Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ah, the sense of humor someone has

So, you know how yesterday I posted about how awesome I am and how great my life is?

It's still all of those things. I'm just going to say it more quietly from here on out.

Life thought it would be funny and force me off that high horse today. It decided to send me two MORE sick kids, a husband whose business trip is extended by another few days, rain, a really bad hair day, a sleepless night, and an error of massive proportions on my part involving some clients' pictures and holiday cards.

All right. I get it. I'm not awesome and my life is not perfect.

Happy now, stupid universe?

Don't worry, though. I still think I'm awesome.


  1. I for one, want pictorial evidence of the bad hair day.

    Sorry about the sick need to hire a night nurse.

    You are awesome.

  2. That stupid universe always finds a way to humble us, doesn't it! You're great anyway because you always come through it!

  3. Here's to frizz free hair tomorrow, sunny skies that bring the husband home, chicken soup that cures the kids, and an easy solution to the picture problem.

    We still know your awesome too.

  4. sending hugs and chocolate! :)

    I hope the kids get well soon, the hubby show up on the doorstep ASAP and the photo issues find a solution (been there done that)

    Hang in there!

  5. I'm so sorry you have so many sick kids. Do not let them breathe on you.

  6. DAMN THE UNIVERSE! Good thing it doesn't effect your self-esteem. :)

  7. Ah, the universe's "correction" -- what goes up must come down. Hope the picture dilemma can be resolved!

    (I still think you're awesome!)

  8. life has a funny way of slapping us in the face now and then doesn't it.

  9. Hugs! Today is a new day. Hope the little ones feel better soon.

  10. At least these things decided to hit the day after your big day. Sorry. That stinks! Hope the children get well soon, that the husband comes home soon and you don't catch it!

  11. You ARE awesome if you have all that and can still write a funny post!

  12. Happy belated birthday, friend! Dylan almost shared his birthday with you. But, since you were just 1 day off, you were the closest guess!

  13. I hate it when Life proves itself a four letter word.

    You are awesome and I am glad you know that. I mean, just take it from me...I am obviously brilliant since I know how awesome you are.

  14. Oh that error of massive proportions scares me! Hope it all turns out ok. And that your kids get healthy soon!

  15. Darn universe! At least you didn't lose your funny!

  16. If you can emerge from a house riddled with swine flu and still know you're awesome, YOU'VE GOT IT GOING ON.


  17. I learned from baseball NEVER to talk outloud about your awesomeness...

    (You really are awesome though...) :)

  18. Dang Stie,

    It's almost starting to sound like you have a normal life. Saddle up.

  19. mmmm hmmmm. Lots of swine flu, ...lots and lots of swine flu. We did that too. Sorry, but it'll all be good soon, and I know you can fix the mistake. We CAN'T appreciate how awesome our lives are without those ones too, right?
