Well, no sense denying it any longer. Winter is here. In all her white, windy, wind-chill glory. Got the call from the school district late last night that the impending storm would be enough to close school for the day. (I tried not to laugh as I thought of my youth spent in Utah without a single snow day. Like ever.)
But I promptly ran through the house and turned off all the little people's alarm clocks. Left a note on the banister informing them of the good news (and included a warning for them to not wake the mama in the morning). I slept in until almost nine and woke up with a smile on my face and a deep sense of satisfaction in my soul.
There's nothing I like more than sleeping in.
Well, maybe I can think of a few things, but it's definitely in the top five.
After a late breakfast, a family workout, and a round of showers, we headed out the door. We have some fabulous friends who just so happened to buy a house around the corner, and we joined them to break in their new backyard.
Clearly, it was a chore for some of us:
They've got a pond in their backyard that is nestled so nicely between two large hills - the perfect combination for skating and sledding on a wintry day.
And thanks to the arctic clippers that keep making their way through St. Louis, the sub-freezing temperatures have worked their magic on the pond - rendering it frozen solid. This is pretty unusual around these parts - we tend to get much more reasonable temperatures in the wintertime.
The day was full of smiles, sleds, and snow boots.
Not even a few crashes on the way down could dampen the fun. It was kid heaven.
And the pristine, perfect day was topped off by rounds of hot chocolate and grilled cheese sandwiches. I watched it all - the laughter in the beautiful kitchen. The smiles all around the table. Their rosy, red cheeks. The piles of soggy gloves and boots.
And I said a silent prayer of thanks for this unexpected gift of a day.
My only fear is that their hearts will break when they have to get on the bus and head back to school tomorrow.
This almost makes me wish we were having such a snow-less winter.
Aww... no fair!
ReplyDeleteSo fun - wish I was sitting at that table too! ( :
(Yeah - you heard me right.. I'd rather be sitting at that table than outside in the snow... Snow is overrated.)
Oh, look at that sledding hill. This is what my kids are missing and I'm really sad about that. Enjoy and send some snow down my way!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like your fears can be put to rest. I got the call a few hours ago that school is canceled due to the extreme cold weather. Gear up for day of heaven, round two.
ReplyDeleteUnlike Jessica, I want snow in our corner of the world. Last year was filled with many snow days and we haven't had one yet. I adore any excuse to stay home and have hot chocolate. So glad you had a wonderful day!
ReplyDeleteSo I guess I shouldn't mention that it's been in the mid 70's all week.
ReplyDeleteUtah doesn't know the meaning of cancelling school for a snow day...as cars are sliding and crashing in the elementary school parking lot.
That day sounds perfect and I love how your first thought was to get those alarm clocks off and warn the kids not to wake you. My kind of woman.
ReplyDeleteI love the picture of Hannah all happy in her pink glory.
I used to declare snow days myself when I thought it was ridiculous to risk lives to get off our mountain. I think Josh broke his tooth sleigh-riding on one such day!
ReplyDeleteI think my favorite part of your day was the sleeping in :) An unexpected snow day is the best.
ReplyDeleteWow. First off, we wouldn't own the clothes warm enough for a day like that. Second, we got a day off yesterday, but it was just for the cold and I didn't know until the morning, so no sleeping in. We just stayed inside all day.
ReplyDeleteToday is colder.
Your day really looked divine. They will always remember that.
I was just thinking this morning that I wouldn't mind a snow day or even a two hour delay. We have only had ONE snowy evening this winter. It makes me sad. I love me some snow, so I'm totally jealous.
ReplyDeleteWhat a glorious day!
ReplyDeleteWe are so deprived in Utah. No snow days EVER.
Well, there was ONE when I was growing up and I was out of town at a relatives wedding in Pocatello. My friends still talk about that beautiful, sleeping-in, homemade doughnuts, sledding down the street day.
ugh I hate snow. But it is fun for kids! Your kids look so happy in the photos!
ReplyDeleteI remember one snow day growing up in Utah. They are rare here because obviously Utah is all about the snow. It was a crazy day.
That is so fun. If I could spend snowy days like that, I would definitely enjoy winter more!
ReplyDeleteAs always, so perfectly, perfectly written. I loved it.
ReplyDeleteYour pictures perfectly captured all of it, too. You have such a gift.
I have been thinking about your last post and all of the things I am going to say in mine. It is a hard task for me. The thing that I didn't tell you before but I thought immediately was how you are beautiful without makeup and your eyes are a beautiful blue. I have always thought you had beautiful eyes but I had never noticed the intensity of the blue-ness. I was talking to my sister about the post (she lurks on your blog...uh, if you are reading this, *gulp* Hi, Stephie...) she said she noticed your beautiful blue eyes, too.
That is not a yard. It is a farm.
ReplyDeleteWhy does snow always look fun? I prefer that cold white stuff in pictures rather than reality.
A prefect day, indeed! How lucky to have a sledding hill right in your backyard!!
ReplyDeleteI love those days! I wish we could have a snow day every now and then so we could stop to enjoy life a little.
ReplyDeleteHow fun!! Because of the inversion in UT, we haven't been outside too much as of late. In fact, I haven't even taken my kids sledding yet. But after seeing this post, it's high time to take them to the hill just up the road. And I'm totally going to do grilled cheese afterward too.
ReplyDeleteSnow days are the best. You are a good mom to take them sledding with friends. So much fun!
ReplyDeleteBut then you got ANOTHER snow day - so fun!!!
ReplyDeleteThose pictures are AMAZING - especially the one of your daughter grinning from ear to ear.
ReplyDeleteAnd you slept until NINE? I honestly can't remember the last time I did that. DIVINE.
I just have to tell you:
ReplyDeleteDo you realize how popular you are? Everyone is doing the ugly posts (and it was fun by the way) and I happened to look at how many subscribers you have in google reader and you have one for every day of the year.
Now that, my friend is impressive.
Also, this doesn't have anything to do with anything, but the word verification word I just typed for this is: FLYCHIES
That's my new word of the day. I'm totally going to go use it in a sentence right now.
I am a california girl, but I am just a little sad I have never experienced an actual Snow Day!