Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A good man


I married a good man.

A man who takes the trash out without being told. A man who plays games with our kids and sometimes lets them win. A man who can't wait to get home at the end of the day, just so he can be with us.

A man who builds me up when I am doubting myself. (which, let's be honest here, is a lot)

A man who laughs at my "chair closet" when I get lazy and don't want to hang things up. (And also a man who doesn't take that time to remind me how often I nag him about hanging his own things up.)

[Note to self: No more nagging about the clothes]

A man who loves freckles and dimpled thighs. (or at least pretends to anyway)

A practical man who approaches life with logic and intelligence.

A man who sees me at the end of my rope, and always ties a big knot for me to hold onto.

Yes, I married a good man.

And today I thought I should tell him that.


  1. I love that. Every woman should be so lucky.

  2. And here I was thinking my husband was the only one with a chair closet.

  3. It sounds like you and the husband are a perfect match. That makes me smile too! And what a great picture- you are so beautiful! I love the color of your hair.

  4. First off--I think we can all agree Josh is a winner, as a husband and friend. And secondly--nice picture! Love the new hair color.

  5. I so love that photo!! You are a gorgeous couple! What a sweet post! We should all do posts like this more often.

  6. Who's the blonde chick that Josh is snuggling with?

  7. You look AWESOME!!! Love the hair! And you and your hubby are too cute!! You snagged a good one!

  8. Such a great picture of you two. You look stunning, Stie! I love the hair!

    Don't tell Dan I laughed at his asking who the blonde chick is...

    The Husband is awesome. I love that you told him how great he is he is...I need to go tell my husband a thing or two about how great he is, too.

  9. When did you change your hair color? I love it! You should have become a blonde years ago... you look gorgeous!

  10. Love is such a strange this, isn't it? One moment we're complaining and the other, we're appreciating- i just read your last two posts in succession and they made me smile- a lot. Love the picture of the two of you!

  11. Your blondness is awesome.
    And, yes, that Josh is definitely a keeper. You two are just right for each other.

  12. I did not marry a good man. Which is why I can truely appreciate the good man I am with now, affectionately called the "Rent-A-Hubby". It's also why I told him the other day I'm considering a lease option...

  13. This just isn't fair. How are the mortals among us supposed to compete?

  14. Okay, I promise I'm not hitting on you but you are seriously hot!

  15. Now I know why Lanie tells me all the good guys are taken. Love your hair color.

  16. WHERE are your gorgeous freckles??? You are still cute but cuter with. I married a good man too. Then he got bad and I have to divorce him. Obviously this has nothing to do with you but I'm just saying because I'm a brat.

  17. AND? I have issues. but my sisters married good men who stayed that way so thank goodness for sister-wives.

  18. Your daily mood swings leave me nauseated.

  19. Great picture, great hair, and sounds like you got yourself a great man...

  20. I noticed your hair on Sunday. I love your hair. And you have amazing eyes. Beautiful. :) Glad you've got such a great guy!

  21. You guys could be movie stars. Who is your photographer??

  22. Great to share publicly.....made me tear up. So happy you married a good man. Love the photo and your hair....beautiful.

  23. why is it unacceptable to write this post in reverse? to point out that on some days, we clearly married a big fat jerk? because there are times when i feel i should tell him that...

  24. sounds like you are a very lucky one!!! you are sweet to tell him so. and you guys look really good together! YOU are beautiful, I love your hair!!

  25. This is so sweet! It's good to write these things down once in a while.

  26. What a nice photo of you and the hubby. What a great tribute to him... I was just wondering, though, when you say he loves your freckles - I don't see any. Where are they?

  27. You're very blessed!
    And y'all are so stinkin' cute! :)

  28. If they leave you nauseated, why read them? Just sayin!

  29. Love this picture of you two. Stop selling yourself short. You are beautiful! And I love your list. It looks a lot like mine! And someday I will meet this man of yours :) Have a great Saturday and tell Hannah we will be thinking of her.

  30. Man?

    Sorry. I didn't even notice him next to that hot blonde!!


  31. You are gorgeous. He's cute, but you? Gorgeous.

  32. Nice picture. Rachel, my 2 year old, was sitting on my lap when I saw it and she liked your "milks". HA!
