)

  7. Once when my daughter was about 6 she had a friend over, and in that tell-tale, sing-song voice I could hear some tattling coming. I said to the friend, "Maddie, we don't tattle in our house" and just as quick as anything my daughter chimed in, "That's right, we do it outside".

  8. Very funny story. She didn't want to tattle. You kinda forced her into it.

    She's a pretty girl!

  9. Maybe she would like the title, "informant" better.
    We have "reporting" and "tattling" Reporting is in the case of someone about to die or injur someone...tattling is when there is joy to be gained at someone elses expense.

    LOVE you description of events.
