Monday, May 24, 2010

And the mystery location is...

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Naples, Florida, baby.

And it's been heaven in spite of the following:

--1 trip to the ER for an ear infection.
--1 frantic call to a physician back home and a begging for antibiotics.
--1 case of heat stroke tended to by the fine EMTs of the Ritz Carlton.
--5 sunburns in spite of 50 spf.
--Countless dollars of the Husband's money spent.

I am heartbroken to leave tomorrow.

(P.S. Jen guessed correctly first! Shoot me an email with your address and a little surprise is headed your way!)


  1. Oooh, lucky! What a great way to kick off the summer. I know how much you guys love the beach.

  2. I want a surprise too! (loud wailing sound)

  3. I said FL as well but never left a comment! Grr! Why didn't I do that! Oh well! Enjoy your vacation!

  4. My song didn't cover it?!?! HA HA!

    I'm glad you got a fun family vacay! Even with all the mishaps!

  5. i wish for a grand vacation too. lucky you! enjoy!!

    you should write "Countless dollars of the Husband's money WELL spent." :p

    ~ash's mum
    (i'm following you in a nice stalkerish way)

  6. Your family is the single reason social medicine won't work. Enjoy the vacation, though!

  7. Hooray for you all! I'm green with envy . . .

  8. Yeah, Napels, Florida...isn't that what I said?

    Well, that's what I meant...

    Oh, Sorry about the sunburn, ear infection and heat stroke...The trip will be memorable for many reasons.

    Have a safe trip home!

  9. Nice. Totally wish I was with you. I'm thinking, if I'm feeling like a beached whale I should at least be able to be at the beach.

  10. jealous, much??

    Looks awesome. Glad you are having a good time.

  11. I love your blog; came upon it by chance and been reading it for a few months... I absolutely love Naples. I hope u enjoyed it despite the incidents listed. Hope u had a chance to be on the pier right at sunset... Magical!!!

  12. Next time you are craving the beach come my way mmmmkay?
