Tuesday, May 11, 2010

She has the crazy eyes

Remember the picture I posted last week of the Husband and I?


Yes, that one. The one in which you were all so complimentary and I had a day or two where I walked around the world with my head a little higher thinking, "Yeah. I'm hot."

Remember that?

Well, careful examination of that photo has reaffirmed what I secretly suspected years ago.

That I have the Runaway Bride Eyes.

Remember her? The crazy chick who ran away from home, then came back days later claiming she had been raped and kidnapped? Only we found afterward that she made it all up to avoid having to get married?

Well, say hello to the RB and her blond twin, Stie:


I know, right?

I offer you further proof of my crazy eyes in a photo taken at the Hershey factory in Pennsylvania (Note: I do not normally wear paper hats as my staple fashion accessory):


And more proof here:


What disturbs me most is that I remember the pictures being posted of her and everyone in the media commenting about how you could just tell "by the look in her eyes" that she was crazy and unstable.

I ask you, dear friends, what does that say about me?

Never mind. Don't answer that.

P.S. Have you seen all the exciting sessions happening here?


  1. I dont' see a connection here. There is a difference between having big beautiful eye and looking like a crazed deer in the headlights. You are the former my dear.

  2. I second Stephani! Your eyes are big and beautiful, but no crazy in them at all! All of the pictures you posted of you are great.

  3. That you may be crazy too??
    ...Crazy to think you have the same eyes as her! You don't! Carry on holding your head a little higher... you're beautiful!

    P.S. The paper hat is a great accessory! The blue makes your eyes 'pop'! hehe

  4. Hmmm...Nope. RB had crazy eyes...As in, there was no eye color, just the sheer permeation of crazy. You just have big, pretty eyes..No crazy in them.

  5. Your eyes don't look crazed. But your smile is bordering on that mischievous grin that sometimes appears just before you say something that makes me laugh like crazy. And then, while you're still smiling you do a little "hu-huh" laugh, that shows a little touch of crazy. All the time your eyes look wide-eyed, soft and friendly so I know you're laughing WITH me, not AT me. You are laughing WITH me aren't you? (Hey, don't get that crazy look in your eye. I'm your mother-in-law.)

  6. I dont see it. hers are larger, too much lid too. Yours my friend are perfectly beautiful!

  7. Listen to me, lady...you do not have crazy eyes. I know of what I speak...and I wouldn't lie to you. Your eyes are big and beautiful...but not cuckoo bonga like the runaway bride's eyes.

    But...I am sure Dan is going to have something hilarious to say...and I will pretend to despise him and scold him for being mean to you.

  8. You just have big beautiful eyes-nothing crazy. "Crazy eyes" belongs to Ramona from Housewives of NY. Your pics are really amazing.

  9. oh my gosh you are too funny. Your eyes are gorgeous actually...nothing like crazy bride! ;)
    happy to find your blog!

  10. Crazy? yes. Crazy eyes? no. Do not mistake great lashes (or great mascara) for crazy eyes. I think what makes hers look a little crazy is that you can see the whites all the way around her irises. sheesh!

  11. I do the crazy eye thing too. I used to laugh at my sister because she does it all the time for pictures. As I review pictures of myself now, I can see that the joke is on me.

    Thank goodness for digital cameras that allow us to delete all evidence of crazy eyes.

  12. She has crazy eyes; you - confident, beautiful, full of life eyes. You're so funny.

  13. Yeah, I don't see it either! But I do see the crazy in her eyes! Maybe you are just seeing the "crazy in love" with your hubby ;)

  14. Let me be the 15th person to say: Um no. Not seeing it.

    My mom sometimes does that. Not the crazy part, but the wide open eye thing.

    (I am not normally a "go blonder" person, but I really like yours. Great colorist, Stie.)

  15. hmmmm, not seeing it either, my friend. I stared long and hard, in a non-stalkerish way, to see what you were talking about. Then I gave up. You have beautiful eyes. And I'm sounding like a cliche' creeper, so I'm done.

  16. Oh my gosh - do I have to tell you again how hot you are??? Don't make me. People are going to get the wrong idea! And runaway bride's eyes are way crazy - yours are just big. Her problem is you can see the white all around, not just on the sides of her eyes. Yours are normal and okay, beautiful. There, are you happy now???

  17. there is no comparison, really. your eyes look perfectly sane. now rb on the other hand, well, thats just scary.

  18. Hey! I live in Hershey! Come visit me next time, crazy eyes and all!

  19. This just has me in a giggling fit. Crazy eyes! Ha. You might be nuts to think so, but not crazy!

    really. You're hot.

  20. LOL, you are gorgeous my friend. Carry on holding your head high and don't be so critical of yourself, Dan will do that for you.

  21. kimberly was right on. actually my husband and i discussed this (not you...but the crazy eyes) during the whole 'runaway bride' news blitz. he pointed out that it's the fact that you can see the white ABOVE her iris that causes the 'crazed' look. i guess in his plastics rotation in residency this was something dr.s worried about if they were too aggressive on brow lifts and eyelid surgeries.

    so there you have it...medical documentation that you DON'T have crazy eyes.

    man...what i wouldn't give for you eyes.

    ---your 'squinty eyed' friend

  22. Yeah I'm with everyone else. YOU DO NOT HAVE CRAZY EYES!!! You have beautiful open eyes! Whenever I smile, my eyes do that annoying squinted thing. I have to work at not squinting when I smile.

    And spunky is not the same as crazy and unstable ;-)

  23. Christie! My dear, are you seriously asking that question?! You have perfectly beautiful eyes and i am sorry, but the other girl has a rather retarded expression on. Stop scrutinizing. The guy in the picture is oh so lucky to have you!

  24. You look nothing like her, your eyes are beautiful and you don't open them like you just had a bug crawl out your butt.

    Woman, I don't know you, I might have to go and smack the silly out of you.


  25. I'm so not seeing the crazy eyes...but I am totally loving your freckles!

  26. Who the heck is Twinky? I'll bet she's got crazy eyes!

  27. You are funny! You have beautiful big blue eyes, but they definitely are lacking in the "crazy" area. She has the whole "stare hard..." thing going on...

  28. You are completely silly. I am laughing so hard right now...

  29. Really? I totally don't think you have crazy eyes!!

    I swear!!

  30. I Will have to come back again when my class load lets up - however I am taking your RSS feed so I can read your site offline. Thanks. mbt shoes**
