Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Today, I am thirty-six.

Lots of people asked me today how I felt about turning over yet another year. And do you know what I said?

I feel so damn good.

For sure, my thirties are a lot more fun than my twenties. In my thirties, I no longer have to change diapers. Most nights I get a full eight hours of sleep. I feel more confident - like I am finally at home in my own skin. My wrinkles are not yet prominent enough to be requiring the botox. And I am slightly less concerned with how large my rear end is than I was in my twenties.

Only slightly.

But still. That's something, right?

Plus, I am actually getting paid to do something I love to do, on my own terms. I spend approximately seven hours every day all by myself. I have three beautiful kids who I can't wait to see at the end of those seven hours. I have a husband who, though out of town today, made sure to send two of my favorite birthday things: Cash and flowers.

I have friends who went above and beyond to make me feel loved and adored today. Friends that are like family. I have actual family who called and texted the birthday love. I have the Book of Face (which happily announces your birthday for you), thereby leading many old and new friends to wish me a happy day.

So as I sit here tonight, proofing pictures from a fabulously rich weekend in Philly, my new favorite soundtrack (Glee) is playing softly in the background, and I can't help but notice it --

I am just so blessed.

Can't wait to see what thirty-six has in store for me.


  1. Happy Birthday Christie!! You look fabulous. While I'm only in my late 20's I agree with the self confidence thing. I think I'm going to love my 30's. I can't wait. Glad to hear you had such a great day.

  2. Happy Birthday my spunky bloggy friend!

    You make 36 look fantastic (seriously). So happy for you spending your days now doing something creative that you love--not that you didn't before really, but now you get paid:) You have a wonderful eye for photography and your pictures are breathtaking.

    I have been listening to the glee soundtrack constantly--don't think I'll get sick of it!

  3. Happy Birthday!! You are fabulous and gorgeous and I love knowing you and calling you my friend!

    And if you are on FB then why are you not my friend? hmmm???? ;)

  4. I am 36 and still changing diapers.

    Hopefully my 40's are as good as your 30's. :)

  5. Happy Birthday beautiful, talented, funny, charming, spunky Christie! I ate some chocolate for you and bless my heart, it went straight to MY butt. i am a true friend.

  6. Happy Birthday, Stie! I hope you had a great day and that your darlings treated you like a queen.

  7. Happy Birthday! That color is so fabulous on you. I would love to buy that same jacket--where did you get it?

    I hope your day was fabulous. I'm so glad you love your thirties--me too.

  8. Maybe it's a sweater...either way I"m loving it.

  9. You're gorgeous! Happy Birthday! What an awesome post.

  10. And, you look so GOOD in 36. I love it! And ...you have made some very good points in that post. Wait a minute, I am 36 too, but I am not even CLOSE to getting 8 hrs of sleep/night. I guess my 36 is giving me wrinkles, big time.

    Hey...HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIEND!!! Guess what? I had your birthday on my old fashioned hard copy Franklin. No FB to remind this girl, no way. I am so glad it was a good day today and I am so glad that you feel so damn good. (don't let your kids catch you on that one). You deserve it, you have a lot going for you and I am glad that someone feels rested and rejuvinated. miss you.

  11. You are just beautiful -- inside and out. Hope someone baked you something yummy today. Happy, happy birthday, Stie dear.

  12. Happy Birthday!

    I am loving the 30s. So much better than the 20s. I may be still changing diapers, though. However, now my husband earns enough money to at least allow me to have awesome highlights while I wipe that bum. My 20s was spent too long with bad hair.

  13. Happy birthday! I hope it included some delicious chocolate cakem and was as delightful as you are.

  14. You are darling.

    Happy, happy Birthday!!!

  15. Happy happy day Stie! 36 looks good on you. Did you take your own portrait? Your hair looks really cute and that is a great color on you. Enjoy these wonderful years...and some cake.

