Monday, July 12, 2010

The one in which she returns from the dead to delight (and bore) you once again

Tap, tap, tap...

Is this thing on?

Anybody still out there? I cannot believe it has been ten days since I visited this little blog of mine. I don't think I've gone that long without blogging since, well, never.

What have I been doing?

Well, I have found myself inundated with photo shoots. Be sure to check my photo blog in the next few days to see some of the fabulous sessions I've had lately. I can't tell you the joy it is to be so busy you can barely find time to get it all in.

I've also taken a little road trip with my kiddos, my cousin, her children, and a car full of candy - pictures to come later this week. (Of the kids. Not the candy).

I have been busy working on a how-to post for the Divine Miss M. (Marta, that is. Though I'd just as happily do anything for Bette, should she ever call. Hi Bette! Loved you in Beaches!)

I have been recovering from a nasty summer cold that stole my energy, my voice, and pretty much my will to live.

I have been juggling (not very gracefully, mind you) motherhood, laundry, work, kids, and the Husband. Life just seems to have hopped a runaway train this summer, and there's no stopping it now.

Anyway, it's good to be back. I've missed you peeps.


  1. I had that same cold! Do you think I caught it from reading your blog?

  2. welcome back, stie!! i can't wait to get my hands on your guest how-to post. hooray. thanks for your efforts and please can we have a beaches marathon soon?!?! my weekend guests opted for batman instead. can you imagine?!!

    "that's the glory of, that's the story of.."

  3. Hope you're feeling better. Sounds like my summer minus the photo shoots ;)

  4. I hope you post some pictures of your Ipod from your trip. Can't wait to see the Ipod basking in the shade of Walden Pond.

  5. Being sick in the summer is cruel and unusual punishment. I'm glad you are feeling better.

    Can't wait to see photos of the road trip!

  6. Hi! I found your blog recently and I love it! You're doing so much, it is amazing! You inspire me.

  7. HI, I've been reading your post for awhile now and love it! Please don't go away for so long again, though it's not like you didn't have anything going on. Welcome back!

  8. Yeah I had a summer cold/allergies about two weeks ago and it wiped me out! As much as I want to blog it's hard to keep it in the crazy mix...something's got to give and it can't be the kids!

  9. We just got back from vacation and I am drowning in laundry. My kids keep saying, "Why do you always want to be on the computer?" So, something's gotta give...and most likely it will be blogging. I feel you pain. Sorry about the cold...and I is so crazy right now. I can't wait to go see your photography blog. I love your work.

  10. Just checked out your photo blog... you have been very busy! I am so impressed with all of the sessions you did. Beautiful!
