Monday, June 21, 2010

Red one! Blue one! Green one! Black one! (and that's just my right arm)

I remember the first time I saw this commercial. I really liked it then and mentally praised the brilliant ad agency who came up with such a gem. I may have even laughed out loud (though I am sure I did not LOL. I never LOL).

But that was before.

Before my life became this commercial. Before my arms sported permanent bruises in the shape of my children's fists. Before I could ride in the car and not panic with fear every time a car drove by.

For, you see, my kids take everything to the next level. Not only do they punch for VWs, but they invented the notorious "BM-Punch-You." And, "Hit You Honda." Then they even made up "Jeep Weep," named aptly for the crying you inevitably do after you are punched.

This pretty much means that I am getting slugged in the biceps every time a car passes us.

You know, like every 1.2 seconds or so.

And if you think for one minute that those punches don't hurt, then you've never been on the receiving end of Hannah's little fists of fury. Girlfriend packs herself some power in those scrawny little arms.

I am sore, and I am so over it.

So much so that I am selling my car and will now be calling my friends for rides. Plus, I'm drafting a court order for the neighbors across the street that will prohibit them from ever again opening their garage door.

You know, the garage that houses their GREEN ONE!

Stupid, clever ad agency. I'm not laughing now.


  1. I have banned those little ditties in my car...yes they are kids they try very hard to live up to mom's demands however I still get punched....Oh by the way have you heard of the Cheese Bucket (yellow cars)just wondering!

  2. My kids have not learned those games yet. And I will not be the one to teach them. But I will put and end to them! HA HA!

  3. I hear you loud and clear, friend. Loud.And.Clear.

  4. Punch buggy was discovered at our home a few years back. It got bloody. I handed down the supreme decision that while we could keep track, there would be no hitting involved. We had a running contest to 500. Winner gets the crown and bragging rights. It's a VW Bettle with glitter all over it. (Man, do I need to get a hobby.)

  5. I so love those commercials.. Laugh every time I see one. As for our family, no hitting allowed, not even a gentle tap. We call them out, but that is where it ends.

  6. i finally had to tell the kids that they are not allowed to play this game in my presence. i'm not being mean...i'm protecting them from my rage.

  7. I'm with you on this Stie, my 19 year old niece stayed with us for a long holiday weekend and she played this little game all weekend. So annoying, the first time it was funny but on day 3 of her visit I was tempted to make her take public transportation.

  8. So is the "BM-Punch-You" Getting hit every time you come out of the bathroom?

    My scouts are doing "That's what she said ..." they don't hit each other, but it gets really annoying fast.

  9. OMG! This commercial is too funny! Sorry about your bruises, Stie!

    For a minute, I was scared and thought your title referred to EKG leads. Thank God, not!

  10. Ye-ouch! I remember the 'slug bug' game growing up and literally balling from being hit. My brother's called them 'monkey bruises'. I hope my poor children don't inflict that kind of pain on one another. But I DEFINITELY hope they don't inflict that kind of pain on ME again. I paid my dues, thanks very much.

    I LOVE that commercial though. Hilarious.

  11. If I LOLed, I'd do it over this post.

    And over that commercial! I'd never seen the Stevie Wonder part. Hilarious.

    But not if you're getting punched.

  12. When my kids are into doing something extremely annoying like this. I remind myself it's a phase and they'll move onto something else someday (probably something even more annoying in fact). They always do even if it seems to take forever. Good luck on that btw

  13. I hate Punch Buggy! My kids are obsessed and a fight always happens on the way to church-always on the way to church. I even find myself saying it when I'm alone in the car. Cute commercial but I'm over it too!

  14. Oh, my gosh, Stie!!!!! You and I are living parallel lives. I am not kidding...and it all began with a commercial like the one you posted. (The commercial we saw had a family driving around the block in their new VW Mini van and when the family parked the kids said, "Can we do it again? So they could see the entire neighborhood slug each other again.) I even toyed with the idea of putting a post about it on my blog (if I blogged in real time...ever) because I am sick of it, too. My boys also say, "PT Cruiser get a bruiser". Monday was my turn to drive for Cub Scout Day Camp and it was like driving the 3 Flipping Stooges. They did Mustang pokes and hit each other in the back of the head for convertables...there is no end in sight.

    I still may write a post about it...may I link you?

  15. While the commericials are funny, they get the wording all wrong. It's 'Beetle Bop.'

    So much classier.

  16. Ilene makes me laugh, "So much classier"...

    I forgot to tell you that I LOVE your clever title for this post.

  17. Here are my contributions, the first invented by me, the second by my husband: Cruiser Bruiser (PT Cruiser) and Yellow Cab Jab (speaks for itself, huh?)

    Ok, now you get to choose whether you share these with your kids :)

  18. HA! Those rowdies of yours. You oughta just start slugging them back really hard. Totally kidding.

  19. I told my seventeen year old that the violence must end and we are now doing Slug Hugs instead of Slug Bugs. Then I got another bruise.

  20. Hello there :) I was browsing through various blogs when I saw this one.

    We have this kind of game in my country and guess what, they pinch you instead of punching you. And if you think it won't be that bad, well sometimes they pinch you so hard it actually bleeds!

    The ad was brilliant.. but they just weren't thinking.
