Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Note to self

When deciding to re-read a certain shameful teen vampire series that rhymes with Mylight, it is wise to not start book four at nine-thirty in the evening.

For, you see, three-fifteen in the a.m. will roll around before you know it, and you will have found yourself unable to put the book down due to the freak show that rhymes with Fenesmee.

And when that six o'clock alarm starts chirping, and you have to drag your exhausted self out of bed, your eyelids unable to support their own weight, you will realize that it was most definitely not worth it.

(Except for the parts about that wild and delicious honeymoon with someone whose name rhymes with Bedward. Mmmm....)

There. That is all.


  1. I just love you, Stie.

    I hope you can get a nap today.

    How on earth do you think they will create the Renesmee character in the movies? I wonder if they will use a series of really gorgeous children...or if she will be computer generated...

    Never mind...don't worry your beautiful self about that...go take a nap.

  2. I cannot finish that book (#4 I mean.) I hated the baby name. I hated all of the blood. I hated the imprinting by Jacob. Yuck yuck yuck. So not worth giving up your sleep! But well worth a funny funny post.

  3. Freaky monsterbaby. Call me crazy, but if she's got sharp pointy teeth, I just don't see how she can be pretty.

  4. Oh I wondered too how they'll interpret #4 to a movie. Have a nice slice of bread with jam and tea then put yourself down for a little nap.

  5. Nice. I really want to reread the series, especially the first one. You may remember that I was camped out at your house when I was reading it, hopped up on post-surgery vicodin. Good times...

  6. Man, I was up until 12:30 reading as well and the 5:45 Seminary kids woke me up and now that everyone is finally out the door, I'm about to fall over and die....

    Good night.

  7. loved your repeating history post although I will have to report back to you if I ever cry when putting them on the bus...maybe on the last one it will finally hit me, maybe.

    I like that you repeated history by reading 'Mylight' again. Some things are just worth reliving :)

  8. thus is the reason I don't read. I have no self control in the matter (if I am involved) and then I am a grumpy mess for the better part of 4 days. This is why you don't see... GOOD READ UPDATES FROM:Lindsey!



  10. tearing a room apart and having all sorts of wild sounds makes for a great honeymoon. NOT that I read the books or anything hee hee.

    I always do that. Start a book at night with the intention of just reading a few pages and then....4am I'm kicking myself because I have to get up at 7 to go to work (and wake up the kids, husband, dog, lunches, snacks, dog peeing etc).
    :)but still, don't ya feel good?

  11. Yeah. I was reading that book, the book thief last night, and she described one of her nights with Papa as being "perfectly tired" when you've worked so hard, and mostly met the dawn. What is so fun and gratifying about those nights? I do it all too often, it's an amazing escape. Really good book. I am thoroughly enjoying it.

  12. That Pephanie Heyer. Can't edit to save her life, but she sure can spin out a plot line, huh?

  13. LOVE IT! I just got done re-reading the series (((cough, cough))) fourth time (((cough, cough))) except I tend to skip a lot of New Moon....that book about gave me heart failure first time through.

  14. Love it! I have the same problem!! Can never put those damn books down!

    (p.s. a lot of your posts lately have been inspiring some of my own :) Thanks for the inspiration!)

  15. Um yea I want to go to that island...of only it were real. :-)

  16. Ohhh... You should have remembered what happened the first time you read it!

    Did you at least get a nap in today?

  17. I hate being reminded about the hours and hours and hours I wasted and the many, many, many Diet Pepsi's and M & M's I consumed while reading those insipid books. Growl.

    And that whole premise of two pieces of granite loving each other...I don't know. I must have NO imagination.

  18. I read the first one and just bring myself to keep they get better?

  19. I just read a book that I am sending to you. Who knows? Maybe I'll even include all the books I have around here that came home with me over a year ago. What are you doing for your kids' valentines this year? I'm stealing your idea from last year unless you have come up with a better one this year.

  20. Maybe one day I'll read the series.

  21. Oh yea I've done that! Book 4 is my favorite too! I can't read them again I get to obsessed and cranky because Nathan is not Edward!(sad ,I Know)

  22. Okay, it's not worth it but isn't all the daydreaming you get to do just SORT of with it? Lovin' the video above. Hilarious. And so true.

  23. Really? Is this where my Twilight-virginity ends? I've held onto it this long!

  24. just saw twilight 2wks ago. just pre-ordered new moon through BEST BUY. just reading 1st book now.I know i'm really a late twilight bloomer!!!
