Friday, February 26, 2010

PVC: It's not just for pipes

How much do I love the internet?


You are all so sweet. I cannot believe the influx of emails I received when I posted about my silly little palpitating heart.

To answer all your questions at once, this is what the doctor found:

I have PVCs.

No, not the kind they use to connect toilets and sinks and run dirty sewer water through. That would be pretty disgusting inside my chest.

And noisy.

It simply means my little heart is getting ahead of itself, the valves are contracting prematurely, and it's throwing my whole heart into a tizzy. And as a result, that big jolt that I feel is just my heart resetting itself.

Which it seems to be fond of doing about 10 times an hour.

Twenty-four hours a day.

But the doctor assures me it is perfectly harmless, lots of people have it, and I have nothing to worry about. Turns out that my father has it, as did his mother before him.

Our family and our little over-excited hearts. Sheesh. Why couldn't we be the family with freakishly fast metabolisms who have to eat 4,000 calories a day just to keep from losing weight? WHY?

Thanks again for your concern, little friends in the internet. Just know that I'd totally bring you a plate of cookies if I could.

[And I'd also sit and help you eat them. I'm just a good person like that.]


  1. Thanks for the explanation! I was wondering.

    Look at it this way: You'd be entertaining for a vampire! ;) ha! sorry couldn't resist!

  2. Phew. I think chocolate helps PVCs and maybe another relaxing getaway to the islands ;)

  3. So glad to hear it isn't something serious.

  4. I shouldn't do this... but I just assumed that everything was okay when the man who had you undress said that you have a really strong heart. I'm glad everything is really going to be okay. It stinks that you are dealing with this. I hope it doesn't wake you up at night. That would be horrible! Glad you're okay.

  5. I was just re-reading my comment. It looks like I'm glad you're okay. :) I should probably edit my comments before I make them. :)

  6. thank you for clarifying. i too assumed you were okay, but you really didn't say and it still creeped me out.

    so, basically, your heart is an overachiever? very fitting!

  7. Loving Lisa-Marie's comment. Yes Stie, it only makes sense that your heart would also be an overachiever :). Hope it's not making you too crazy!

  8. It's just as I've always suspected: you have an overflowing heart.

  9. So, you do have a heart, but it's made of plastic? Not stone?

  10. I like the members of this little family with over-excited hearts- i think they are fun, warm, loving people :)

    I want my plate of cookies. And no, i'm not nice, so i don't share!

  11. Don't you love "harmless" it is a little less comforting than we think it will be, but in the long run it is always nice to know we are loved even if our heart is getting a little ahead of itself!

  12. I am so glad everything is okay. I like what Lisa-Marie said about you having an overachieving heart.

    Yeah, I want to be striken with a fast metabolism, too. Imagine the plight of having to consume whatever our hearts desired. In your case it could be the desires of a heart that gets ahead of itself.

    So, I am guessing that it is kind of annoying to feel your heart race ahead like that...24 hours a day. Sorry about that, friend.

  13. I have PVCs too! Really annoying. Mine hit only about 5-6 times an hour though. 10 is a lot!


    You are my sista from another mutha. :)

  14. Interesting stuff…

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  15. I'm glad your heart is ok. We're having fun with your two li'l sweethearts over here! They are great company. But, we wish they'd packed the rest of the gang along...