  16. I am wondering who your photographer is. Maybe I'll fly her out to take my portrait! Happy Birthday!

  17. Happy Birthday! You look so happy. Wishing you a fantastic year.

  18. You are beautiful! That is such a great picture--that colors looks so wonderful on you! I am glad you got flowers and birthday cash. I hope you have a wonderful year!

  19. Happy Birthday! I didn't know! And you have the glee soundtrack? Lucky...Glad you enjoyed your day!

  20. Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!!!!!!!! You are truly one of my favorite bloggers!!

    Uh...what have I done...why am I 39 and still changing diapers?

    I love that you are comfy in your own skin. That is so wonderful.

    And I thought of you yesterday when I was driving and singing. I am glad that little old couple didn't call the highway patrol on you when you were getting jiggy to Stayin' Alive.

  21. I'm guessing I'm the only loser who actually talked to you on your birthday without wishing you one--you, you who were my first and last call of the day for a good long time, who I had withdrawals for when I moved, ah crap, sorry. I'll make up for it next weekend and make you some smokin' good waffles.
    loves, Emilly

  22. Wish I was one of those friends that lived close and still hung out with you...wish I was atleast a friend that mailed a card (WHAT THE CRAP? Just realized I could have done that-but I used FB instead-lame-next year...), so glad you are ok at being 36, I am dreading it! And where did you get the Glee soundtrack? We LOVE the music from that show!
    Love you tons!

  23. I didn't even start changing diapers until my 30's, so you are one step ahead of me!

    Enjoy 36, it's a great age and you look like you're lovin' it! I have to say, though, I like being in my 40's even better than my 30's. So, here's hoping that life will only continue to get more fabulous for you every year!

    Happy birthday, to one of my favorite, funniest bloggers!

  24. Glad to hear that you had a wonderful birthday. I am betting that 36 will pretty good for you!

  25. How did I miss your special day? 36 was a great year for me. The 40s are even better, I promise. Have a fantabulous year. BTW, love that color on you. You are georgous!

  26. happy birthday stie! hope everything about your day was amazing! you look it!

  27. aw.

    happy birthday. :)

    (p.s. i love my thirties too).

  28. Welcome to the 36 club. It's a great year!

  29. Sorry to be late... but Happy Happy!
    Hope it was a great one! And you look great! Love your hair!

  30. Happy Birthday to the most beautiful of Stie's.

  31. Happy Late birthday. Hope you had an awesome day.

  32. Happy Birthday again!

    I'll let you know how big my butt is in ten years.

    Love ya sis,


  33. Happy Birthday! I'm hoping my 40s are like your 30s...ie no diapers ;-) Beautiful pic!!

  34. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I really love that picture of you. I'm sort of dreading turning 30 next year, so thanks for making it sound so appealing!

  35. Happy Birthday, Christie! You look amazing, and I swear it's your sense of humor that has kept you looking and feeling young. Hope it's the best-est year yet!

  36. Happy belated birthday. I'm 36, still changing diapers, and pregnant. But right now, I am getting 8 hours of sleep. Definitely looking forward to seven hours by myself each day . . . in my 40s! Enjoy this year, you look fabulous and it sounds like you feel fabulous too.

  37. Happy Birthday. Lovely photo of you! Loving the Glee soundtrack too. Hope you had a wonderful day. x

  38. Dangit--I'm late, but...


    The 30's are best, for sure. Can you only imagine what our 40's will be like! Can't wait!

    The photo is simply gorgeous. You're a babe. (the UPS man thinks so, too)

  39. Happy Birthday sweet girl! I did remember your birthday. I've just been off the computer for a while. Hope you know how much you're loved!! You make 36 look pretty darn good!!!

  40. Happy Birthday - a little late. I will be joining you in thirty-sixdom in a few short weeks. I wish I looked as good as you! Hope you have a wonderful year!


  41. I feel like an idiot. I put the Glee soundtrack in the mail for you.

    It should come today or tomorrow...

  42. Awwwww! Happy birthday! I'm so happy to know you. :-)
