Friday, October 16, 2009

Helping you poor, sad souls

I am a weird person.

I know, right? You had absolutely NO IDEA.

Shut up.

I think the quirk that is most annoying to the Husband is my unflinching, urgent need to have our family Christmas card done before Halloween.

Yes. You read that right.

I seriously start to panic and will sit bolt-upright in bed in a cold sweat if it's not done and in my hot little hands. I am not sure why, but it is something I have accepted and made peace with after years of struggling in vain to wait.

The Husband is now trying to work through the issue in therapy, however.

But since it is, after all, ALMOST HALLOWEEN, I thought I would offer my services to the rest of you (as my own cards have been done since before Labor Day). I have been designing some Christmas cards and am now offering them as part of my photography packages (click over for the full line). I've been very busy doing family fall portraits and figured this was the perfect compliment to that.

Here, for your viewing pleasure, are a few samples that I have put together:
(Yes, this is what I do with my free time. Judge not. My kids have been home sick for two weeks.)

If you're interested in working with any of these designs or have ideas of your own, email me at stiesthoughts at gmail dot com and I will be more than happy to help you out.

Because, really, if you don't at least have the picture for your card yet? You had better get crackin. Halloween is in, like, two weeks, people!

[Insert the sound of me breathing in and out slowly into a paper bag for you here]


  1. I am comment number ONE???? Early morning commenting is a sick thing - blame early morning seminary! Anyway, I think you just get more and more talented each and every day! And I think the talent for coming up with pseudo names for all the people you know is at the top of your list..... WANDA!!!!! Wha ha ha HA! I may have to call her that!

  2. You are so talented! If you ever decide to travel down South to see the Rat (although your kids are probably getting to the age where they're not into Disney anymore), go on a cruise, etc. I would hire you. You are awesome and I love your work.

  3. These are all gorgeous! I'm ashamed to admit to you, I'm one of those people who is scrambling at the last minute (like 1st week of December) to try and get a decent photo for Christmas cards. I think you've just inspired me to get on it early this year.

  4. Love love the joy to the world card - the picture you chose to go with it matches perfectly.

  5. I love them all Stie--I feel a little celebrity-ish knowing I used to have daily contact with such a talent! love all your designs, and love you all.

  6. I love your photography and would use you for our christmas card photo in a heartbeat if we didn't live thousands of miles away.
    Our family tradition is family photo shoot on Thanksgiving morning. Does that make you nervous?

  7. These cards look SO great! I love them all!

  8. HA HA HA! I thought I was a freak. I am, though. But you are worse. I didn't know anyone could be worse than me. I'm currently working on mine, but they are not finished. Pictures done. Letter written. But I hand make all 100 of mine, so they can't be finished before Halloween. That's just too much.

    *Paper bag breathing*

  9. I love them all too. SO cute! I haven't even thought about cards yet...and I'm much like you. I feel the panic setting in! Must. Get. Picture. Taken. Soon.

  10. Talented. Talented. Talented.

    What can't you do?

  11. Uh yea, don't even have the picture taken I'm the one breathing in the paper bag.

  12. Sign us up. Could we meet someplace central, like Charm, Ohio?

  13. Those cards look great and I totally get the getting ready for Christmas in October and long suffering husband bit. I have about 10 presents wrapped. I can't help myself.

  14. Can't wait to get mine done, but so many choices.....

  15. They are absolutely beautiful. You have quite the gift.

  16. Each and every one of them look so great. I am dying over the cuteness of the, Naughty or Nice head shot of Sam and the one of Dan's family jumping up and down in the,Joy to the World one. Ah, so, so goooood...all of them!

    If I e-mail you a picture can you still make one or do you only work with pictures you have taken?

    I will e-mail you...don't worry about answering me here.

  17. I especially enjoyed the "Don and Cathy Thomas" family card this year. I hope I get that one in the mail.

  18. Stress me out why don't you? Now I am panicked about Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas now too. Either way we have to wait for the baby to be born before pictures though right? I need to calm down. And the card designs are masterpieces, really.

  19. Yeah I take the picture in December and then scramble to get them put together and out the door the week before Christmas.

    These are all so adorable and so clever! Love them!

  20. You have the mean gene. Taunting all of us who live a bazillion miles away with your talent.

    If your husband EVER comes to NorCal you better pack and come with him. I think you could make even me look good.

  21. I have the same question as Lauren....
    do you only do cards for pics you take? Because I LOVE your cards, but I'm in Ohio, and I'm guessing you won't be coming here anytime soon for a photo shoot:) So....what are your thoughts on doing cards for people who send you pictures???

  22. You're amazing!! Thank you for designing our Christmas Cards. I can't wait to get them in the mail!

  23. Amazing Amazing Amazing. Love the Christmas cards. And yes I do not have THE picture of my family yet...I better get crackin'.

  24. To have them done at all, let alone before halloween, would be a step in the right direction for me. These are beautiful, and they just might motivate me to send a few out this year.

  25. I am a NO CHRISTMAS TILL AFTER THANKSGIVING kinda person. Even with cards. I like ONE holiday at a time.

    It is seriously bugging me to go into stores and see witches next to turkeys next to Santa.

    Love your cards though. Just don't post anymore until the end of November. ;)

  26. WOW, you are amazing!!! i loved all of those cards. you have true talent!!

  27. these are all darling! i love all the designs and may have to steal the one with JOY jumping! so clever!
    talent is just a blooming!

  28. Talented, talented, talented... that's what you are!


  30. How can we get updated pictures and cards made in time? I LOVE them!!!

  31. Fantastic pics! You look like you've captured the fun in each family. And I'm feeling decidedly slackerish. I don't even DO Christmas cards. *bows head in shame*
