Friday, May 14, 2010

One for the sibs

One added bonus at the baptism this past weekend was the presence of both sets of parents (and one lovely cousin who braved a solo road trip with four kids to be here). We felt showered by lovely rose petals from our family tree.

Using Mother's Day as the ruse, I begged the parents and in-laws to sit for a mini photo session - and true to their good natures - they humored me and obliged.

I thought they were all so cute and it warmed my heart to see familiar faces through my lens for a change.

I share these here so that siblings near and far can sneak a peek and share in the fun, too.

The in-laws:




And the parents:





  1. so great stie.
    I love those Omi shots!

  2. Beautiful photos as always. My dream is to live close enough to you to be on the receiving end of your mad skills.

  3. Oh wow, it is fun to see pictures of your parents! That takes me back a few years. Your pictures are wonderful as always. You are so talented at capturing personality in your pictures.

  4. Oh, Christie, what a treasure. Smart thinking . . . they are beautiful.

  5. Why does your dad have such cool hair?!

  6. I love them! I was thinking the same thing as Jessica said...I really love your Dad's hair.

  7. For some reason, Blogger won't let me comment on your last post about the baptism. Maybe my comments will show up later...I'm not sure what is wrong.

    I just wanted to tell you that I love the picture of her sweet little white dress and shoes...and thank you sharing the touching story about the moment you and Hannah shared. It made me teary.

  8. You make everybody look so dang good. Thank you for so many great shots of our parents...I absolutely treasure them.

  9. I love the way your Dad is holding your Mum's hands in the first picture. And i love the way your mum-in-law's hair is done in their second picture together! So pleased to see baptism was so fun!

    p.s. i can't wait to see how your boys dressed to match up to Hannah!

  10. I was thinking, 'how come her family are all so photogenic' and then realised it's probably your skill with a camera, too. But that shock of white hair is truly enviable. I really want my hair to go white like that. It looks amazing.

  11. I thought Fran was going to say your family is so gorgeous because of the beautiful genes from both sets of parents!

  12. So fun to see your parents! Oh and the crazy eye thing really does explain a few things from way-back-when-we-were-oh-so-young. Only kidding!! I'm certain I would have the crazy eyes too if only I was brave enough to post her picture next to mine. Happy day with your beautiful little girl's baptism. Mine is coming up in the fall and it gets me teary eyed.


  13. Gorgeous photos! Look how cute those 2 couples are!! I love it!

  14. Such a beautiful family. It was a pleasure to meet both sets of parents and I was touched by the love and support you had from your cousin and parents. What a blessing.

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    ~ 台北當代藝術館

    原名 Uma Karuna Thurman
    英文名 Uma Thurman
    國籍 美國
    出生 1970年4 月29日 (1970-04-29) (39歲)
    職業 演員
    語言 英語
    宗教信仰 佛教

  16. even koreans are catching your talents, stie! i loved this photoshoot. oma and opa showed me first thing when i arrived at their house. i love the ones of mom and dad smiling so happy. you have a gift of making them happy. oma's rocker windblown look is a fave.
