Saturday, October 3, 2009

Scratch that...

Turns out I was wrong about the cookie dough thing yesterday.

I feel it is now safe to assume that the third member of our disaster trio would be my OLDEST SON HAVING THE SWINE FLU.

If you need me, I'll be balled up in the fetal position, sucking my thumb, and rocking back and forth. Back and forth. Back and for.....ttt....hhh.


  1. Oh man!! Are you kidding me?!?! I hope that he gets better soon! I've heard that is really bad! I also hope it doesn't spread to the rest of your family!

    So sorry my friend! Here's to a better week next week!

  2. Holy cow. I'm so so sorry. I hope you don't all get it. Lock him up and sterilize the place. I've heard it's actually not that bad, it's just that anyone can get it so easily.

  3. Oh man, hang in there. I heard it can be just like the regular flu. Not fun by any means but not as bad as everyone thinks. Take care and eat some more cookie dough.

  4. Lame! Make more cookie dough-it's totally good for you.
    Love you! Keep him in solitary confinement-by himself-send a tray of food into his room on roller skates once in awhile. THAT is the worst part of sickness is wondering who the flip is next!?
    Once again-wish I was closer. I'd bring a diet coke to your porch and send you a text to let you know it's there. I'm nice like that but not interested in Swine Flu! :)

  5. I would be in tears. Hang in their. I was so bummed to read the earlier post and hadn't made it back to comment yet and now this...I am so sorry. I know it won't help but hang in their - we all things will get better

  6. HOLY! I'm so sorry. What a piece of crap week you're having.

    I think you're the only person in the world who can deliver the news "My kid has Swine Flu" and still make me laugh about it!

    I left you a Kudo on my blog. Go get it!

  7. Hang in there, Emma had it 2 weeks ago. It's wasn't as bad as I feared. Mostly fatigue, she slept and slept and missed 3 days of school. Cookie dough definitely helped me get through it.

  8. Oh, that really sucks!! Sorry about all the bad stuff! I think you need more cookie dough.

  9. i love how everyone's comments include the words "i've heard" which is the whole fuel behind the swine flu epidemic. rumors, blown out of proportion. it's ridiculous. not that i'm downplaying his illness, because surely he feels horrible. but i'm so sick of all the hype.

    oink oink.

  10. No! Not McKay...poor guy. Please give him hugs, kisses and cookies. We love that kid!

  11. How horrible! I'm so sorry for him and you.

  12. Oh I am sorry. A guy in my ward had it. He was isolated in his room for quite a few days and given antivirals. He recovered just fine. Praying for you.

  13. I pray that you are kidding. Good luck getting through the weekend!

  14. Ugh. I'm so sorry.

    Hmmmmm. Would it be rude to say that right now I'm glad we are only internet friends?!?!!?

    Kidding. Sorta. I'd probably be willing to bring dinner in if I could!

  15. Did you get some Tamiflu?

    Maybe you will get to read a lot. In between rocking and wiping his brow.

    Take care.

  16. You're the third family hit with it that I've heard of in the last 2 days. I guess it's starting to reach overdrive. Good luck!

  17. I'm with Paige: lock him up and slip him crackers under the door. The mama should NOT get swine flu. Hope you're surviving.

  18. Quarantine time!
    So sorry that the third disaster was such a whammy. And the first and second were too! Hope McKay is feeling better soon. May all the viruses be weak and lazy and not passed to the rest of you.

  19. So sorry to hear it, my internet friend. May you have a much less dramatic week now that the trio of trouble has passed.

    I'm with a lot of the commenters--cookies!!! If I lived closer, I'd bring you some. Hang in there!

  20. SWEEEET!!!! I LOVE it when kids have the flu! LOVE.IT. I swear I had the swine flu a couple of weeks ago. I was sick for three weeks. . . How do you know? I never went to the Dr. I am TOTALLY self diagnosed, but I am pretty sure I had it. :)

  21. NO WAY. What a week. Hope everyone is doing better soon. And cookie dough cures all ills. That whole stomache ache thing is a rumor.

  22. Oh, Christie, Oh McKay, I'm so sorry! Is he feeling better? I hope your Father in Law is well, also. Man, oh, man. I hope this week gets better for you.

    My prescription: Go see a movie. I think The Invention of Lying looks good.

  23. I think Eric and i had it a couple months ago. I came and went pretty fast- nothing like the normal flu, at least ours wasn't. Sorry about that- I always feel like everyday is Russian Roulet around here- never knowing what someone's gonna bring home. Life can be a little harsh sometimes, but...I am not worried about capable you.

  24. Nasty. I hope he is on the mend.

    And you too.

    And your Father in Law, and your car.

  25. I always make it a habit to scroll down and read the posts that I missed I get the full story of your life in order...I just read this post and, oh man...I'm so. so. sorry.

  26. What?! No one IN REAL LIFE actually gets swine flu. That's just for the news and stuff. Sorry for you guys!

  27. No Way!

    Are they closing the school down? That's what the crazy people did down here.

    I hope you are all doing okay!
