Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sharing my fascinating medical history, one rash at a time

Yesterday I went to see a dermatologist. Though I've had the bloody appointment for a good month now, it was the soonest they could get me in. Good thing I'm not dying of skin cancer or leprosy. Sheesh.

Impatient much?

ANYway, I went to the doctor because I've got terrible eczema on my hands. I've had it sporadically my whole life on various parts of my body. It's a vicious cycle that is the bane of my existence. I get it. I ignore it. I try and self-treat it, knowing it will take forever to get in to see a doctor. I get so miserable that I finally go in. I get a steroid cream. It goes away.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

This particular round, it is on my two pinkie fingers and my two ring fingers. And just this week, patches started appearing on my two middle fingers. It's like I'm this freakishly ugly, red, scaly mirror image of myself.

I mentioned this oddity to the doctor, and she very nonchalantly said that skin rashes tend to be symmetrical, even on different limbs.

I brought this bit of information home to the Husband last night. He laughed and said, "See! Even your diseases are OCD!"

I find a deep sense of satisfaction in knowing that my diseases are as crazy as I am.

After all, I am nothing if not consistent.


  1. Head on over to the Back Porch Gourmet for a moving entry about my gout. Gross Stie. Keep your rashes to yourself.

  2. I am so sorry. Eczema stinks. I can sympathize.

    The OCD remark is a little funny...

  3. Thanks for a good laugh Stie (sorry it has to be from your pain). I was looking for a break from unpacking and this was perfect--although I am sorry about the rash :(. And I will be checking back later to see what Brother Dan has to say about this.

  4. Why DOES it take so long to get an appointment with the Dermatologist? I had a planter wart on my heel and had to wait 8 months for an appointment. Worst part? The doctor still hasn't been able to completely remove it yet...TWO visits later and $437 dollars later (seems my insurance will only cover part of it)... I'm going with the old vinegar and band-aid trick. See your not the only one with skin issues. :) I'm feeling your pain... -J

  5. Whoa...firstly, I feel very close to you because I get Excema on my hands and struggled with Excema all of my life. At this moment my pinkie is broken out. I had never heard that it tends to be on both limbs...but in the past I have found this to be true, actually...but I have never really thought about it. I guess my other pinkie might break out, now. I know Dan was kidding...but I actually do think this is fascinating.

    ...and you are funny...always so funny.

  6. So sorry about the discomfort, but I'm glad you posted this. I've always wondered why I seem to get symmetrical zits--I promise, it's true.

    The really troubling thing about that is that I'm way too old for zits. The injustice of dealing with zits AND wrinkles makes me want to say the word "bloody!" (Does that word count for your cursing jar?)

  7. Laughing Out Loud! And I'm sorry about the eczema! Not fun!

  8. You need to get some diamonds big enough to cover the grossness. Tell Josh.
