Friday, September 25, 2009

Sisterhood of the Traveling Shoes: Branson Edition

Me and the pink lovelies are packed and ready to go away (yes, again) for the weekend. This time, with just some friends. Headed down to born-again Las Vegas (aka: Branson). Don't have too much fun without me, peeps.

Dan: hope you like the latest shot of my feet. I did it just for you.


  1. Hope you have a great weekend, sounds like fun!

  2. Those shoes are going to have a great time. Isn't it time you pass them on to another sista?

  3. Your tootsies look all ready to go!

    These shoes are having all the fun.

  4. I can't wait to hear about your adventures. Do the Osmaond's kids do shows there? It sounds so wholesome. My oldest son got to go there a couple of times. He was in the Oklahoma Tulsa mission.

  5. Have a good time--hope you have some adventures to tell when you get back!

  6. The shoes are so great! I want a pair! Have a great weekend and Happy Belated Birthday to!

  7. Checking in after a long moratorium on blogging! Oh, how i've missed my daily dose of Stie.

    Those shoes. I want to snatch them and run.

    Have fun on your trip! And watch for a crazed blonde lady looking for a chance to shoe-snatch...

  8. I hope you had a fabulous time, Stie!!

    Your brother Dan has probably already copied and pasted this picture, huh?

  9. I hope you had a great time. I want an honest review: is Branson fun?

  10. What size are those shoes again? I'll show them a good time, send them to San Diego! Have fun.

  11. How was Branson? Fun and relaxing, I hope! Post about what it's like there...cannot picture Born Again Vegas.

  12. I love all the pics of your feet. Too bad I'm not a size 9. Why couldn't you have been a 7 and a half?

    I'm slowly catching up on blogs and yours is utterly to die for, as always. I think some of my favorite entries are those written about your kids. They are lovely and I really love the way you write about them.

  13. branson scares me. i once took my three kids there, along with my friend and her 9 kids. it scarred me for life. that and shoji.
