Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Photo Shoot Week - day two

Meet family S. While I love and adore their whole family, their sweet little girl has a special place in my heart. She's one of my little nursery friends, and she reminds me so much of Hannah when she was that age. It's like getting a second chance to play with your little one all over again. LOVE her. Love them.

We had the misfortune to time this shoot on one of the 28 stinking days of rain we had in the month of October. Needing to press forward and get it done anyway, we hid out under trees and awnings, and managed to get a few shots in spite of that.

I painted the sky blue in this particular shot because I was so annoyed with the rain. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have known that if I hadn't just told you. What say you, internets? Do you like the fake blue sky?

If only I could do that every day.

Are they not so darling together? I love shooting couples. It makes me so happy.

They really are a gorgeous family, no? And here I thought Michelle knew all the pretty people. I think these lovely Missourians are giving her peeps a run for their money.

Thanks, guys. LOVED this shoot (but hated the rain). Your family is so beautiful, so happy. That just rubbed off on me and brightened my whole day.


  1. We really have had awful weather, and I love the painted on sky. It looks very believable. Fabulous work!

  2. seriously, you can paint in a blue sky? wow. i'm impressed. i never would have guessed.

    your photos are always so incredible. you have real talent.

  3. Never would have known it was a rainy day. I also painted the gray sky in my wedding pictures.

    We just had our family pix taken and I hope they look halfway as good as these!

  4. Hi Christie. I just logged on after a week(plus) absence. To Chase: my condolences. To you: I love PW's recipes, did not know she had a cookbook, so thank you. Also, you are amazing. I want to be just like you in so many ways.

  5. I love the background...what beautiful colors! She reminds me of Tiffany Wickham...do you remember her?

  6. What more can I say?? You are AMAZING!

  7. You are an artist! These photos are beautiful, and I'd never have guessed it was raining.

  8. I would never have known about the sky-- good job!

    Just move here. You would never have to paint the sky. It is ALWAYS blue. :)

  9. Whoa...you cannot even tell that it was lousy, rainy weather!! Not only was the painted blue sky fantastic but you must have placed the awnings perfectly because it looks like a crisp, beautiful fall day.

    That's neat that you get to think about Hannah when you play with your Nursery friend. She and her brother are adorable.

  10. That blue sky melds well with the other hues in your picture.

  11. You did a great job in photoshop with that sky. Very impressed. Another adorable family - and lovely photos. They must be thrilled!

  12. Your blog was so much cooler before you started using PhotoBucket. I can't see any pictures. I hope your happy.

  13. Man, I wish you could be here to take our family picture. Bummer.

  14. Wonderful job! The photos look amazing!

  15. ...And the blue sky looks totally real!

  16. Can't wait for you to come and work your magic on the Philly crew.
