Thursday, December 17, 2009

Lord help me, I love them something fierce

Today there was a shift in the universe. Did you feel it?

It happened about 6:30 tonight. I was driving home after taking one child to tae kwan do, and had carpool duty for the little ballerina and her friends at the same time. Both boys were in the car, begging to be let out as soon as we were within running distance of our neighborhood.

Apparently the soundtrack from Glee, combined with the high-pitched chatter of three little girls, was causing their heads to explode off their bodies.

I gave in today, as I was just too tired to fight them on it.

After dropping off the noisy ballerinas, I headed home, fervently wracking my brain for a dinner plan that did not include the words "Subway" or "Mc" anything. Unfortunately, the brain wracking was not netting me any brilliant ideas.

Tired, with feet hurting, I opened the door to the house and was met by a light, sweet scent. I set my purse and keys by the door and walked through the mudroom towards the kitchen. And then I stopped, a lump caught in my throat.

There were my boys. Cooking dinner. All by themselves.

This was a real first. And my mind could not help but flash back to a time when I'd walk in the door and frequently find my boys doing this instead:

They were an energetic pair, these two, that is for sure. Sometimes so bent on their loud and wild play that a wake of broken things was often left behind them. They destroyed a historic landmark and nearly caused me death by embarrassment in the process. Not to mention became walking birth control advertisements for more than a few younger siblings.

But here today, these once-terrors grew up just little a bit, right before my eyes. As I watched McKay confidently flipping the pancakes, and Chase at the stove scrambling some eggs, I got a little teary eyed. I thought back to those hard nights where it was all I could do to not fall down in a puddle of tears before bedtime rolled around. Days spent wrestling them in store checkout lines and then fearfully chasing after them in crowded parking lots. Wondering if they'd be this way forever.

Wondering how I would survive if they were.

But tonight they looked older to me than they ever have before. Chatting pleasantly with each other, they worked together doing such a grown up task. Taking it upon themselves to do something they knew would make my life just a little bit easier. It was a brief window into the men they are becoming. Men who have good hearts. Hearts at home in their sweet, pure souls. I stood there in the shadows, soaking it all in. A tear spilled out, and I caught it before it trickled down my cheek and betrayed my sudden rush of emotions.

Then all at once, Hannah brushed by me, threw off her coat and scrambled up to the bar.

"Yay! Pancakes!"

Yay pancakes, indeed.


  1. I love, love, love this.

    It's good to know there's hope. Today was "one of those days."

  2. They are going to be good husbands. And you know the feeling is mutual when it comes to your kids. LOVE THEM.

  3. I love that your kids are a little older than mine - it gives me hope!

    Love this post. Love pancakes and eggs for dinner, too. :)

  4. so so sweet. i am glad mckay has finally outgrown the 'fishie show'... what a trio you have. they are the cutest. if you ever need a wild one, invite benj over to rearrange some shelves. xo.

  5. Best story I have heard all week :) This gives me hope. Because, I am at the point where all I wanna do is fall down in the puddle of tears. I love my kids dearly but, damn! It is just hard sometimes.

    What sweet boys!! They are for sure on the nice list this Christmas!

  6. I am still living through the chasing-the-boys-through-parking-lots stage.

    This post very very encouraging.

  7. These are the days that make it all worth it. You are making me miss my two boys somethin fierce. Another Christmas will be spent without the boys. The only child is sad too. It's nice to know that after all the teasing and fighting that went on here for years they really like each other. I have great expectations for next Christmas.

  8. Merry Christmas, Mom. What a nice present. Between the five of us, we had subway sandwiches, spaghettios, and cereal. I don't remember the last time I cooked a meal. Tis the season!

  9. Such a sweet gesture. It's a Christmas miracle! Seriously, how is it they can drive you crazy one minute then melt your heart the next? That is awesome. How old are they again? I'm just trying to figure out when I might be surprised myself.

  10. Oh, Stie...that was so beautifully written.

    Such good boys.

    I LOVE the picture. Look at those darling faces. This post gave me hope that I cannot express. ☺

  11. So... all the years of threats that you'd cause bodily harm to them are paying off. Ain't it great when our offspring have a burst of something akin to maturity and love for their mother? That's a great Christmas gift!

  12. i'm with you. DONE with toddler years! do i miss them? in some teeny nostalgic type of way... yes. but do i really love the independence and maturity (all be it occasional at most)? absofreakinlutely.

  13. What good boys!

    (How much did they want to get paid?)

  14. Wonderful. Perfect. Thanks for sharing this.

  15. I just got goosebumps. What sweet boys. I truly hope Dylan does something like that one day...especially because I really love pancakes. :)

  16. That's so great to hear--in fact, in gives me great hope. It really does get better? I'm pretty sure that my boys would be the next ones to pull the same historical house destruction that yours did--only worse. Oh, and I have THREE of the little monsters so yes, I shake in my knickers every day.

  17. One day these boys of yours are going to make wonderful husbands! Love that they cooked you dinner.

  18. *hugs* well done for growing such great boys!
    I bet the pancakes tasted great!

  19. You've taught them well! How fun to get a little pay back. Your main man reminded me today that it's all worth it!

  20. I think it's nice that you were touched by this sweet act from your boys. But I see it as an act of self-preservation on their part. If they had to eat what you would cook, they would rather have pancakes...

  21. whoops, I meant to comment on this post but I put it on the one before this. Check it out. XOXO

  22. You mean there's HOPE??? :-) No, seriously, that's beautiful. Yay you!

    Yes, YOU. Because you raised them this way. :-)

  23. I absolutely loved this! Glad you had this little bit of validation. What a lucky/blessed girl you are...

  24. The last time I took your kids to McDonalds, Hannah was dancing on a table while I placed the order. I understand why you didn't select mcDonalds.
