Monday, November 2, 2009

Photo Shoot Week

Hello, Monday. Is it you already?

There are lots of things I could share with you today. But I really don't feel like talking about Halloween and all the candy I've eaten over the last four days (neither do my thighs). I mean, seriously, there are candy bars in the store year-round. Why must I eat my weight in them every year between October 28th and November 1st? WHY?

I also don't want to remind myself of the 1.6 billion leaves currently blanketing my backyard. I am trying very hard to ignore them. I'm putting my fingers in my ears and singing LA LA LA LA whenever I walk by, hoping the leaves will magically disappear. Yes, have you met me? I live in Denial. It's lovely here.

And I am most certainly not going to talk about my new favorite obsession: The Pioneer Woman Cookbook. I've only had it a few days and I have already made several things from it which were richly laden with butter and sugar. Again, the thighs are begging for my silence. (But they will permit me to tell you that you really ought to buy the book. It's absolutely fantastic.)

One thing I do want to talk about is the plethora of photo shoots I have had the last few weeks. I have so many fun pictures to share with you. So many, in fact, that I am dubbing this week "Photo Shoot with Stie Week" and am going to show you nothing but the beautiful people I've been hanging around with.

Sadly, I don't get any cuter by association. It's not true what they say - beauty won't rub off on others. Crap.

Anyway, here is family K. One of my all-time favorite families EVER. Not only is this lady an entrepreneur, but she's classy, beautiful, and is a lot of fun on a road trip.

Plus, her husband? The master of all things You Tube. If it's funny and on the web, this guy can find it for you.

Here is the beautiful Bec and her daughter Chantalle (though I call her Chantanna Montana because of her super star-like posing abilities. She kind of liked that.)

Balancing out the girls in this family are these handsome devils.

Thanks, guys for letting me shoot your gorgeous family. It was so much fun.


  1. Great pictures! I love the fall colors! And the black and white picture looks amazing also.

  2. You take beautiful pictures. What a beautiful family! I love the yellow leaves and the black and white. You are truly an artist!

  3. Those are great pics! I love how vibrant the colors are. Great job Stie!

  4. I am so excited about that new cookbook. It's just wrong.

    Beautiful photography. We still haven't gotten ours done (the horror). I wish we lived closer.

  5. I LOVE that first shot... SO beautiful!
    What a great looking family!

    As always... good work!

  6. I had no idea that PW had a cookbook out. I follow her photography but not her cooking. Thanks for the tip! I just put it on hold at the library. Wo-hoo!

    Great pics! I can't wait to see more.

  7. I am soooo with you on the Halloween candy. Join me back on the bandwagon...there's a little bit of room here right next to me...sorry I'm taken up a bit more than my share :)

    Lovely, gorgeous photos.

  8. I am with you on the Halloween candy. eek.

    I just found out about that cookbook today and I WANT IT!

    Great pictures!

  9. So, we bought 2 bags of candy to pass out to trick or treaters. However, we only had 4 kids come to our door. That left the Husband and I to eat all of the leftover Snickers and Butterfingers. And sadly, they have been gone since yesterday.

  10. This year we passed out Twizzlers and Ring Pops. No temptations...

    Until the children came home, of course!

  11. As always BEAUTIFUL photots! You are so awesome!

    And...I SO SO SO want that cookbook! I love her! I read her blog and have her on Facebook!

  12. The Pioneer Lady was in SLC signing her cookbooks the other day. You should have come!

  13. I know. I have been eating candy like I have some sort of a death wish.

    You make me laugh. "I live in Denial. It's lovely here." Huh? I thought Denial was in Georgia...

    I love it when your thighs beg for silence. Mine have been begging for clemency from packing on extra mass to no avail.

    You are hilarious in print and in person. I love how you called her Chantanna Montanna.

    Beautiful pictures and such a great looking family!

  14. That first shot is fantastic! Love the orange leaves in the background of these shots. They are great! If I didn't live on the other side of the globe I would be stampeding over and begging you to shoot some engagement portraits for me!

    Thanks for dropping by my blog!

  15. I need to look into that cookbook... and the pictures look amazing! Great job!

  16. P.s. Left you a little blogging award over at my blog. If you're not into doing these things it's fine - just wanted to say Thanks for your comment on my blog!

  17. Great pictures. Are you the photographer for all your roadtrip friends? Those stories of Branson, MO and Amish Country have made me laugh.

  18. Great pictures. Are you the photographer for all your roadtrip friends? Those stories of Branson, MO and Amish Country have made me laugh.

  19. Hey stie!
    JEss here, just saying thanks for taking our pics on sunday! My mom adores your photography, and she spent about an hour just staring at our pictures! (I'll admit, I did too.) You took the best pictures possible when it comes to us spazchers! we really appreciate it! you did a great job with the k's, along with every other family you photograph! keep up the AWESOME work!

    P.S: photoshop has about everything, doesn't it? If only it had a deflate-jessica's-chubby-cheeks-tool!

  20. I LOVE that last shot! Oh my. Beauty.
